
  • 网络short-range budget;Short-term Budget;Short-term Budgeting
  1. 不管是长期预算,还是短期预算,都有其自身的长处和短处。

    Both long-term and short-term budgeting has its own advantages and disadvantages .

  2. 很显然,短期预算是无法实现这一目标的。

    Obviously , shortterm budgeting is incapable of meeting this objective .

  3. 在做出广告购买选择时,营销客户必须在对短期预算的担忧和在亚洲的长期机会方面做出平衡。

    In making ad-buying choices , marketers must balance shorter-term budget concerns with longer-term opportunity in Asia .

  4. 用时计算功能旋转表圈从另一方面讲,长期预算与短期预算相比,更能发挥预算的效能。

    Elapsed time rotating bezel On the other hand , long-term budgeting may gain more budgeting value than shorter one .

  5. 销售预算是编制其他短期预算的基础,而销售预测则是整个预算结构的基石。

    It is foundation on which all other short-term budgets are prepared . Thus , the sales forecast is the keystone of the budget structure .

  6. imf总裁强调,他考虑的是短期的预算转移,而非永久安排,比如让德国扶持债台高筑的希腊和葡萄牙等国家。

    The IMF head stressed that he had in mind short-term budgetary transfers rather than a permanent arrangement under which Germany , for example , would prop up debt-burdened countries such as Greece and Portugal .

  7. 他们也需要找到并且确定短期和长期预算的费用。

    They also need to find and define the costs for budget planning in both the short and long term .

  8. 世行应对食品和经济危机的措施包括向脆弱和非脆弱国家提供快捷短期融资和预算支持。

    The World Bank has responded to the food and economic crises by providing rapid , short-term financing and budget support to fragile and non-fragile states alike .

  9. 英镑短期上涨说明周三预算公布前对英镑的抛空并不是市场的普遍行为,而进一步下跌也不太可能出现,因为利空消息已经被市场消化。

    Sterling bulls may argue that recent selling has been widely ahead of Wednesday 's Budget and any further losses are unlikely because the bad news is priced in .