
  • 网络private cost;Personal Cost
  1. 高等教育私人成本分担与收费分析

    The Analysis of Private Cost Share and Charge in Higher Education

  2. 经理私人成本与我国企业创新投资不足模型研究

    Research on Manager Private Cost and Enterprise Innovation Under-investment

  3. 违法社会成本是违法私人成本和外部成本之和。

    The private cost adds the external cost equals to the social cost .

  4. 理解真实世界各种现象和行为之道,在于寻找影响成本和收益的约束条件。考虑了所有的约束条件,经济总是有效率的,边际收益总是等于边际成本,私人成本与社会成本没有分离。

    The efficiency of economy could be realized if marginal cost equals marginal benefit and social cost equals private cost .

  5. 从本质上讲,公地的悲剧是一项行为的私人成本与社会成本不一致造成的。

    In essence , the tragedy of the commons is caused by the conflict between the private cost and social cost .

  6. 责任规制趋向于将私人成本和社会成本统一起来,同时引入了一个防止对第三者造成损害的激励机制。

    Responsibility regulation tends to unite private and social costs and introduces an incentive function against any harm to the third party .

  7. 私人成本和收益与社会成本和收益相背离是经济社会最普遍的问题之一。

    Private cost and benefit deviates from social cost and benefit , this is one of the most common problem for economic society .

  8. 现实情况是,电子商务降低了消费行为的私人成本,但很少、甚至根本没有减少消费的整体社会成本。

    The reality is that e-commerce reduces the private costs of consumption , but little , if anything , to reduce its overall social cost .

  9. 政府治超也应从源头入手:即纠正货运市场私人成本与社会成本偏离下的“市场失效”。

    The government should find the springhead of overload : correcting the market failure based on disaccord of private cost and social cost in freight market .

  10. 像市场规制在其他领域一样,城市管理和规划中的市场规制原则为:使私人成本等于社会成本,私人收益等于社会收益。

    The rule of market regulation is that private cost equals social cost , or private revenue equals social revenue as it is in other fields .

  11. 分析了城市机动车出行方式的成本,认为交通拥堵的原因是机动车出行方式的负外部性引起的市场失效,即社会成本大于私人成本。

    Traffic congestion is an example of market failure caused by vehicle transportation s negative externalities , where social costs are much more than private costs .

  12. 总得来说,网络金融外部性是在网络金融环境中,私人成本或私人收益在金融活动中向第三方溢出的外部经济效应。

    In conclusion , Network Financial Externality is the external economic effect on the tertiary side , which is imposed by the private cost or private income .

  13. 因此,可以从提高旅游者的私人成本、政府干预、宣传教育等方面来降低旅游消费活动的外部不经济性。

    So , we can eliminate the negative externality by such means as raising the private costs of tourists , government intervention , educational propaganda , and so on .

  14. 城市交通拥挤带来许多负面影响,拥挤产生主要是私人成本与社会成本存在差距。

    Congestion brings a lot of negative effects . From economic analysis , we can see that congestion is mainly caused by the gap of private cost and social cost .

  15. 违法私人成本是违法者应当或可能支出的资源耗费和时机损失,它由必然性成本和可能性成本构成。

    The illegal private cost , which can be divided into the inevitable cost and possible cost , is the inevitable or possible consumption and opportunity cost of the lawbreakers .

  16. 而环保意识差的企业,虽然其私人成本较低,但频发的环境事故造成的环境污染和人员伤亡所引发的社会成本却无法用金钱来衡量。

    Companies with poor environmental awareness with the lowest private costs , but the social costs caused by the frequent environmental accidents and casualties can not be measured by money .

  17. 通过对高等教育的成本内涵、实行私人成本分担的理论基础、实行私人成本分担的意义等分析,给高等教育收费提供了政策依据和原则。

    Through the analysis of the cost connotation , the theory foundation and the significance of implementing private cost share , it provides policy basis and principle for higher education .

  18. 金融机构反洗钱社会收益虽然很大,但其从事反洗钱的私人成本大于私人收益,是一种典型的外部正效应产品。

    And their private cost of engaging in anti-money laundering which is less than the public benefit but exceeds the private benefit is one of typical products with external positive effect .

