
  • 网络Bankraptcy remedy;bankruptcy relief
  1. 破产企业职工的救济、安置是破产立法应当充分予以考虑的重要问题。

    The relief or aftercare of the employees of the bankrupted enterprises are the major problems that should be fully considered in the bankruptcy legislation .

  2. 破产免责制度在自然人破产的救济政策中处于核心地位。

    Bankruptcy discharge is the nuclear relief provided by individual bankruptcy .

  3. 但是由于企业破产程序的冗长,实际上除了一些国有企业的员工可以通过破产程序得到救济外,很多企业的员工其欠薪根本无法及时得到补偿。

    However , due to the lengthy proceedings of corporate insolvency , in fact , only some employees of state-owned enterprises can get relief through the bankruptcy proceedings , a lot of employees got their compensation unpaid .