
shè huì zhènɡ yì
  • social justice
  1. 他满怀着寻求社会正义的愿望。

    He was imbued with a desire for social justice .

  2. 我们基于社会正义和公平发出这一呼吁。

    We base this call on grounds of social justice and equity .

  3. 他坚信自由与社会正义是不可分的。

    He firmly believes liberty is inseparable from social justice

  4. 经济公平和社会正义必须继续保持。

    Economic equity and social justice must be continued to keep .

  5. 他表示:“世界人口多种多样,因此,与客户保持密切关系、与他们言行一致很重要。LGBT是一项全面多元化议程的子集,因为它能够带来创新。而且这也有利于社会正义,因此对我们来说是正确的。”

    He says : " Populations of the world are very diverse so it is important to stay close to our clients , to look and act like them . LGBT is a subset of a broader diversity agenda as it creates innovation . It 's also good for social justice , so right for our people . "

  6. 社会正义:科学发展观的伦理精神

    Social Justice : The Ethics of the Theory of Scientific Development

  7. 社会正义是政治哲学永恒关注的重要问题。

    Social justice is an eternal political and philosophic concern .

  8. 正义分为个人正义和社会正义两大类;

    Justice is classified into personal justice and social justice .

  9. 社会正义的政治性解读

    A Political Interpretation of Social Justice in the Process of Legal Modernization

  10. 社会正义理论:豪尔绍尼与罗尔斯的比较

    The Theory of Social Justice : A Comparison between Harsanyi and Rawls

  11. 论社会正义的多维释义及其对公共政策研究的启示

    Multi-dimensional Conception of Social Justice and Its Implications for Public Policy Research

  12. 社会正义是诚信的一条重要边界,诚信应当在正义的范围内活动。

    Justice is one of important boundaries within which honesty ought to serve .

  13. 论马克思对社会正义的批判及其当代意义

    On Marx Criticizing Social Justice and Its Contemporary Significance

  14. 美国历来主张进步提高劳动权利和社会正义。

    US progressivism historically advocates the advancement of labor rights and social justice .

  15. 法的精神是社会正义,是人的理性回归。

    The spirit of moral code is justice and the regression of human logos .

  16. 全面小康:当代中国语境中的社会正义

    Overall Moderate Prosperity - Social Justice of China

  17. 公司正义由微观层面的股份正义、中观层面的治理正义和宏观层面的社会正义同构而成。

    The company justice is composed of stocks justice , management justice and social justice .

  18. 众所周知,司法是捍卫社会正义的最后一道防线。

    As known to all , jurisdiction is the last way to guard social justice .

  19. 强调平等主义、摒弃尊卑或等级的社会正义观念;

    in a concept of social justice that emphasizes egalitarianism and spurns status or rank ;

  20. 社会正义构造论

    Discussion on Structure of Social Justice

  21. 立法上应当完善被害人在此阶段享有的诉讼权利,以充分保护被害人的合法权益,实现社会正义。

    The lawsuit right should be perfected in lawmaking in order to realize the social justices .

  22. 法引导社会正义,社会正义促进法走向文明。

    Law leads to social justice , social justice in return leads law towards law civilisation .

  23. 终身教育与社会正义

    Lifelong Education and Social Justice

  24. 缩小城乡教育差距有助于促进教育公平,实现社会正义。

    Narrowing the gap between urban and rural education will help promote educational equity and social justice .

  25. 法律为维护每个人的正当权利而战,寻求公正的司法和社会正义;

    Law strives for the due right of every person and seeks for judicial and social justice .

  26. 社会正义主要是对社会基本结构、社会制度的伦理反思。

    The Social justice mainly introspects to the ethics of the social basic structure and the society system .

  27. 彻底的社会正义是很难实现的,而且有可能会对社会造成比较严重的危害。

    Thorough social justice is very difficult to achieve , and may have caused serious harm to society .

  28. 第三部分是对当前我国社会正义问题的分析和探讨。

    The third part is an analization and discussion on the Justice problem in the current social life .

  29. 与此同时,对真理和社会正义的执着追求,则成为矫治其非自由主义观念的良药。

    Meanwhile , his firm pursuit of truth and social justice became an antidote to his illiberal ideas .

  30. 我认为,要坚持公平性和社会正义,卫生部门所处在的地位比任何其它部门都要有利。

    I believe there is no sector better placed than health to insist on equity and social justice .