
  • 网络fujian normal university;FJNU;FNU
  1. 福建师范大学地理科学学院;

    School of Geographical Sciences , Fujian Normal University ; 2 .

  2. 用音乐诠释人文教育空间福建师范大学文博附属中学室内设计

    Design of High School Attached to of FuJian Normal University

  3. 马钢H型钢加工配售分公司用钢结构技术承担了福建师范大学学生公寓楼工程。

    Ma Steel H - beam machining and distribution subsidiary company took part in the student s apartment building of Fu Jian teacher - training college with steel construction technology .

  4. 链霉菌S-81-24菌株系从福建师范大学校园土壤中分离得到,能产生糜蛋白霉抑制剂。

    A strain of streptomyces S-81-24 was isolated from soil samples collected from Fuzhou , Fujian , China .

  5. 福建师范大学旗山校区室内空气质量状况监测与分析

    Investigation on the Indoor Air Quality in Qishan Campus of Fujian Normal University

  6. 第一部分为《福建师范大学美术学院院史》;

    History of College of Fine Art of Fujian Normal University ; 2 .

  7. 这是福建师范大学生物工程学院的网站。

    This is the website of the College of Bioengineering of Fujian Normal University .

  8. 图书馆服务模式的发展变革&以福建师范大学图书馆为例

    Development and Reform of Library Service Model

  9. 蒋建平(音译)是福建师范大学一名教授性教育课程的老师。

    Jiang Jianping is the instructor of the sex education course at Fujian Normal University .

  10. 福建师范大学学生月经初潮与首次遗精年龄调查

    Age of Experimentation with Menarche and First Nocturnal Emission among Students in Fujian Normal University

  11. 高水平运动员大赛前后身体成分分析&以福建师范大学部分运动员为例

    Analysis on Human Body Composition before and after Competition in Some High Level Athletes of Fujian Normal University

  12. 福建师范大学去年秋天开设了第一个免学费男生师范班。

    Fujian Normal University admitted its first class of male student teachers under the tuition-free program last fall .

  13. 实验被试是来自于福建师范大学的33名本科生,其中男性16名、女性17名。

    Experimental subjects are 33 undergraduate students from Fujian Normal University , including 16 males and 17 females .

  14. 福建师范大学的研究生黄莺(23岁),就是字幕组的成员之一。

    One of these translators is Huang Ying , a 23-year-old graduate student of Chinese at Fujian Normal University .

  15. 第五部分为《漆艺精品展》,展示福建师范大学美术学院漆艺专业师生精品力作。

    Selected Lacquer Paintings by the teachers and students of lacquer painting major of College of Fine Art of Fujian Normal University .

  16. 以福建师范大学景观河为例,探讨了地下水供水设计方案。

    Taking the engineering of the landscape river of Fujian Normal University as example , the design of underground water supply was discussed .

  17. 论当前海外华文教育的热潮与地方大学的作为&基于福建师范大学对外汉语教学实践的思考

    The Upsurging of Overseas Chinese Education and Something That Local Universities Can Do & Case Study of Fujian Normal University 's Overseas Chinese Education

  18. 福建师范大学的学生薛荣芳(音)不明白,为什么女性进入传统上属于男性的领域时,不能得到类似的优惠待遇。

    Xue Rongfang , a student at Fujian Normal University , wondered why women should not get similar benefits to enter traditionally male fields .

  19. 对福建师范大学公共体育课2002级本科女生班排球垫球教学进行图示教学法的实验尝试。

    The experiment of using graphic teaching method to teach volleyball 's pass to girl undergraduates of non-P. E major of Grade 2002 of Fujian Normal University .

  20. 采用实验法,对福建师范大学体育科学学院本科1997级、1998级教育实习学生进行反思性教学实验。

    By means of the experimental method , practice students of Grade 1997 and 1998 from College of Physical Education , Fujian Normal University are tested reflective teaching .

  21. 由于系统的开发设计来源福建师范大学福清分校的实际需求,因此有着很强的针对性和实用价值。

    Since the development and design of the system derives from the practical need of Fuqing Branch of Fujian Normal University , it is highly relevant and practical .

  22. 福建师范大学19岁的大一学生蒋伟文(音)说,他的很多亲戚和朋友听说他想从事教师职业,都表示很不理解。

    Jiang Weiwen , 19 , a first-year student at the university , said many of his friends and relatives were confused when he said he wanted a career in teaching .

  23. 福建师范大学一名名叫张泽铭的大一新生表示,从父母那里借钱是件很尴尬的事情,所以他使用贷款买了一台电脑。

    Zhang Zemin , a freshman student at Fujian Normal University , said he felt embarrassed to borrow money from his parents , so he bought a computer with a loan .

  24. 本研究以福建师范大学离退休人员为例,主要从社会支持网理论和满意度理论出发分析高校离退休人员居家养老问题。

    This Research such Fujian normal university as a example , using the social support networks and satisfaction theory analysis the problem of the retirees of high school of aged of support home .

  25. 论校园文脉在新校区建设中的传承与创新&以福建师范大学新校区规划为例

    On Carrying on and Innovating the Campus Culture In the Construction of the New Campus & a Case of the new Campus of Fujian Normal University located in the university town of the Fuzhou area

  26. 本论文综合应用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等研究方法。以福建师范大学、福州大学、福建医科大学、福建农林大学的共960名学生为研究对象。

    By the ways of literature , interview , questionnaire , statistics and logical analysis , 960 students were studied in Fujian Normal University , Fuzhou University , Fujian Medical University and Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University .

  27. 林英,1972年出生,1991年入福建师范大学物理系读本科,1993年毕业分配福州幼儿师范学校任教至今,现为中专讲师。

    Lin Ying , who was born in 1972 and studied in Fujian Teachers ? University from 1991 to 1993 . She has been working in Fuzhou Infant Teachers ? School since graduation , She is an instructor now .

  28. 本选题是福建师范大学闽台区域研究中心、博士生导师林国平教授主持的国家社会科学基金重点项目闽台区域文化研究(96A25013)的子课题。

    The theme is the Sub-Subject of research on regional culture in Fujian and Taiwan province which is important project of national , social and scientific basic fund administered by LIN Guo-ping professor who is doctor tutor in regional research center of Fujian and Taiwan in Fujian Normal University .