
què dìnɡ xìnɡ suàn fǎ
  • deterministic algorithm
  1. 在此基础上,研究讨论了运用MPI对三种确定性算法进行并行化设计。

    Based on this , it studies and discusses the parallel program design of three deterministic algorithm used MPI .

  2. Schoof算法是一种确定性算法,用于计算有限域Fq上椭圆曲线上的点的个数GFq。

    Schoof ′ s algorithm is a deterministic algorithm to compute the number of Fq-points of an ellipse curve that is defined over a finite field Fq .

  3. 结构方程模型确定性算法与CSI应用系统

    The CSI Application System Based on Structural Equation Model Determinate Algorithm

  4. 但是作为确定性算法的MRP算法在均衡网络负载方面不如随机性算法。

    But , as a confirmability algorithm , it does not work well as random algorithm in network load balancing .

  5. 首先,引入一种简单的图着色非确定性算法;其次,根据算法设计不同种类的DNA瓦片;最后,说明自组装过程并对模型复杂性进行讨论。

    Firstly , a non-deterministic algorithm is introduced . Then , different types of DNA tiles are designed according to the algorithm . Lastly , the self-assembling process is demonstrated and the complexity of the model is discussed .

  6. 求解非线性整数规划问题的算法基本可以分为两大类:一类是基于Monte-Carlo方法的随机算法,另一类是确定性算法。

    The algorithms about solving nonlinear integer programming can be divided into two classes , one is stochastic al-gorithm based on Monte-Carlo method , the other one is certain algorithm .

  7. 目前,对标签防碰撞算法的各种研究主要以ALOHA为基础的不确定性算法和以二进制搜索为基础的确定性算法两个方向为主。

    Currently , researches on the anti-collision algorithm mainly focus on the nondeterministic algorithms based on Aloha and the deterministic algorithms based on binary search .

  8. 在介绍了射频识别的系统结构、技术基础之后,主要对标签防碰撞算法中的非确定性算法(ALOHA算法)和确定性算法(二进制树算法)进行了研究。

    After introducing the structure and the technology-based of RFID system , thenon-deterministic algorithm ( ALOHA algorithm ) and deterministic algorithms ( binary treealgorithm ) were studied mainly .

  9. 一个求总极值的变测度算法及其收敛性求总极值的某些确定性算法&连续变量和整变量情况

    A Variable Measure Algorithm for Solving Global Optimization and its Convergence

  10. 进化算法与确定性算法在优化控制问题中的收敛性对比

    Comparison of convergence between evolutionary algorithms and deterministic algorithms for optimal control problem

  11. 确定性算法通常不能保证得到吉布斯自由能最小值;

    The deterministic techniques cannot promise the global minimum of Gibbs free energy .

  12. 变测度的积分-水平集确定性算法

    Variable measure deterministic algorithm of an integral-level set method

  13. 全局优化算法可分为随机性算法和确定性算法。

    Global optimization algorithms can be classified into two types : stochastic techniques and deterministic techniques .

  14. 求全局最优化的几种确定性算法

    Some Deterministic Algorithms for Global Optimization

  15. 视觉跟踪算法主要分为两大类:确定性算法和随机性算法。

    Roughly , visual tracking algorithms can be divided into two main classes : deterministic tracking and stochastic tracking .

  16. 我们的命运有一天或许会取决于确定性算法,对很多人来说这是一幅骇人的反乌托邦图景。

    That our fate might one day lie with deterministic algorithms is for many people a frighteningly dystopian vision .

  17. 近年来,国内外学者在该领域的工作取得了许多成果,提出了两种类型的分布式无线传感器网络密钥管理方法:随机性算法和确定性算法。

    Recently , researchers have proposed two kinds of key management schemes in distributed wireless sensor networks : random and deterministic algorithms .

  18. 蒙特卡罗方法与确定性算法不同,是一种用随机数来解决各种计算问题的概率算法。

    Monte-Carlo methods are probability methods for solving various kinds of computational problems by using random numbers , as opposed to deterministic algorithms .

  19. 该算法综合了随机性和确定性算法的优点,其性能优于一般的随机性算法。

    The proposed algorithm has the advantages of both stochastic and deterministic algorithms . the performance of proposed algorithm is superior to ordinary stochastic algorithm .

  20. 随着以遗传算法为代表的随机性优化算法的出现,确定性算法中存在的困难问题得到很好的解决。

    With stochastic optimization algorithms , which take genetic algorithms as representative , appearing in , the difficult problems in deterministic algorithms can be solved well .

  21. 遗传算法(以及普遍意义上的进化算法)出现在20世纪60年代早期,并在计算机科学的确定性和非确定性算法之间占据了一席之位。

    Emerging in the early1960s , the genetic algorithm ( and evolutionary algorithms in general ) took a place in computer science between deterministic and non-deterministic algorithms .

  22. 通过与角系数法(确定性算法)的计算结果相比较,验证了用蒙特卡洛法计算此类问题时所建立或采用的有关模型及计算方法的正确和灵活性。

    By comparing the calculating results with that of the angle factor method , the reliability and flexibility are verified for the Monte-Carlo Method and the involved models and numerical approach .

  23. 运用遗传算法处理数据时,模型参数初始估计的优良性要求可大幅度降低,而确定性算法的有效运用必须提供优良的初始参数估计。

    During disposing data , excellent requirement of original model parameter estimate of genetic algorithms can be declined greatly , however efficient apply of confirmable algorithms must be provided with excellent original parameter estimate .

  24. 将确定性优化算法和Pareto阵面概念结合起来处理了多目标优化设计问题;

    Deterministic optimization methods are combined with the Pareto front concept to solve multi-criterion design problems .

  25. 构造了一个基于半确定性遗传算法的RBF网络训练算法,此算法全面地考虑了RBF网络的隐层单元数、网络中心、宽度和权重。

    A new learning algorithm based on the half-determined GA for RBF NN is proposed , which considers the number of the units in the hidden-layer the centers % the width and the weight of RBF NN .

  26. 与传统的实值非选择算法相比,PT-RNSA是一种确定性的算法,可以确保除边界区域外的非我区域均可被成熟检测器覆盖。

    The PT-RNSA is a deterministic algorithm . It can ensure to cover the whole non-self space except the boundary area .

  27. 改进的频域盲分离排序不确定性消除算法

    Improved Algorithm to Eliminate Permutation Indetermination of Frequency Domain Blind Source Separation

  28. 确定性退火算法在伪装入侵行为检测中的应用

    Detecting Masquerades in Intrusion Detection Based on Deterministic Annealing

  29. 仿真结果表明了各种确定性控制算法是正确的和有效的。

    The simulation results show the proposed deterministic controllers are right and effective .

  30. 自适应路由算法优于确定性路由算法

    Adaptive Routing Algorithm Excel in Deterministic Routing Algorithm