
  • 网络masonry mortar;dry-mixed masonry mortar
  1. 主要完成了以下两个任务:1.通过灌入法检测砌筑砂浆抗压强度;2.用回弹仪检测当地混凝土小型空心砌块的回弹值。

    Two tasks have completed , the first was testing compressive strength of masonry mortar by penetration resistance method ; the second was inspection concrete small hollow block of compressive strength by rebound method .

  2. TJS砌筑砂浆外加剂的研制

    Development of admixture for TJS masonry mortar

  3. 特细砂砌筑砂浆7d推定28d抗压强度试验研究

    Experimental Study on Estimating 28d Compressive Strength of Super-fine Sand Masonry Mortar by 7d Compressive Strength

  4. 砌筑砂浆中粉煤灰合理掺量试验研究

    An experimental study on rational addition of fly-ash in masonry mortar

  5. 贯入法检测砌筑砂浆强度的应用实践

    Applied practice of masonry mortar strength detection with penetration resistance method

  6. 砌筑砂浆强度检测的若干问题探讨

    Approach to the Problems in the Strength Check of the Masonry Mortar

  7. 人工砂砌筑砂浆应用探讨

    Probing on application of masonry sand pulp with artificial sand

  8. 材料因素对保温砌筑砂浆性能的影响

    Materials ' influence on the property of insulating masonry mor-tar

  9. 灰砂砖专用砌筑砂浆的研究

    Study on special masonry mortars for sand - lime bricks

  10. 砌筑砂浆达不到设计要求的事故原因分析

    An Analysis on Accident Cause that Bonding Mortar Fails to Reach Design Requirement

  11. 砼小砌块专用砌筑砂浆及注芯砼的使用

    Usage of special masonry mortar of concrete small blocks and poured core concrete

  12. 砌筑砂浆增塑剂检验方法探讨

    Approach the test method for the masonry mortar plasticizer

  13. 粉煤灰保温砌筑砂浆的研究

    Research on Thermal Insulation Masonry Mortar with Fly Ash

  14. 混凝土小型空心砌块专用砌筑砂浆研究

    Research on mortar particularly for concrete small-sized hollow block

  15. 特细砂砌筑砂浆贯入法测强曲线试验研究

    Experimental study on intensity curve of superfine sand masonry mortar by penetration method

  16. 用废旧聚苯颗粒生产保温砌筑砂浆的试验研究

    With the polystyrene particles used in mortar production research

  17. 粒化高炉矿渣代砂配制保温砌筑砂浆的试验研究

    Testing Research of Thermal Insulating Bond Mortar with Steel Slag as Fine Aggregate

  18. 砌筑砂浆强度评定标准应有待提高

    Discussion on Evaluation Standard for Masonry Mortar Intensity

  19. 砌筑砂浆强度等级降低后的砌体结构安全性探讨

    On Masonry Structure Safety of Mortar Strength Downgrading

  20. 砌筑砂浆配合比设计规程

    Specification for mix proportion design of masonry mortar

  21. 现场砌筑砂浆筒强度试验方法

    In-site masonry mortar cylinder strength test method

  22. 粉煤灰和外加剂对商品湿拌砌筑砂浆性能的影响

    The effect of fly ash and additives on the performance of wet mixed commercial mortar

  23. 砌筑砂浆中存在问题分析

    Analysis on Problems Existing in Masonry Mortar

  24. 在砌筑砂浆中用Ⅲ级粉煤灰取代部分水泥的强度试验

    The Intensity Test about Putting Coal Ash ⅲ into the Building Mortar Instead of Some Cement

  25. 提高了砌筑砂浆的强度,改善了砂浆和易性、粘结力。

    The strength of masonry mortar is raised and the workability and bonding property are improved .

  26. 对墙体砌筑砂浆质量问题的探讨

    Approaching the Wall Masonry Quality

  27. 用标号超过425~的水泥配制砌筑砂浆,既不经济也不合理。

    The masonry mortar containing the cement with strength grading over 425 is neither economical nor reasonable .

  28. 贯入法是一种现场检测砌筑砂浆抗压强度的实用方法。

    Penetration resistance method is a practical method for testing the compressive strength of mortar in situ .

  29. 水下墩台砌筑砂浆耐久性分析及实践应用

    Durability analyzed of build mortar on pier desk under water and take necessary measure during design and constructing

  30. 从砌筑砂浆、抹灰砂浆、屋面找平层三方面进行了论述;

    And from three aspects as masonry mortar , plaster mortar and the roof leveling blanket the actions are discussed .