
  • 网络Knowledge process;intellectual process
  1. 研究表明记忆方法在获得知识过程中起着重要作用,尤其在语言学习方面。

    [ Abstract ] Research shows mnemonics plays a primary role in knowledge acquisition , especially in language learning .

  2. 总体而言,潜在吸收能力在企业网络嵌入性正向作用于获取知识过程中起到了调制作用,但是调制作用并不十分明显;

    To be specific , potential absorptive capacity has moderating effect on network embeddedness influencing the knowledge acquisition , but the effect is not very significant .

  3. 本文从知识过程管理、知识成果管理、知识者管理和知识资源环境管理四个角度对国外著名思想库的知识管理活动作了一个初步的考察。

    This paper elementarily sees about the knowledge management of global famous think tanks , including their knowledge process management , knowledge product management , knowledge worker management , and knowledge resource & environment management .

  4. 学习的过程是丰富知识的过程。

    The process of study is a process of enriching one 's knowledge .

  5. Web挖掘是从Web资源上抽取信息或知识的过程,它是将传统的数据挖掘的思想和方法应用于Web,从Web中抽取感兴趣的、潜在的、有用的模式和隐藏信息。

    Web Mining is the course of collecting information or knowledge from the Web .

  6. 所谓Web日志挖掘就是将Web日志数据引入到传统的数据挖掘当中,挖掘出知识的过程。

    The so-called web usage mining is the process of introducing the web log to the traditional data mining to find interesting things .

  7. 基于技能知识和过程虚拟的虚拟MEMS制造系统研究

    Research on Skill Knowledge and Process Simulation-Based Virtual MEMS Manufacturing System

  8. 面向复杂系统的知识发现过程模型KD(D&K)及其应用

    KD ( D & K ): A New Knowledge Discovery Process Model for Complex Systems

  9. 但由于RD联盟企业对知识转移过程及其产生的风险认识不足等,常常导致RD联盟的不稳定和创新效率低下。

    R & D alliance enterprises lack of understanding on knowledge transfer process and its awareness of the risks , which leads to its instability and innovation inefficiencies .

  10. 第三章详细分析了ERP实施过程中的知识转移过程,分析了实施过程中知识转移的必要性,提出了知识转移的目标,对实施过程的知识转移过程进行了价值分析。

    In chapter 3 , the paper analyses the process of knowledge transfer in detail , the necessity , the object , and it 's value in ERP implementation .

  11. 数据挖掘方法可以是无指导的知识发现过程(KDD:knowledgediscoveryindatabases),从大量的网络数据包中提取出人们感兴趣的、事先未知的知识和规律。

    Data mining methods can be in the form of unsupervised knowledge discovery process ( e.g. Knowledge Discovery in Databases ), extracting the pattern that people are interested , including prior knowledge of the unknown and the law from a large number of network packets .

  12. PKM是指个人能够利用通讯技术、计算机技术和网络技术,通过工具把个人拥有的各种资料、随手可得的信息变成更具有价值、利于工作、学习的知识的过程。

    It refers to the process that can transfer the various types of individuals readily available information to the knowledge that is more valuable and beneficial to work , study by the tools and with the communication technology , computer technology and network technology .

  13. 在OBM功能升级阶段,企业主要处于知识创新过程,可采取产品创新、自主创新或兼具合作创新模式。再次,行业特征会对企业的升级效果和升级方式产生较大的影响。

    At OBM process , enterprises are mainly in the knowledge innovation process , and could take product innovation , independent innovation or collaborative innovation mode . Thirdly , the industrial characteristics could have a great impact on the effects and methods of upgrading .

  14. 基于组织学习的知识创新过程研究

    Studies on the Process of Knowledge Innovation Based on Organizational Learning

  15. 多事业部企业内的知识转移过程及影响因素分析

    Analysis on Knowledge Transfer Process and Influencing Factors in Multiunit Companies

  16. 知识管理过程要素的互动作用机理研究

    Study on Interaction Mechanism of Elements in Process of Knowledge Management

  17. 基于知识增值过程的企业知识价值链研究

    Knowledge Value Chain Based on the Course of Knowledge Growth

  18. 全球制造网络中知识转移过程及影响因素研究

    The Research of Technology Transfer Processes in Global Manufacturing Networks

  19. 自主性技术创新的知识整合过程机理研究

    The mechanism of knowledge-integrating process in indigenous technological innovation process

  20. 挖掘则只是整个知识发现过程中的一个步骤。

    Mining is only one step in the overall process .

  21. 那么企业的知识管理过程与绩效关系究竟如何?

    What is exactly the relationship between knowledge management processes and organizational performance ?

  22. 方法来源于探索知识的过程,掌握物理科学方法既有助于开展科学研究,也有助于学习物理知识。

    Physics scientific method is beneficial to scientific research and learning physics knowledge .

  23. 基于工作流技术的知识推理过程建模及推理引擎的开发

    Research on Reasoning Process Modeling and Knowledge Engine Development Based on Workflow Technology

  24. 知识作业过程模型的验证性研究

    The Confirmatory Study on Model of Knowledge Task Process

  25. 跨国公司知识转移过程、影响因素与对策研究

    Study on Knowledge Transfer Process , Influencing Factors and Counter - measures within MNCs

  26. 群体决策中的知识构建过程

    Advances In Research On Constructive Group Decision Making Process Group Dates Signatures of Knowledge

  27. 知识发现过程中数据采掘的方法和应用

    Data-Mining Step of Knowledge Discovery in Database Process

  28. 本文研究了中国新媒体技术知识创新过程中的作用。

    This paper examines the role new media technology plays in knowledge creation in China .

  29. 知识服务过程改进探讨

    Improvement of Knowledge Service Process

  30. 另一些心理学家强调说:认知,即获取知识的过程远比习惯重要。

    Other psychologists stress that cognition , the act of knowing is far more important than habit .