
  • 网络social promotion;Social facilitation;Social facilition
  1. 社会促进论社会促进论试析先进文化与构建社会主义和谐社会的关系

    Theory of social facilitation Advanced Culture and the Construction of Socialist Concordant Society

  2. 社会促进和社会抑制

    Social facilitation and social inhibition

  3. 大力建设节约型社会促进经济社会可持续发展

    Construct A Saving Society Greatly , Promote the Sustainable Development of Economic Society

  4. 构建和谐社会促进和平发展

    Building a Harmonious Society and Promoting Peaceful Development

  5. 工场手工业的发展为工业革命提供了物质基础和社会促进力量;

    The development of handicraft industry provided material base and social promo ting force .

  6. 除了日本的循环型社会促进基本法外,其他国家均将环境责任界定在循环型社会法的范围内。

    In addition to recycling society in Japan to promote the Basic Law , other countries will be defined in the cyclic environmental responsibility within the scope of social law .

  7. 各国政府认为,这将有助于外国人更好地融入社会,促进跨文化理解。

    The governments argue that this will help foreigners better join the society and promote understanding across cultures .

  8. 生产力智能化及其对经济社会的促进作用

    The Intellectualized Productivity and Its Stimulative Effect on the Economical Society

  9. 以社会考试促进成才机制社会化的对策研究

    Countermeasure Research on Socialized Mechanism of Promoting Talents with Social Examination

  10. 以社会责任促进大型建筑企业可持续发展

    Fulfill Social Responsibility to Promote Sustainable Development of Large-sized Construction Enterprises

  11. 构建组织社会资本促进远程高等教育的发展

    Promoting Development of Distance Higher Education by Building up Institutional Social Capital

  12. 社会林业促进印度林业与乡村经济综合发展

    Social Forestry Improves Comprehensive Development of Forestry and Rural Economy in India

  13. 关于法院不应当承担证明责任的思考担当社会责任促进民营医院持续发展

    Undertaking social responsibilities and improving private hospital sustainable development

  14. 保持社会公平促进政治稳定

    Keeping the Social Justice Promoting the Political Stability

  15. 关注农民工社会保障促进社会和谐发展

    Concerning the Immigrant Labors ′ Social Safeguard , Promoting the Development of Harmonious Society

  16. 完善所有制结构,充分发挥再分配对和谐社会的促进作用

    Improving Ownership Structure , Making Full Use of Reallocation to Promote a Harmonious Society

  17. 成为全面建设小康社会、促进社会协调发展的重要制约因素。

    It is becomes the important constraints of constructing well-off society and promoting social coordinate development .

  18. 北京残奥会对构建和谐社会的促进研究

    Study on the Promotion of the Beijing Paralympic Games to the Construction of a Harmonious Society

  19. 笔者将社会保障促进经济增长的这种效应称为社会保障的福利效应。

    This effect of social security system to economic growth is called the welfare effect of the social security system .

  20. 制度建设的最终目标是构建和谐社会,促进主体自由全面的发展。

    The ultimate target of institutional construction is to construct harmonious society , promoting complete and free development of subject .

  21. 马林表示,为了越南融入国际社会和促进发展,河内政府必须立即释放持不同政见者。

    He said for the sake of Vietnam 's international integration and development , its government must release the dissidents now .

  22. 为充分发挥邮政对经济、文化和社会的促进作用,可适当扩大邮政普遍服务范围;

    The scope of universal postal service should be properly enlarged in order to promote the development of economy , culture and society ;

  23. 如果连法律工作者都不以建立法治社会和促进公平正义为己任,试问谁会承担这样的责任?

    If legal professionals do not feel a responsibility to contribute to the rule of law and to promote justice , who will ?

  24. 我们的成员分享社会在促进和睡眠研究资金或确保我们的政府和教育系统的优先睡眠医学的许多挑战。

    Our member societies share many challenges in promoting and funding sleep research or ensuring our governments and education systems prioritise sleep medicine .

  25. 形成全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会,促进人的全面发展。

    A learning society in which all the people will learn or even pursue life-long education will emerge to boost their all-round development .

  26. 社会运动促进了法律制度的变化,物权生态化正是生态运动的结果。

    Social campaign always promotes the development of the legal system . The ecological real right is just the result of the ecological movement .

  27. 本阶段近代工业的发展既得益于法权系统变革所释放的制度推动力,更受惠于市场需求和供给变化的有利影响,还有商民社会的促进作用。

    It benefit from the reform of political system , the change of supply and demand , and the promoting of the commercial society .

  28. 它有助于保障公众知情权,稳定社会,促进政府管理目标的实现。

    It helps to guarantee civic right of information , to stabilize the society , and to facilitate the realization of the government management target .

  29. 春秋战国时期山东地区的自然条件和社会条件促进了其交通运输的发展。

    There were natural and social conditions in Shandong to promote the development of its transport at the Spring and Autumn period and Warring States period .

  30. 它与法治社会相互促进、相辅相成,二者虽有区别,但其建构过程不能截然分开。

    A country governed by law mutually promotes and interacts with a society governed by law , which can not be entirely disjoined in the course of construction .