
  • 网络The Social Differentiation;social stratification;social division
  1. 中国社会分化与教育选拔状况分析(1949~1978)

    China s Social Differentiation and Educational Selection from 1949 to 1978 ;

  2. 这种剧烈的社会分化也促使农村传统的社会整合机制发生了巨大的变化。

    Violent social differentiation prompts great changing of traditional social integration mechanism .

  3. 城市居住空间的地域分异是城市社会分化最直接的体现。用STRATA进行地震数据的反演

    The difference of the urban residential space is the most direct performance of urban social division . Seismic Data Inversion through STRATA

  4. 特里萨.梅(TheresaMay)政府希望扩大文法学校(择优录用的中学)和宗教学校的数量,尽管对于这两类学校会造成社会分化存在争议。

    Theresa May 's government wishes to expand grammars , the academically selective secondary schools , and faith schools , in spite of controversies about social segregation that attach to both .

  5. 哈佛教授罗伯特·帕特南(RobertPutnam)表达的观点可能是对的,社会分化非常不幸地让我们美国人陷入了独自打保龄的境地。

    Professor Robert Putnam of Harvard may be right that an unfortunate fragmentation of society has left us Americans bowling alone .

  6. 哈佛教授罗伯特·帕特南(RobertPutnam)表达的观点可能是对的,社会分化非常不幸地让我们美国人陷入了“独自打保龄”的境地。然而幸运的是,我们还在“一起徒步”!

    Professor Robert Putnam of Harvard may be right that an unfortunate fragmentation of society has left us Americans " bowling alone . " But , on the brighter side , we 're " hiking together " !

  7. 浅析中亚国家的社会分化与整合

    Division and Conformity of Society of the Countries in Central Asia

  8. 农村居民的社会分化及社会整合的政策调适

    The Differentiation of Rural Residents and Adjusting Policies of Social Integration

  9. 在社会分化条件下加强社会主义政治文明建设的思考

    The Consider of Enhancing Socialist Political Civilization Construction in Social Differential Exists

  10. 我们不想见到社会分化。

    We do not want to see the community divided .

  11. 现代化进程中社会分化与政治稳定的互动效应

    Interaction between Social Disintegration and Political Stability in the Course of Modernization

  12. 科学普及是劳动分工-社会分化的产物。劳动分工-社会分化孕育、造就出科学家阶层。

    Science popularization is the product of labor division and social division .

  13. 收入差距在道义上是不公正的,会造成社会分化。

    The pay gap was morally unjust and socially divisive .

  14. 社会分化与教育选拔的协调问题

    On the Coordination of Social Differentiation and Educational Selection

  15. 论我国社会分化中的社会问题

    On the Problems in the Division of Our Society

  16. 略论我国社会分化的三个维度

    On the Three Dimensions of China 's Social Differentiation

  17. 中国社会分化对民族地区社会发展形成挑战。

    Social Differentiation and Integration During Chinas Social Transition ;

  18. 饥饿会引起愤怒、社会分化、疾病泛滥和经济衰败。

    It breeds anger , social disintegration , ill health and economic decline .

  19. 农村收入分配与社会分化

    Income Distribution in Rural Areas and Social Differentiation

  20. 1980年以来欧美国家应对城市社会分化问题的社会与空间政策述评

    Comparing Responses to Urban Social Division : European and American Socio-spatial Policies since 1980s

  21. 教师专业化是社会分化与职业分化的产物。

    Specialization is a product of human societal evolution within the division of occupations .

  22. 这一系列的改变,我们可以称之为农民的社会分化。

    This series of changes , we can call the farmers ' social differentiation .

  23. 二是,分析现代化、社会分化和社区党建的必然联系。

    Second , analyses the relation between modernization , society division and Community Party building .

  24. 当代中国农村人口流动与农村社会分化问题分析

    The Analysis between the Rural Population Mobility in Contemporary China and the Rural Society Stratification

  25. 社会分化是社会转型和社会发展的必要代价,但必须适度。

    Social differentiation is necessarily cost of social transition and development in a certain limit .

  26. 法国社会学家皮埃尔·布迪厄写了很多论述社会分化方面的书。

    The French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu wrote many books about the social disparity in society .

  27. 城市化的速度快于工业化,加剧了社会分化。

    The speed of the urbanization exceeded that of industrialization , thus exacerbating social division .

  28. 鉴于此,我们尝试建构社会分化中民族问题的整合机制。

    Therefore , we attempt to construct integration mechanism of nationality problems during social differentiation .

  29. 系统结构分化:中国社会分化研究的新视角

    The Structural Differentiation in System : A New Study View of the Social Differentiation in China

  30. 相对于社会分化以后出现的宫廷艺术、宗教艺术和文人艺术而言,民间艺术的历史渊源更为久远,对人类生活的涵盖面更广。

    It has a longer history than the court art , religious art and scholastic art .