
zhī shí ɡēnɡ xīn
  • update one's knowledge;the updating of one's knowledge
  1. 想一想近些年医学知识更新得有多快。

    Think how rapidly medical knowledge has gone out of date in recent years .

  2. 可见,知识更新迫在眉睫,终身学习任务繁重。

    Obviously , the knowledge renews imminently , lifelong studies the duty to be arduous .

  3. 基于模态缺省理论的多Agent系统的知识更新

    Knowledge Update for Multi-agent Systems Based on Modal Default Logic

  4. 该模拟操作系统满足IMO和中国海事局的各项要求,满足各远洋船舶公司急需人才的培养与知识更新要求,对船舶轮机人员的培养具有一定的实用价值。

    The simulation operating system can meet the requirements of the IMO and Maritime Safety Administration , and meet the needs of the ocean shipping company in talents training and knowledge update , it has a certain practical value in training of ship engineer .

  5. 论中国企业家的管理知识更新

    On the Renovation of the Management Knowledge of China 's Entrepreneurs

  6. 加强农业推广人员知识更新和培训工作;

    Knowledge renewal and training of the staff should be strengthened .

  7. 近轴支持向量机及其在网络知识更新中的应用

    Proximal Support Vector Machine and the Application in Network Knowledge Updating

  8. 当今世界瞬息万变,知识更新速度越来越快。

    The world is changing faster and faster to update its knowledge .

  9. 你知道的,这个领域的信息和知识更新得很快。

    You know information and knowledge in this field update very fast .

  10. 专业技术人员知识更新补缺的研究

    The Study on Renewing Knowledge and Supplementing Knowledge of Special Technical Personnel

  11. 老区护理人员知识更新的思考

    Consideration on renewal of knowledge of nursing staff in the undeveloped area

  12. 部门的人才较为集中,知识更新快;

    Talent is concentrated in the department . Knowledge is updated quickly .

  13. 谈高校领导干部的知识更新与观念创新

    On the Renewal of Knowledge and Innovation of Ideas for College Administration

  14. 编辑的知识更新与农业科技期刊的可持续发展

    Knowledge Update of Editors and Sustainable Development of Agricultural Scientific and Technological Periodicals

  15. 加强教师的培养和知识更新;

    Training teachers and helping them update their knowledge ;

  16. 论材料力学的发展和知识更新

    The Development and Knowledge Updating in Mechanics of Materials

  17. 我们做的另一个关于,内容的实验是知识更新。

    Now another content experiment that we were doing was the knowledge update .

  18. 继续护理学教育是以知识更新为主的一种终身性的护理学教育。

    Continuous nursing education contributes to renewing professional knowledge all one 's life .

  19. 科研队伍知识更新的现状分析和对策研究

    The Status Analysis and Measure Research of R & D Staff 's Knowledge Renewal

  20. 关于控制论与动态语言知识更新的思考

    On Cybernetics and Dynamic Updating of Language Knowledge

  21. 随着知识更新速度的加快,终身学习日益成为人们普遍形成的观念。

    With the acceleration of knowledge updating , life-learning has become a common conception .

  22. 构建专业知识更新机制。

    To construct renewal mechanism of professional knowledge .

  23. 结论循证护理提高护理人员知识更新及综合素质水平;循证护理补充和完善整体护理的不足;

    Conclusions Evidence-based nursing can improve the knowledge renew and general quality of nursing personnel ;

  24. 阅读观念的更新是接受者知识更新的前提。

    The update concept of reading is a premise for knowledge refreshment of the reader .

  25. 知识更新、教材建设与创新教育

    Knowledge updating , textbook and creative education

  26. 当代大学生正处在一个信息激增、知识更新飞快的时代。

    Contemporary college students are in a surge of information , knowledge , fast update times .

  27. 企业家管理知识更新包括组织管理知识更新,战略管理知识更新,经营管理知识更新。知识更新的主要方向有:追求变革;

    Renovation of management knowledge includes those of organization management , strategy management and operation management .

  28. 10.你的知识更新快且与时俱进

    10.Your Knowledge Is Fresh and Up-to-Date

  29. 运用可持续发展的观点,探讨区域教育的实施可持续发展是一个系统工程,全社会都应关心和支持,从实际出发,抓好典型,实现知识更新和教学思想的转变。

    The view of using the continued development , discuss the implement of the regional education .

  30. 点燃知识更新之火

    Lighting the Flames of Knowledge Renewal