
  • 网络Social Impact Bond
  1. 新型社会银行socialfinance已经与司法部(ministryofjustice)合作创设了一种社会影响债券,让投资者参与降低3000名囚犯未来6年的再犯罪率的计划。

    Social finance , an emerging social bank , has worked with the Ministry of justice to create a social impact bond that allows investors to take a stake in attempts to reduce reoffending by 3000 prisoners over six years .

  2. 目前澳大利亚,加拿大和美国都在讨论引入社会影响债券。

    There is talk of introducing social-impact bonds in Australia , Canada and the United States .

  3. 第三,即使现在还处于很早期,社会影响债券已经在和测量以及标准化这些困难搏斗了。

    Third , even at this early stage the social-impact bond is grappling with the difficulties of measurement and standardisation .

  4. 尽管有这些相似性,社会影响债券和其它那些没有那么多好评的金融工具之间还是有两大区别的。

    For all the similarities , there are two big differences between the social-impact bond and other , less lauded financial instruments .

  5. 但是一些像是社会影响债券这样表面“良好”的金融工具在本质上和其倍受鄙视的近亲产品没有不同。

    Yet in fundamental ways an ostensibly " good " instrument like a social-impact bond is not so different from its despised cousins .

  6. 第二个大区别在于社会影响债券还处于襁褓期,而其它危机时代的创新都曾经历过一次巨型金融危机。

    The second difference is that social-impact bonds are still in their infancy , whereas other crisis-era innovations were directly involved in a gigantic financial crisis .

  7. 首先,社会影响债券的基础在于为满足支持者,提供者和投资者的需要创造一套现金流。

    First , at its root the social-impact bond is about creating a set of cashflows to suit the needs of the sponsor , the provider and the investor .