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suì huā
  • shivering;design of scattered small flower sand plants
碎花 [suì huā]
  • [design of scattered small flowersand plants] 花形小而密布的花卉图案

碎花[suì huā]
  1. 当然,如果你钟情于通体碎花,那么就尝试用连体短裤(也称“连体衣”)来打造一个甜美Look吧。

    If , however , you 're a big fan of floral patterns , try short jumpsuits , also known as rompers , for a sweet look .

  2. 这条是Topshop里的KateMoss系列,蕾丝修边的碎花裙,售价145美元。

    Chiffon with lace trim dress , Kate Moss fr Topshop , $ 145 ;

  3. Asian-inspired或者tropical,已经在即将到来的季节里准备好带来铺天盖地的碎花。

    Liberty , Asian-inspired , or tropical , get ready to see a real explosion of floral prints for the upcoming season .

  4. 品牌BoraAksu的新系列在大号条纹衬衫和西装上增添流畅半透明的褶边,配以碎花印花,十分迷人。

    The new series of the brand Bora Aksu adds translucent frills on large-sized striped shirt and suit , matching with With floral print , which is very attractive .

  5. 凯特的裙装为凯瑟琳-沃克品牌,夏洛特身穿的是一件碎花连衣裙。

    Kate in Catherine Walker and Charlotte in a flower-covered frock .

  6. 少了一条裤子,齐膝长的碎花裙。

    And a dress is missing . it 's knee-length with flowers .

  7. 凶手是一个穿着碎花女服的男人。

    A man in women 's clothing was spotted .

  8. 一个受欢迎的年轻的天才;上一季碎花衣服的娃娃很受欢迎。

    One of the hot young talents ; cabbage patch dolls were hot last season .

  9. 产品说明:点点碎花装点着你的房间,给夏天带来一丝清凉。

    Product description : little flower was decorated with your room , to bring a cool summer .

  10. 随着2010年小碎花和大印花的流行,连身裤也随即多元化了起来。

    With the2010 printing of small and large Floral popular , Baby pants also went up diversification .

  11. 再加一点能够填饱肚子的碎花生,你一定会喜欢这种咸甜交错的口味的。

    Add a handful of chopped peanuts for some belly-filling fat and that sweet-and-salty flavor you crave .

  12. 布朗夫人飘逸的碎花短裙和大风让我分神了。

    I got distracted by the battle between Sarah Brown 's floaty floral skirt and the stiff breeze .

  13. 不再只是从春天到夏天,一条妩媚的碎花小裙子可以让你扮靓到秋天。

    No longer relegated to spring or summer , a wispy floral dress now segues beautifully into autumn .

  14. 不喜欢穿碎花、搭雪纺的淑女装扮,那就选择年轻活力的休闲装扮吧。

    Do not like to wear , take the ladies chiffon dress , then select recreational dressed young vibrant bar .

  15. 为了让寝室看起来更加甜美,高涵还买来一把粉色椅子和一块碎花桌布。

    To make her dormitory even sweeter , Gao bought a pink chair and a tablecloth with a flower pattern .

  16. 小姐妹身上的碎花衣服,很符合人物个性,也很好地与背景融合在一起。

    Little Sisters Floral dress the body , it is consistent with personalities , but also blend well with the background .

  17. 惠特尼端口使得在翠贝卡电影节混合用少量皮革碎花连衣裙非常时髦的轰动。

    Whitney Port makes a very fashionable splash at the Tribeca Film Festival mixing a floral print frock with a little leather .

  18. 我也研究过只通过触摸就可以搞定的电子纹身,还有可以用光装饰甚至打上碎花的裙子。

    I worked on concepts like an electronic tattoo , which is augmented by touch , or dresses that blushed and shivered with light .

  19. 凯特穿着黄白碎花宽松直筒连衣裙(由英国设计师珍妮·帕克汉设计),臂弯中的婴儿裹在白色的围巾里,正熟睡着。

    Kate , who wore a yellow-and-white floral shift dress by British designer Jenny Packham , held the sleeping baby wrapped in a white shawl .

  20. 一个朋友在拍卖会上有幸购得一个花瓶,花瓶细颈大肚,碎花蓝白调子,流光溢彩。

    Of late a friend of mine invited me to appreciate a Tang Dynasty vase that he was fortunate enough to have bought at an auction .

  21. 2日,剑桥公爵夫人身着珍妮·帕克汉品牌一款黄色碎花连衣裙,怀抱小公主亮相后,同色系服装的销量就一路飙升。

    Indeed , after the Duchess of Cambridge stepped out in a sunny buttercup Jenny Packham dress cradling Princess Charlotte in her arms on Saturday , sales of yellow dresses went through the roof .

  22. 把衣柜里积了灰的碎花裙子翻出来吧,穿上它去参加一场鲜花烂漫的展览。记得要赶早,否则花儿们很快会被游人摘走,或被收集而压榨成一瓶瓶昂贵的精油。

    Before the flowers get picked up by traders , or get turned into a bottle of luxury bathing oil , pull out the dusted floral print dress and head for these blooming great flower exhibits 。

  23. 这种争相模仿凯特王妃着装风格的情况并非仅限于英国本土,这款小碎花的黄色系连衣裙在澳大利亚的网络销售量也上涨了208%。

    And it wasn 't just on British turf that shoppers were rushing to emulate Kate 's style ; sales of yellow floral dresses increased by 208 percent for the online retailer in Australia , too .