
  • 网络Knowledge Visualization
  1. 知识可视化作为学习工具的应用研究

    The Applied Research on the Knowledge Visualization as a Learning Tool

  2. 知识可视化在图书馆领域的应用前景展望

    Talking about the Application Prospects of Knowledge Visualization in Library Field

  3. 基于SVG的生物学知识可视化表示框架及其应用

    SVG-based Visualization Framework for Biological Knowledge Representation and Its Application

  4. 分析了当前生物学知识可视化表示方式存在的一些困难,提出了一种基于SVG的表示框架。

    There are inherent difficulties in biological knowledge representation based on raster graphics .

  5. 思维地图是David博士开发的一种新型知识可视化工具,其在教育领域具有巨大的应用潜能,目前国内外的许多学者都开始关注这个领域。

    Thinking Maps developed by Dr. David is a new type of visual knowledge tool , which has great potential application in the field of education . At present many scholars at home and abroad are beginning to pay attention to this field .

  6. 信息论可以为知识可视化视觉表征研究提供新的视角。

    Information theory can provide a new perspective for visual representation .

  7. 信息可视化和知识可视化的比较研究

    Comparative Research on the Information Visualization and the Knowledge Visualization

  8. 基于本体的知识可视化系统研究与实现

    Research and Implement of Knowledge Visualization System Based on Ontology

  9. 知识可视化视觉表征意义解读的方式为观看。

    The interpretation way of visual representation in knowledge visualization is watching .

  10. 地学知识可视化概念特征与研究进展

    Concept , Characteristics and Advances of Geographic Knowledge Visualization

  11. 知识可视化和可视分析在学科情报研究中的应用

    Knowledge Visualization and Visual Analysis in Subject Information Research

  12. 讨论了该方法的原理、知识可视化定义过程及实现技术。

    The principle , knowledge visualization definition process and realization technology are discussed .

  13. 知识可视化的理论与方法

    Theory and Methodology of Knowledge Visualization

  14. 然后分析了知识可视化与教育技术、知识工程的关系;

    After that , talked over the relationship of KV , educational technology , knowledge engineering .

  15. 为此,在已有研究成果的基础上,提出一种基于本体的关联知识可视化检索模型。

    This paper suggests an ontology-based related knowledge visualized retrieval model based on full study of current research .

  16. 随着知识可视化研究与应用的不断深入,视觉表征已经成为知识可视化研究的新要求。

    Under knowledge visualization research and in-depth application , visual representation has become the new requirement of knowledge visualization study .

  17. 区别于信息可视化,知识可视化的可视对象主要是经过信息组织后的知识。

    Discriminate with information visualization , the knowledge visualization is based on the knowledge which has been organized from information .

  18. 其次研究了知识可视化表达的一般方法,主要从知识可视化的形式和可视化参考模型两个角度来讨论;

    Secondly , the paper studied some general visualization methods to express knowledge . The studies include the form and the reference model of knowledge visualization .

  19. 为了促进知识可视化视觉表征的意义解读,需要从观看的角度对其进行设计。

    In order to promote the interpretation of visual representation in knowledge visualization , it is necessary to design visual interpretation from the angle of watching .

  20. 接着论述知识可视化的理论基础&双重编码理论,并从知识制品的角度分析知识可视化的本质;

    Then , It introduced Dual Coding Theory , which might be the theoretical basis of KV , and explored the essence of KV from the perspective of knowledge artifact .

  21. 概念地图是一种典型的知识可视化技术,能够促进右脑的发展,培养学生创造性的思维,优化知识结构。

    Concept map is one of a typical knowledge visualization technology , it can boost the right brain development , foster students ' creative thinking , and optimize the structure of knowledge .

  22. 在此基础上,从利用知识可视化改善工作记忆、促进知识传递和辅助知识重构三个方面提出了知识可视化在教学中的应用策略。

    Based of these , from the use of knowledge visualization to improve the working memory , facilitating knowledge transfer and supporting knowledge rebuild , this paper put forward three kinds of application strategies of knowledge visualization .

  23. 第四章知识可视化分类理论与应用框架以布卢姆认知目标分类(2001)理论为主要参照,构建了知识可视化分类理论框架,对知识可视化形式进行了基本分类,描述了知识可视化分类应用框架。

    Chapter 4 : A Theoretical and Applying Framework for Classifying Knowledge Visualization . This chapter constructs a theoretical framework for classifying knowledge visualization , describes a practical framework for classifying knowledge visualization as a learning tool based on Bloom 's Taxonomy ( 2001 ) .

  24. 近年来,知识可视化被人们广泛应用于知识的存取、交流、评估和日常管理等方面,在帮助人们提高学习绩效和有效解决信息过载等问题方面有着举足轻重的作用。

    In recent years , knowledge visualization has been widely used in knowledge access , communication , assessment and daily management , etc. Knowledge visualization has a pivotal role in helping people to improve learning performance and effective solution to such issues as information overload .

  25. 第五章知识可视化应用个案调查与应用策略通过个案调查,分析了知识可视化的应用情况,结合知识可视化分类理论与应用框架,提出了知识可视化应用的基本策略。

    Chapter 5 : A Case Study and Strategies for Applying Knowledge Visualization . After analyzing the data from a case study , this chapter advances strategies for applying knowledge visualization as a learning tool on the bases of the theoretical and practical framework for classifying knowledge visualization .

  26. 基于SOM聚类的文本挖掘知识展现可视化研究

    Research on Knowledge Visualization of Text Mining Based on SOM Cluster

  27. 该文正是针对这种需求,提出了可记录隐性知识的可视化知识建模语言(KnowledgeModelingLanguage,KML)。

    This thesis tries to meet this need by proposing a visualized knowledge modeling language called KML ( Knowledge Modeling Language ), which can be used to record tacit knowledge with complicated relationships .

  28. 基于知识和可视化技术的油泵设计研究

    Research on Fuel - pump Design Based on Knowledge and Visualization Technology

  29. 提出了基于知识和可视化技术的油泵设计方法。

    The fuel-pump designing method based on knowledge and visualization technology has been presented in this paper .

  30. 知识的可视化获取

    Visualization of Knowledge Acquisition