
  • Forbes;Forbes.com;Steve Forbes
  1. 罗莎娜和福布斯默不作声地走了一会儿。

    Rosanna and Forbes walked in silence for some while

  2. 位于福布斯顶尖大学排行榜第466位,研究型大学排行榜第183位,南部大学排行榜第,108位,我不能说这所大学是我的首选。

    Rated No.466 overall on Forbes ' Lists Top Colleges , No. 183 in Research Universities , and No. 108 in the South , I can 't say it was my top choice .

  3. 如:“SusanAdams,福布斯杂志高级编辑,212-206-5571。”

    E.g. , " Susan Adams , Senior Editor , Forbes 212-206-5571 . "

  4. 2016年,她名列福布斯亚洲30位30岁以下精英榜,2016年,她还为Vogue中国版进行悉尼时装周的拍摄。

    In 2016 , she was named in Forbes ' 30 Under 30 Asia list and shot fashion week in Sydney for the publication she will now lead .

  5. 福布斯领导力编辑弗莱德·艾伦经常用这个,我认为它是一个合适的、暖心的词。

    Forbes Leadership editor Fred Allen uses it regularly and I think it 's an appropriate , warm thing to say .

  6. 福布斯的咨询律师卡伊·法尔肯贝里说她还没听说过法律免责声明派上用场的时候,尽管它们可能在一方试图保持信息机密的商业机密案中被当作是具有说服力的证据。

    Forbes ' in-house legal counsel , Kai Falkenberg , says she knows of no cases that have relied on legal disclaimers , though she says they might serve as persuasive17 evidence in a trade secrets case where a party was attempting to keep information confidential18 .

  7. 福布斯家族在斐济群岛上有座小岛,这座小岛被卖给了红牛(RedBull)的创始人迪特里希•马特希茨。

    The island in the Fiji archipelago was sold to Red Bull founder Dietrich Mateschitz .

  8. 蒂姆•福布斯任福布斯数字公司(ForbesDigital)的董事长。

    Tim Forbes is chairman of Forbes digital .

  9. 福布斯薪酬排名雅虎CEO年收入2.3亿美元

    Yahoo CEO 's Revenue Is 230 Million Dollars

  10. 去年10月,福布斯家族通过其投资公司苏格兰高地管理有限责任公司(HighlandManagementL.L.C.)在特拉华州的衡平法院提起诉讼。

    Last October the Forbes family , through its investment vehicle Highland Management L.L.C. , sued in Chancery Court in Delaware .

  11. (霍华德的儿子霍华德•W•巴菲特也在“务农”,他还上榜《福布斯》2011年度值得关注人物)。

    His own son Howard W.Buffett is also a farmer , and one of Forbes'Names You Need To Know for2011 .

  12. 如果福布斯以4亿美元出售,少数股股东Elevation将获得大部分出售所得。

    If Forbes sells for $ 400 million , then minority shareholder elevation would receive a majority of the proceeds .

  13. 这也不算卑鄙,特别是鉴于Elevation已经将其对福布斯的投资减记了75%以上。

    Not too shabby , particularly given that elevation had written its Forbes investment down by more than 75 % .

  14. 比尔·盖茨通过将操作系统授权给IBM创造了世界上最巨大的财富之一&据福布斯称,达到了670亿美元。

    Bill Gates built one of the world 's largest fortunes $ 67 billion , according to Forbes by licensing operating system software to IBM .

  15. 《福布斯》(Forbes)杂志汇编的另一份名单则把他排在第二位。

    A separate list compiled by Forbes magazine put him in second place .

  16. 跻身于《福布斯》(Forbes)最具影响力人物的年度榜单;

    features in Forbes " annual power list ;

  17. 比尔·盖茨通过将操作系统授权给IBM创造了世界上最巨大的财富之一——据福布斯称,达到了670亿美元。

    Bill Gates built one of the world 's largest fortunes -- $ 67 billion , according to Forbes -- by licensing operating system software to IBM .

  18. 福布斯将是Elevation募集的这唯一一支基金中最后的主要持股,这支19亿美元的基金于2005年封闭。

    Forbes would be the last major holding for the only fund elevation has ever raised , a $ 1.9 billion vehicle closed in 2005 .

  19. 如果你逐个研究福布斯(Forbes)财富榜上那些亿万富翁,你会发现一条奇怪的规律。

    If you go down the Forbes billionaires list a weird pattern starts to emerge .

  20. 比尔·盖茨(BillGates)从大学退学,迈克尔·戴尔(MichaelDell)和23岁就登上福布斯亿万富豪榜的扎克伯格同样如此。

    Bill Gates dropped out of college . So did Michael Dell . So did Mr. Zuckerberg , who made the Forbes billionaires list at 23.Mr .

  21. 据商业杂志《福布斯》(Forbes)称,他拥有45亿美元的净资产。

    He has a net worth of $ 4.5bn , according to Forbes , the business magazine .

  22. 今年早些时候,福布斯在全球最具权势女性榜中对罗曼提的排名为第82位,并指出她可能是下一位CEO人选。

    Earlier this year , FORBES named her the No.82 most powerful woman in the world and identified her as the next in line for CEO .

  23. 福布斯家族和公司的二股东&高地风险投资公司(ElevationPartners)已经启动了一项紧急计划,重塑公司的业务,并与借款人重修旧好。

    The family and the minority owner , elevation partners , began an emergency plan to restructure the business and get back in the good graces of its lenders .

  24. 《福布斯》杂志(forbes)的数据显示,在全球排名前100位的富豪中,有39人是美国人。

    Thirty nine of the 100 richest people in the world , according to Forbes , are Americans .

  25. 据《福布斯》杂志称,最近她的“RebelHeart”巡演赚了1700万美元,这样就使她的巡演总收入(税前)达到了14亿美元。

    Her recent " Rebel Heart " tour grossed $ 170 million , bringing her career total on the road to $ 1.4 billion pretax , according to the magazine .

  26. 那么我们就不需要八国集团,而只需要福布斯(Forbes)名单上的950个人了。

    Then we don 't need the G8 but 950 people on the Forbes list , said Mr Sachs .

  27. 福布斯报道,脸谱网和音乐试听软件spotify联手了。

    Forbes is reporting that Facebook and music server spotify are teaming up .

  28. 福布斯解释道,吴一直协助政府主管一个GDP即将超过德国成为世界第三大经济体的运行。

    Forbes noted that Wu continues to help lead a government that oversees an economy whose gross domestic product may soon eclipse Germany 's , making it the third-biggest in the world .

  29. 财经媒体巨头福布斯(Forbes)正在挂牌待沽,据称要价4亿美元,德意志银行(DeutscheBank)正在搜寻买主。

    Financial media giant Forbes is on the block for a reported $ 400 million , with Deutsche Bank ( DB ) beating the bushes for a buyer .

  30. LG的代表周三拜访了福布斯位于旧金山的办公室,对GFlex进行了一番演示,并展示了它的柔性特色。

    LG representatives stopped by Forbes 's San Francisco office on Wednesday to give a demo of the G Flex , and show off its flexible qualities .