
  • 网络r&d investment
  1. 在多阶段研发投资的情况下,研发的评价方法及其价值如何确定?

    At more phases of R D investment , how to decide R D evaluating method and its value ?

  2. 发展中国家企业的追赶式境外研发投资,是一种“逆向型投资”行为,有其自身的规律与特点,学术界对其尚缺乏足够关注。

    " Catch-up " oversea R D investment is that developing nations'enterprises implement R D investments in developed nations to follow and catch up the advanced technologies .

  3. 在中国进行研发投资的外国公司中,美国公司最为活跃——根据fDiMarkets的数据,去年,有32家美国公司在中国36个项目上支出16亿美元。

    US companies are the most active R & D investors in China , with 32 companies spending $ 1.6bn on 36 projects in 2014 , according to fDi Markets .

  4. SPRI公司研发投资模式绩效分析

    The Analysis of SPRI Company 's Performance of R & D Investment Model

  5. 而轿车产业是汽车产业中对GDP的贡献率最大、技术含量最高的部分,2005年其产量比例已占据整个汽车产业的一半以上,引进技术投入和研发投资也远远高于汽车产业的其他部分。

    And car industry contributes most to GDP and features with the highest technology in motor industry . Its output occupied over half of the motor industry in 2005 , and the investment of import technology and R & D are also much higher than other product sectors .

  6. 咨询公司麦肯锡(McKinsey)的数据显示,2007年至2012年期间,中国的生物研发投资规模以每年33%的复合增长率增长,而亚太其他国家的平均增长率是7%。

    Between 2007 and 2012 , Chinese investment in biomedical RD grew at a compound annual rate of 33 per cent , compared with an average 7 per cent in the rest of Asia-Pacific , according to McKinsey , the consultant .

  7. 到目前为止,来自大型跨国公司的投资印度只能设法吸引3.6亿美元的药物研发投资-只占总数的很少一部分,Kaul说,同时他也表示,中国正处于相同的境地。

    So far , India has only managed to attract $ 360m in drug discovery investment by foreign multinationals-a pitiful sum , said Kaul , who added that China is currently in the same position .

  8. 长序列累积创新下的研发投资和可专利性要求

    R & D and Patentability in the Long Sequential Cumulative Innovation

  9. 第三章是理论基础与制度背景分析。该章主要基于代理理论对管理层薪酬和研发投资进行了研究,共三节。

    The third chapter is theoretical analysis , including three parts .

  10. 研发投资国际化的基本状况。

    Basic status of the internationalization of R & D investment .

  11. 新兴技术的研发投资决策

    New Technology The Decision of R & D Investment of Emerging Technology

  12. 中国私部门农业研发投资的现状和变化趋势

    Private Agricultural Research Investments in China : Current Situation and Past Trend

  13. 日本、韩国在华研发投资的比较分析

    Comparative analysis of R & D investment by Japan and Korea in China

  14. 第三节分析了国内外研发投资的现状。

    The last part analyzes the research situation on R & D investment .

  15. 研发投资效率与社会总体质量水平

    Research and Development Efficiency and General Social Quality Level

  16. 管理层薪酬契约与研发投资关系研究

    Research on the Relationship between Management Compensation Contract and R & D Investment

  17. 专利联盟;创新效应;研发投资;形成困境;序贯谈判;

    Patent Pools Innovation Effect R & D Investment Coalition Dilemma Sequential Negotiation ;

  18. 中国企业研发投资创造成长机会的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on R & D Investment Generating Growth Opportunities of Chinese Enterprises

  19. 加强我国海外研发投资的试点及规划

    Study on Enhancing the Planning and Experiment site of China Oversea R & D

  20. 协作研发投资的柔性价值:基于实物期权视角

    Flexible Value of Cooperative R & D Based on " Real Option " Theory

  21. 论国际研发投资中的东道国投资促进政策的选择

    Study on the Host Country 's Investment Promotion Policy Choices in the RD Investment

  22. 本文主要从五个层次对跨国公司研发投资的新变化进行研究,并针对中国的实际情况提出一些建议。

    This paper has five parts and some suggestions to China in the end .

  23. 第一阶段,选择研发投资;

    In the first phase , enterprises select the level of capital for R & D.

  24. 技术创新型企业研发投资的三阶段博弈&基于吸收能力的观点

    Three Stage Game of Technical Innovation Firms & Based on the Conception of Absorptive Capacity

  25. 跨国公司在京研发投资区位集群效应实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on the Clustering Effect of R & D Investment by MNCs in Beijing

  26. 创新能力不对称企业研发投资策略时机研究

    A Study of Strategic R & D Investment Timing of Firms with Asymmetric Innovation Capability

  27. 企业海外研发投资的公共区位因子及实证分析

    A Practical Analysis for Common Location Factors on Overseas R & D Investment by Enterprises

  28. 这些结果显示,发展中国家的研发投资也增加了。

    The results show that R & D investment has also increased in developing countries .

  29. 研发投资是公司内部投资行为,更容易受到经理权力的影响。

    R & D is totally internal investment behavior , could be influenced easily by executives .

  30. 但是企业要加大研发投资,必然会增加对相应资本的需求,而资本的增加必然会涉及到企业融资。

    Increasing R & D investment needs capital requirements , and capital deepening involves corporate finance .