  19. 由于必然性成本是固定的、现实的,所以证券违法私人成本的大小主要由可能性成本,也即违法者的预期受罚成本决定。

    Because the inevitable cost is fixed and actual , the illegal private cost in security market is mainly decided by the possible cost or the expected punished cost of the lawbreakers .

  20. 从政治、经济、法律等方面进行制度创新,改变腐败活动的私人成本与收益及社会成本与收益,把腐败活动的私人总收益尽量降低,进而达到惩治腐败的目的。

    It can be combated by innovating the systems of politics , economy and law , changing both the private and social costs and returns , thus to minimize the private returns of corruption .

  21. 通过分析研究得出,在治超以前,运输业户所获得的利润为暴利,是建立在将私人成本转化为社会成本的基础上的。

    By the analysis , this thesis gets that before the overload management , the carrier made extravagant profits , so , a foundation was established in transforming the private cost into social cost ;

  22. 只有从政治、经济、法律、道德等方面提高腐败的私人成本,降低腐败的私人收益,才能有效地防止和遏制腐败。

    Thus only by raising the corruption personal cost in politics , economy , law , morality and reducing the personal corruption gains , can we combat and guard against corruption in an effective way .

  23. 结果··:1998年香港药物滥用成本的总成本为港币42.26亿元,其中68%是社会成本,32%为私人成本。

    Result : In 1998 , the total cost of drug abuse in Hong Kong was estimated at HK $ 4226 million , of which 68 % was social cost and 32 % was private cost .

  24. 传统的新古典经济理论认为,严格的环境保护必然会增加厂商的私人成本,降低其竞争力,对一国的经济发展带来负面的影响;

    Based on the traditional neo-classical economics , the strict environmental protection will surely increase the private cost of the manufacturers , reduce their competitiveness , and bring the negative influence on the economic development of a country .

  25. 本文通过对选择性执法的社会成本以及选择性执法者、违法者和社会公众的私人成本和收益的分析,阐明其中的激励效应和社会效应,并提出了对其治理的基本制度对策。

    The article shows encouragement and social effects and puts forwards essential legal countermeasures correspondingly , by analyzing social costs of executing law at random , and private costs and profits of law enforcers , law-breakers , and the public .

  26. 本文依塔洛克对寻租的经典定义为起点,对寻租行为的成本从新的角度进行了分析,认为寻租行为的成本不仅是寻租者私人成本,更多的则是需整个社会来承担的社会成本。

    This article begins with the classical definition of rent-seeking from Gordon Tullock , analyses the cost of rent-seeking action in a new aspect , points out that the cost of rent-seeking is more than the private cost of rent-seeker .

  27. 二是水权制度因素,如公共水权只强调全流域(或区域)计划配水,存在对私人成本和经济主体的水权难以界定的问题。

    Second , the water rights system , such as public water rights only emphasized the basin-wide ( or regional ) water distribution plan , the existence of private economic entities and the cost of water rights difficult to define the problem .

  28. 根据动态联盟中核心企业与成员企业的委托代理关系,设计了动态联盟成员企业私人成本显示的委托人激励契约,基本上避免了机会主义行为的出现,实现了动态联盟集体理性和个体理性的统一。

    According to the principal-agent relationship between the core enterprises and the partners , the agent revelation contract of enterprise 's personal cost in dynamic alliances is designed in the paper to avoid the opportunism and make the individual and group rationality consistent .

  29. 过度投资行为指管理者为了追求个人利益最大化而对净现值小于零的项目进行投资;投资不足指管理者为了避免投资失败所带来的私人成本而放弃净现值大于零但风险较大的投资项目。

    Over investment means that managers invest in the project on the net present value is less than zero in order to pursue personal interests , inadequate investment means managers give up the net present value is greater than zero investment to avoid failure .

  30. 结果表明,研发项目外包者和承包者之间的对称性关系契约只与技术成果价值的波动幅度有关,而与承包者的研发生产率系数及私人成本系数等特征参数无关。

    According to the result , the symmetric relational contract between the principal and agent depends only on the fluctuation of the targeted innovation ′ value and has nothing to do with the agent ′ s characteristic parameters such as the R & D productivity and the private marginal cost .