
zhī shí chǎn quán hǎi ɡuān bǎo hù
  • customs protection of intellectual property rights
  1. 分析了我国知识产权海关保护制度的缺陷,提出了加强知识产权海关保护的对策。

    This paper analyzes on the defects of the system of Customs Protection of intellectual property rights in china , and advances some countermeasures on strengthening the Customs Protection of intellectual property rights .

  2. 知识产权海关保护是知识产权保护体系的重要组成部分,是新形势下海关肩负的一项重要职能,也是海关履行非传统职能的重要体现。

    The Customs Protection of intellectual property rights protection of intellectual property is an important component of the system , is under the new situation has an important function , is also the customs perform unconventional functions is important reflect .

  3. 知识产权海关保护的两种模式分析

    Analysis on the Two Modes of Customs Protection of Intellectual Property Right

  4. 知识产权海关保护便是行政权介入的一种典型形式。

    IPRs Customs Protection is a typical model form of administrative power .

  5. 中国建立健全了知识产权海关保护执法机制。

    China has established and improved its law enforcement mechanism for IPR customs protection .

  6. 中华人民共和国知识产权海关保护条例

    PRC Custom Regulation on IPR Protection

  7. 知识产权海关保护制度作为一项知识产权行政保护的边境措施,其理论基础并不复杂。

    IPRs Customs Protection is an administrative border measure , its theories contains no complicated foundation .

  8. 第五,在知识产权海关保护的纠纷解决方式中,引入调解制度,以弥补公力救济和私力救济的不足。

    Fifth , introduce the mediation system to compensate for the lack ofpublic relief and private relief .

  9. 宁波海关把风险分析等先进监管理念引入知识产权海关保护工作,有效提高了侵权货物的查获率。

    Ningbo Customs introduced monitor and control concept such as risk analysis into customs IPR protection and improved the seizing rate of infringed goods .

  10. 在欧美知识产权海关保护制度中,海关具有较大的执法主动权,这减轻了权利人的负担。

    In customs protection system for EU and US intellectual property , the Customs has greater law enforcement initiative , thus lightening the burden of holders .

  11. 知识产权海关保护是随着国际贸易的发展,为解决国际贸易中的知识产权侵权问题而产生并发展起来的。

    The IPRs Customs Protection system is developed with the development of international trade and with the solving of the problems of the torts of intellectual property in international trade .

  12. 以往对于知识产权海关保护制度的研究大多是从法学角度出发,很少从经济学角度对其进行研究。

    In the past , most scholars research the customs protection system of intellectual property protection based on the legal view and few people research the system form the economic view .

  13. 因此,本文在已有研究的基础之上,从经济学的角度出发,对我国知识产权海关保护制度的实效性及其带来的经济效益进行研究。

    Therefore , based on the existing research , this paper will research the effectiveness and economics benefits about the customs protection system of intellectual property protection form the economic point .

  14. 本文基于法律经济学的研究视角,采用规范分析、实证分析、案例分析和比较分析的方法,对我国以《知识产权海关保护条例》为核心的知识产权海关保护制度进行研究。

    Based on the perspective of law and economics , this paper analyses the customs protection system of intellectual property protection by the normative analysis , empirical analysis , case analysis , comparative analysis and so on .

  15. 知识产权海关保护制度是一国知识产权保护体系的有机组成部分,是维护知识产权权利人合法权利的有效途径。

    The customs protection system of intellectual property protection is an integral part of the system of intellectual property protection for a country . It is an effective way to protect the legitimate rights of intellectual property .

  16. 本文从海关、企业、法院三个角度出发,分析了我国知识产权海关保护的现状以及存在问题,提出了改进意见和方法。

    From the customs , the enterprise , court three angle embarking , have analyzed the present situation which as well as the existence question Our country Intellectual property rights Customs protect , gave the improvement comment and the method .

  17. 通过对我国现行知识产权海关保护法律制度的介绍与分析,并借鉴与知识产权海关保护相关的基本原理和法律依据,对问题发生原因进行了深入的理性思考。

    Through active to our country the Customs Protection of intellectual property rights legal system are introduced and analyzed , and the reference and the Customs Protection of intellectual property rights related to the basic principles and legal basis , the problems occurring reason undertook thorough rational thinking .

  18. 知识产权的海关保护涉及了公权力和私权利两方面保护必然矛盾复杂,理应根据我国当前国情来探索解决之路。

    Customs protection of the intellectual property involves in many public and private rights and interests , inevitable contradiction complex , ought to according to the actual situation to solve .

  19. 国际社会普遍认识到:实施知识产权的海关保护越来越成为国际间保护知识产权的有效手段之一。

    The international society comes to the common point that the customs protection of IP is more and more becoming one of the effective methods to protect the IP across countries .

  20. 中美知识产权谈判与我国知识产权海关保护制度的建立有直接关系,从中有我国知识产权海关保护制度建立的脉络。

    The three times China-America negotiation on IPRs have direct relationship on the establishment of our IPRs Customs Protection system .

  21. 首先,借助产权经济学相关理论,对知识产权的概念、特征、属性、以及知识产权海关保护制度进行分析。

    First of all , this section studies the concept of intellectual property rights , characteristics and the customs protection system of IPR with the theory of property rights economics .

  22. 笔者对当今国外海关关于知识产权保护的法律规定作了横向考察研究,特别是重点研究了美国、日本和欧盟等国家的知识产权海关保护法制的现状和新的发展趋势。

    The author compares the laws of foreign customs protection of intellectual property , especially that of the US , Japan and the Europe Union .