
  1. 日本面向循环型经济社会的政策体系及其发展动态

    The Policy System of Recycle Society and Its Development in Japan

  2. 全面小康社会的指标体系与评价方法研究

    Research on the Index System and Evaluation Methods of Overall Well-off Society

  3. 构建法治社会的道德体系

    The Construction of Moral System in the Society of Rule of Law

  4. 我国医疗社会保险的体系及存在问题

    The medical insurance system of China and its problems

  5. 他的一生,始终在反抗着现代社会的权力体系。

    He always resists the power system of modern society in the life .

  6. 这些就使得社会的惩罚体系发生着演绎。

    These make the penalty systems in society deducting .

  7. 构建和谐社会的指标体系

    Index system of the construction of harmonious society

  8. 论和谐社会的制度体系

    The System Structure in the Harmonious Society

  9. 许多人认为一个文明社会的刑罚体系中不应有死刑。

    Many people believe that execution has no place in penal system of a civilized society .

  10. 该系统模型是具有社会性的体系结构,因此系统设计更人性化,便于解决复杂问题。

    Characterized of sociality , the system design has more human nature and can solve complex questions easily .

  11. 他们开始用平淡、无聊和荒诞的无意义作品来反讽当今社会的意义体系。

    They mock the " meaning system " of current society with flat , senseless and absurd " meaningless " works .

  12. 佤族传统社会的控制体系主要包括:禁忌、宗教信仰、道德规范、组织控制和艺术。

    The social control system of the Wa peoples traditional society mainly included taboo , religious belief , ethics , organization control and art .

  13. 此外,它运用了系统论来构建中国传统社会的区域体系,并体现了中国中心观研究取向。

    Moreover , it constructs the regional system of Chinese traditional society with system theory , displaying another theoretical feature of Chinese center orientation .

  14. 与此同时,通过人类对饮食的生产和消费过程我们还可以洞察到一个社会的价值体系和象征体系。

    At the same time , through the process of the food production and consumption we can insight into a social value system and symbol system .

  15. 本文试图构建一个更能反映农村全面小康社会的指标体系,用以指导农村小康社会的评价和发展。

    This text explores setting up the evaluation index system could reflect rural of well-off society in all-round way , just to guide the appraisal and development of the rural well-off society .

  16. 本文分析了工业社会的经济体系与环境的对立冲突,指出实现可持续发展的途径在于变革传统的线性型的经济体系,建立与环境和谐的循环型经济体系。

    After the contradict between economy and natural environment is analyzed , it indicated that sustainable development must substitute an economy system based on material recycle for traditional one with linear material flow .

  17. 其中,弘扬孔子的文化思想、建立适应现代社会的道德体系、反对民族虚无主义和历史虚无主义是要中之要。

    It is the most important of all to further strengthen the cultural idea of Confucius , establish a moral system that better suits the modern society and oppose the national and historical nihilism .

  18. 全面建设小康社会的指标体系,有利于我国提高边际消费倾向,使体育产业作为新经济增长点的形象更加突出。

    The realization of the target system of all-round building the comfortable society is benefit to improve the marginal consume tendency and make the impression outstanding of the sport industry as the new economic development point .

  19. 最后,我们纵观中国童话的发展史,死亡这一词汇是始终贯彻其中并且不断变化的,这一变化反映了时代的变迁和社会的价值体系的变化。

    Finally , we throughout China fairy tale , the history of the death vocabulary is always implement the among them and changing , this change reflects the changes of The Times and social value system changes .

  20. 把男女两性和谐发展纳入全面建设小康社会的指标体系中,构建一个男女两性平等、和谐发展的美好社会是科学发展观的必然要求,也是科学发展观的题中应有之义。

    Incorporating the construction of harmonious development of men and women into the objectives of the construction of a well-off society , constructing an equal , harmonious developmental society is the inevitable request of scientific view of development .

  21. 这一时期,不仅国家的政治体制与意识形态发生了急剧的变革,地方社会的权力体系与精英阶层也经历了重组过程。

    At that time , not only were the national political system and ideology going through severe changes , but also the system of power of local society and the gentry strata were undergoing a process of reorganization .

  22. 深度访谈研究发现,旅游业对旅游地社会的行动体系产生了全面影响,主要表现在个性体系、社会体系、文化体系和行为有机体系等方面;

    Through the depth interviews study , we found that tourism in the tourism industry to have a comprehensive system of social action which mainly in the performance system , social system , cultural system and acts organic system ;

  23. 并对公信力建设的国内外现状作出了分析,最后通过两个案例说明,建立公信力的途径一是要制约权力,二是要建立诚信形象,三是是要构建全社会的诚信体系。

    Chapter 4 also analyzes the current status of building credibility at home and abroad . The last cases shown that there are three ways to build credibility : restricting the power , building credibility image and building credibility system in the entire society .

  24. 因为银行是创造信用的主体,派生存款的放大功能使风险加大,而且现代市场经济已形成全社会的信用体系,各个体系间影响密切。

    Third , the risk has dispensability because the bank is the body to create credit . The amplification function increases the risk , and modern market economy has formed the society-level credit system , of which each system has close relation with others .

  25. 但是这种补偿是政策性的,缺乏相应的法律保障机制,还没有形成全社会的补偿体系,难以保证生态环境建设和保护事业的持续发展。

    However , this compensation is only policy and is not safeguarded by any legal mechanism . Also , it is not integrated with a social compensation system , so it is hard to ensure that sustainable development results from the eco-environment construction and protection .

  26. 论社会发展的价值体系及其结构之选择

    On Value System and Choice of Value Structure in Social Development

  27. 构筑老龄化社会的居住环境体系

    Study of Constructing Urban Habitation Environment System Based on Aging Society

  28. 试论建立和完善超大规模社会的社会政策体系

    On Development of Proper Social Policy System in a Super-Size Society

  29. 角色人格体系是社会的第一个体系。

    The personality system of the role is the first social system .

  30. 第三章为新经济社会学的理论体系评述,对新经济社会学的产生和理论构建进行介绍和评析。

    The third chapter is the review of new economic sociology theory .