
  1. 投氯量和接触时间对E.破产免责制度研究

    Of contact time . On bankruptcy Discharge

  2. 结论:QMN是一种较好的模拟Bursting放电的刺激条件。破产免责制度研究

    CONCLUSION : QMN is a good tool to study bursting discharge . On bankruptcy Discharge

  3. 破产免责制度在自然人破产的救济政策中处于核心地位。

    Bankruptcy discharge is the nuclear relief provided by individual bankruptcy .

  4. 自然人破产免责制度刍议

    Discussion on Responsibility Free System of Natural Person 's Bankruptcy

  5. 城市达标污水的处置技术破产免责制度研究

    Study on the disposal technology of urban permitted discharge On bankruptcy Discharge

  6. 可交易水污染许可证发展现状与应用前景破产免责制度研究

    Review of tradeable discharge permits system and its prospective application on bankruptcy discharge

  7. 重防腐涂料及其应用破产免责制度研究

    Heavy - Duty Anticorrosive Coatings On bankruptcy Discharge

  8. 为什么建立破产免责制度?

    Why to establish such a system ?

  9. 破产免责制度的历史考察

    A Historical Research on Bankruptcy Discharge

  10. 除此外,个人破产免责制度有利于营造市场经济环境的公平。

    In addition ,, the personal bankruptcy exemption system is benefit to create a market with fair environment .

  11. 一言以蔽之,破产免责制度的构建乃大势所趋。

    In one word , it is an irresistible trend that we establish the system of bankruptcy exemption .

  12. 随着破产免责制度的产生、确立和发展,各国纷纷在其破产法中作了具体规定。二、两大法系代表性国家破产法上的别除权。

    Many countries have made detailed description about bankruptcy relief after its birth and development . Second is bankruptcy relief system .

  13. 通过对比各国破产免责制度产生前后破产立法的变化,本文认为破产免责产生之前,破产法的重心在于保护债权人的利益;

    The author thinks that the core of the bankruptcy law was to regulate the relation between creditors and debtors before the discharge system emerged .

  14. 破产免责制度是针对自然人破产而设立的一项重要制度,具有保护债权人的利益和保障诚实债务人获得重生的双重价值。

    The discharge system of bankruptcy is an important part on natural person 's bankruptcy , which has two values of protecting the interests of creditor and saving the honest debtor .

  15. 作者从法律价值理论出发,结合免责产生的历史,论述了破产免责制度的两个主要价值:第一个是它的手段价值和目的价值,即给予债务人以免责利益和对债权人进行公平清偿;

    According to the legal value theory and the system 's history , the author expounds the two main values of the system . The first is its medium value and its objective value .

  16. 而个人破产免责制度作为个人破产法的核心内容和必要条件,直接决定着个人破产法能否出台及什么时候出台。

    The personal bankruptcy exemption system , as the core content and the necessary conditions of personal bankruptcy law , will determine whether the introduction of the personal bankruptcy law , and when introduced .

  17. 由于我国目前还没有个人破产免责制度,所以作者将国际上现存的个人破产免责的不同模式、条件、效力等具体制度系统化。

    Since China is currently no system of personal bankruptcy exemption , the author of the internationally existing different models of personal bankruptcy exemption , conditions , effectiveness , etc. straighten out the specific system .

  18. 作者首先明确了个人破产免责制度的内涵,即破产债务人在破产程序终结后,对其未能依破产程序清偿的剩余债务,免除其继续清偿的责任。

    The author first defines the meaning of personal bankruptcy exemption system . Insolvent debtor in the bankruptcy proceedings , the insolvency proceedings for failing to pay off its remaining debts to pay off exempt from its responsibility .

  19. 其次,个人破产免责制度与我国现行法律体系中的各部门法存在诸多断层,使得一些重要概念的内涵或外延界定模糊,必然产生法律适用上的冲突。

    Second , there are many faults between the personal bankruptcy exemption system and the legal systems in our current law , which makes the content or epitaxial of some conception vague . Problems of confliction on the law applicable are arising .

  20. 而后又对自由财产制度、破产免责制度、破产失权与复权制度等实体制度以及简易程序制度、破产和解制度等程序制度的构建提出了一些立法建议。

    In the body part , the author proposes several suggestions on the construction of substantive systems like Free Property System , Bankruptcy Disclaimer System , Bankruptcy Losing Right and Rehabilitation System , and procedural systems like Summary Procedure System and Bankruptcy Reconciliation System .

  21. 破产目的与免责制度的建立

    The Purpose of Bankruptcy and the Establishment of Free Responsibility

  22. 第二部分为实体性制度,分别涉及自由财产制度、人格破产与复权制度、破产免责制度、破产无效行为和撤销权制度,第三节为个人破产犯罪。

    The second section is about the design of the substantive system . It includes the free capital system , personal bankruptcy , compound right system , debt relief system , the void action of bankruptcy and the right of rescission .

  23. 随着社会的发展,应当借鉴国外先进立法经验,确立自然人破产制度,构建适合我国国情的破产免责制度。

    With the development of society , we should introduce the advanced experiences of legislation from abroad , establish the bankruptcy system on natural person and make up the system of bankrupt exemption from liability which is suited to the condition of China .

  24. 作为现代自然人破产制度中最为体现对诚实而不幸的债务人施以救济的破产免责制度,在其产生之初只不过是辅助债权人实现债权的手段之一。

    Discharge , which protects the rights and interests of the honest debtors in modern natural person bankruptcy systems , is also one of the means to achieve creditors ' rights .

  25. 其次,作者对个人破产免责理论的产生、发展进行了纵向梳理,并且指出虽然我国目前还没有建立个人破产免责制度,但它在我国的历史上却的的确确出现过。

    Second , the authors have personal bankruptcy exemption theory , development of the vertical comb , and pointed out that although China is still not established personal bankruptcy exemption system , but it is in our history there have been very real .