
  • 网络eye shadow;creamy eye shadow
  1. 有这种颜色的低变应原性眼影膏吗?

    Do you have a hypoallergenic eye shadow in this color ?

  2. 接下来的你也知道了,她抹眼影膏,穿高跟鞋。

    Next thing you know , she 's wearing eye shadow and high heels .

  3. 睫毛膏一种用于染黑睫毛的化妆品在眼睛周围涂上许多黑色的眼影膏

    A cosmetic applied to darken the eyelashes . Put a lot of Blacks around one 's eyes

  4. 你能得到用钱买得到的最好的眼影膏,世界上最奢侈的地基,一种直接从超级模特的化妆袋里拿来的铜色化妆品。

    You can have the best eyeshadow money can buy , the world 's most luxurious foundation , a bronzer straight from the cosmetic bag of a supermodel .

  5. 由于应用了增强现实技术(AR),美妆相机可以精确地探测到使用者的面部特征并进行虚拟化妆,——它不仅可以给用户的自拍相片涂眼影、睫毛膏,甚至能改变用户的发式。

    Using Augmented Reality ( AR ) technology , Makeup Plus can accurately detect a user 's facial features and apply virtual makeup - eyeshadow , mascara products and even hair styles - to the user 's selfie .

  6. 眼影和睫毛膏不要化烟熏妆了,眼部下方扑上透明的粉,因为这样可以更好地融合,任何肤色都适宜有效。

    To stop shadow and mascara from smudging , use a translucent powder underneath your eye because it blends in better and works on every skin tone .