
  • 网络bill acceptance;Bills Accepting;Acceptance of Bill
  1. 管理员可以完成对票据承兑信息进行操作,包括承兑受理、签发出票、签发记账、未用退回以及挂失止付等操作。

    Administrators can complete the operations about acceptance information of bills , including accepting acceptances , issuing tickets , issuing accounts , unused return and loss and stop payment .

  2. 随着骗取贷款、票据承兑、金融票证罪的颁布实施,对其进行系统的深入研究具有重要的理论意义和刑事司法实践指导意义。

    With the issue for enforcement of the crimes of cheating loan , bills acceptance , finance tickets , deep and systematic research on it has not only a theoretical but a guiding significance to criminal practice . Six chapters are involed in the thesis .

  3. 票据的承兑,即可说是,票据兑现。

    The accept of bill , can saying is , bill cashs .

  4. 我方谨保证对于你方开出的以我方为抬头的,标明信用证编号“第33”的票据予以承兑。

    We hereby undertake to promptly honor your sight draft drawn on us indicating our credit no.33 .

  5. 银行承兑票据;银行承兑汇票

    " Banker 's acceptance ; bank acceptance , bill "

  6. 票据拒付或拒绝承兑通知书拒付,拒绝承兑(如票据或支票)

    Mandate of protest To fail or refuse to accept or pay ( a note , bill , or check , for example ) .

  7. 除了原有的进行银行存款和购买国债外,还应包括进行固定资产投资、公司股票与债券投资、金融债券的投资、长期票据的贴现与承兑等。

    Besides original carries on the bank deposit and the purchase national debt , but should also include carries on investment in the fixed assets , the company share and the investment in bond , the financial bond investment , the long bill discount with accepts and so on .

  8. 该票据的出票、承兑、交付、背书转让涉嫌欺诈、偷盗、胁迫、恐吓、暴力等非法行为的,持票人对持票的合法性应当负责举证。

    If the issuance , acceptance , delivery and negotiation by endorsement are suspected of being involved in the illegal actions such as fraud , theft , intimidation , threat , or violation , etc. , the holder shall bear the burden of proof for the legality of the bill .

  9. 第三章介绍了交行抚顺分行票据业务的发展概况,并分析了票据承兑业务和贴现业务的风险状况及其发展空间。

    In the third part , the development of bills of Fushun branch of communications bank was introduced . The risk and development space of accepted bills and discounted bills was analyzed .

  10. 票据市场是货币市场的重要组成部分,包括商业票据市场和银行承兑汇票市场。

    The Bill Market is an essential part of the Currency Market , including the Commercial Bill Market and the Bank 's Acceptance of Bill Market .