
  • 网络socialist morality
  1. 谈新时期我国社会主义道德建设

    On the path of strengthening socialist morality construction in the new era

  2. 论社会主义道德视阈下的个人品德建设

    On the Moral Character Construction under the Scope of the Socialist Morality

  3. (9)有害于社会主义道德风尚或者有其他不良影响的。

    and ( 9 ) those detrimental to socialist morals or customs , or having other unhealthy influences . The geographical . Article 9 .

  4. 诚实守信是社会主义道德建设的重要内容,社会主义市场经济是以信用为基本前提的,中国加入WTO,信用建设更是意义重大,本文对此作了一些探讨。

    Credit is the main content of socialist moral construction , and it 's the basic prerequisite of socialist market e-conomy . After entering to WTO , it becomes more significant . This article inquires into the importance of it .

  5. 以德治国&社会主义道德建设的新境界

    Rule by Virtue & the new realm of socialist moral construction

  6. 人民群众的道德建设是我国社会主义道德建设实现以德治国的基础。

    Moral construction is the basic to the policy of ruled-by-moral .

  7. 论公共关系在社会主义道德建设中的作用

    About the Role of Public Relations in Moral Construction of Socialism

  8. 道德教育是社会主义道德建设的重要手段,提高公民的道德素质,教育是基础。

    Moral education is an important way for socialistic moral construction .

  9. 依法治国与社会主义道德

    Administer a Country According to the Law and Socialist Morals

  10. 社会主义道德建设的系统辩证思考

    Systematic and Dialectic Pondering on the Construction of Socialism Morality

  11. 中国传统伦理是当代社会主义道德准则的必要补充

    Chinese Traditional Ethics , a Necessary Complement to Modern Socialist Moral Norms

  12. 社会主义道德是社会主义市场经济的内在要求

    Socialist Morality is the Internal Requirement of Socialist Market Economy

  13. 企业伦理是建立社会主义道德体系的重要组成部分。

    Business ethics is an important component of the socialist moral system .

  14. 加强社会主义道德建设的客观必然性

    The Objectivity and Certainty of Intensifying the Moral Construction of the Socialism

  15. 这是社会主义道德建设的基本任务。

    This is the basic task for strengthening socialist morals .

  16. 建构中国特色社会主义道德体系的探索与思考

    An exploration and reflection of establishing socialist ethical system with Chinese characteristics

  17. 新世纪高校学生的社会主义道德教育

    On Socialist Moral Education to Students Colleges and Universities in New Century

  18. 就社会主义道德体系而言,公正所描绘的是社会成员在社会各领域的权利和义务的均衡状态。

    In socialist society , the balanced state is the display of justice .

  19. 加强我国社会主义道德重建已迫在眉捷。

    It is very urgent to strengthen the reconstruction of our socialist morals .

  20. 新时期社会主义道德体系的研究

    To Study Socialist Morality System at the New Stage

  21. 社会主义道德是中国特色社会主义文化的重要组成部分。

    Socialist morality is a major part of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics .

  22. 家庭道德教育是社会主义道德建设的基石;

    The family moral education is the basis of the socialist moral education .

  23. 二次否定:市场经济条件下社会主义道德建设的路径选择

    Double Negations : the Choice of Socialist Moral Construction in the Market Economy

  24. 弘扬中华民族的传统美德建设社会主义道德体系

    Carrying Forward the Traditional Virtues of Chinese Nation Energetically

  25. 努力加强社会主义道德和社会主义法制教育。

    Strengthening with great effort the education of socialist moral and socialist legality .

  26. 社会主义道德的总体框架及构建原则

    The Framework and the Principle of Socialism Moral Construction

  27. 略论社会主义道德国力建设

    On the Construction of Socialist National Strength of Morality

  28. 社会主义道德建设与效率公平原则

    Socialist Ethics Construction and the Fairness Doctrine of Efficiency

  29. 构建有中国特色社会主义道德体系需要深入的理论研究;

    The construction of Chinese characteristic socialist virtue system needs deep theoretical study .

  30. 社会主义道德建设,需要健全的道德理性。

    Socialist moral development requires healthy moral reason .