
  • 网络Social insurance premiums;Social insurance contributions;social insurance charges;social security fee;social premium
  1. 社会保障也不是企业保障,企业在社会保障中只负责依照法律规定向社会保障机构缴纳本企业员工的社会保险费的有限责任;

    Social security is not enterprise 's guarantee , enterprise only takes limited responsibility of paying social security fee for its staff to the social security organization ;

  2. 另外国家还要支付失业退休金和社会保险费等费用。

    Additional costs came from unemployment benefits and social security payments .

  3. 建议设立拒不缴纳社会保险费罪

    Proposal for Instituting the Crime of refusing to pay the Social Insurance

  4. 运用中间件技术实现社会保险费银行代收、代扣

    Utilizing Middleware Technology to Realize Social Insurance Charge and Checking Off Through Banks

  5. 北京市社会保险费征缴若干规定

    Provisions of the Beijing Municipality on Collection and Payment of Social Insurance Premium

  6. 所有社会保险费的暂停支付。

    The suspension of all social security payments .

  7. 任何单位和个人都不能以任何形式减免社会保险费。

    Any units and individual cannot with insurance premium of any formal derate society .

  8. 对拒不缴纳社会保险费行为之刑罚化研究

    Study on the Criminal Penalization of the Act of Refusing to Pay the Social Insurance

  9. 甲方未依法为劳动者缴纳社会保险费的;

    Party A fails to pay social insurance premium for Party B according to laws ;

  10. 缴费工资是单位和职工缴纳社会保险费的基数。

    Pay cost salary is the base of unit and insurance premium of worker pay society .

  11. 社会保险费改税付出的代价和取得的效益在整个制度变迁的进程中的分布将会是不均衡的。

    The gain and loss in process of the reform of the social insurance tax is disequilibrium .

  12. 完善社会保险费征管方式,提高基金征缴率。

    We will improve the methods for collecting and managing social security premiums to raise the collection rate .

  13. 由职工个人承担的社会保险费、住房公积金、企业年金的扣款。

    The part of social insurance premium , housing accumulation funds , enterprise annuity to be borne by Party B ;

  14. 德籍、韩籍人员的社会保险费按规定计算,原则上以人民币缴纳。

    The payments of social insurance of the Germen and the Koreans are to be paid by RMB in principle .

  15. 资源要素相对价格的变化是推动利益集团进行社会保险费改税的诱导因素。

    The resources factors related to price change are inducing factors to promote interests groups to change fees into tax .

  16. 失业保险费、工伤保险费(以下统称社会保险费)的征收和缴纳,适用本规定。

    Unemployment insurance premiums , and occupational injuries insurance premiums ( hereinafter collectively referred to as " social insurance premiums ") .

  17. 养老保险是以国家立法形式强制征集社会保险费或税,形成社会统筹账户及个人账户。

    National legislation is mandatory pension insurance premiums or tax collecting society , the formation of social pooling accounts and personal accounts .

  18. 缴费单位、缴费个人应当按时足额缴纳社会保险费。

    Unit payer ( s ) and individual payer ( s ) shall pay social insurance premiums on schedule and in full .

  19. 市劳动保障局所属的劳动监察机构,具体负责社会保险费缴纳情况的监督检查。

    Labor supervising agencies under the MLSB take specific charge of supervision and inspection of the conditions of social insurance premium collection .

  20. 最后详细介绍了本次项目&运用中间件技术实现社会保险费通过银行代收、代扣。

    Finally , the project of Utilizing Middleware Technology to Realize Social Insurance Charging and Checking Off through Banks is described in detail .

  21. 广东省方面,降低社会保险费成本的对象主要是失业、医疗、工伤险三种,预计到今年年底为该省企业节省开支约350亿元。

    Guangdong province cut the premium rate for unemployment , medical and working injury insurances , saving corporate expenditures by 35 billion yuan .

  22. 个体参保人员可以按月、季、半年、年缴纳社会保险费。

    Individual ginseng protects personnel to be able to press month , season , half an year , year pay society insurance premium .

  23. 私营个体经济协会协助劳动保障行政部门做好社会保险费征缴工作。

    The private and individual economy associations shall assist the administrative departments of labor security in the collection and payment of social insurance premiums .

  24. 征收在华就业的德籍、韩籍人员社会保险费的时间分别从《中德协定》和《中韩协议》生效之日起开始。

    The time to impose the social insurance payment is at the same time when the Sino-German agreement and the Sino-Korean agreement come into force .

  25. 企业不得列支其在中国境内工作的职工的境外社会保险费。

    To insure , as against loss . Foreign social security premiums paid by enterprises to employees working in China shall not be itemized as expenses .

  26. 劳动保障行政部门可以委托会计师事务所对缴费单位缴纳社会保险费的情况进行审核。

    The administrative departments of labor security may entrust the accountant firms to make examination and verification on payer entities ' payment of social insurance premiums .

  27. 事实已经证明,由税务部门征收社会保险费的效率要比由社会保险经办机构征收的效率高,但也存在一些问题。

    Facts have proved that , the efficiency of imposing by social security operation agencies is higher than that by tax institution . But some questions exist .

  28. 缴费单位在办理注销手续时,应当结清应缴纳的社会保险费、利息、滞纳金和罚款。

    A payer shall , when handling the cancellation procedures , settle the social insurance premiums , interests , overdue fees and fines that should be paid .

  29. 近年来,在一些地方和单位竟产生了瞒报、少缴社会保险费,骗取或违规支付社会保险金等现象。

    However , certain units in certain places have recently been found to under-pay social security fund by deception or to gain social security fund by cheating .

  30. 允许困难企业在一定期限内缓缴养老、失业、医疗、工伤、生育保险五项社会保险费;

    Allow needy enterprise holding over five social insurance premiums as old-age pension , unemployment , health care , industrial injury and maternity insurance in a certain period .