- 动break water; flow of amniotic fluid at child birth;waters burst

In Toronto Canada cities usually has a break water , every year each line three miles .
At the same time , the uncertainty analysis of the form factor ( 1 + k ), Froude number Fr and the break water resistance of this ship model is also analyzed and the analysis results are given .
See red and broken water is the most common .
Joey : Water breaking , what do you mean ?
My waters break in a huge gush at the most inconvinient time
I enjoyed the breath-taking scene of the moon rising over the sea .
Water breaking ? What do you mean ? What was that ? Water breaking ?
Nurse : It 's just her water breaking . Calm down , will you ?
He kicked powerfully , broke through to the surface and inhaled , coughing and spitting out mouthfuls of water .
And that it was powerful enough to breach out of the water to that height , just to fit the drama and to make it spectacular .
He comes into the light of every-day like a great leviathan of the deep , breaking the smooth surface of accepted things , gay , serious , sportive .
Strong winds , a dwindling supply of food , and a broken water maker meant she had to change course and head to the atoll of Tarawa instead .
The dolphin were cutting through the water below the flight of the fish and would be in the water , driving at speed , when the fish dropped .
RESULTS The incidence rate of vagina bacterial infection in pregnancy is 8.45 % . The pathogenic factors are related to working environment , personal hygiene knowledge , dirty sexual behavior , etc.
Alaska , Breaching Whale , 1999 " Whale-watchers flock to such spectacles [ as breaching ] during the spring-to-fall feeding season off Alaska , while scientists debate whether groups of whales hunt cooperatively . "
I still remembered the night when I was in my dream , and I started feeling something wrong , and I shook my husband and said , " Honey , my water broke ! " Jessica : Jessica : Your husband must have freaked out ? Yes , he did .
In applications of low-temperature formation ( from 30 to 50 ℃ ), the fracturing fluid is broken by the oxidant and exciting agent .
This kind of fracturing fluid have the property of low harm and thorough gel breaker water . It apply to deep and low permeability oilfield below the temperature of 150 ℃ .
The pipe burst and jets of water shot across the kitchen .
Its dehydration rate and inhibitor efficiency show that the breaker has good solubility with good quality of dehydrated water and without corrosive nature .
Overburden Failure in Thin Bedrock and Characteristics of Mixed Water and Sand Flow Induced by Mining
In addition , it can raise the effective content of gel breaking composition , improve the reverse discharging effect and minimize the damage to formation and proppant , thus enhance stimulation results .
Comparison with measurements shows a satisfactory agreement . Also , the processes of the transformation of wave energy into turbulent energy , the dissipation and transport of turbulent energy by convection and diffusion are discussed .