
  1. 这个车间里没有人利用上班时间干私活。

    No one in this workshop uses work hours to do private jobs .

  2. 他因利用上班时间干私活被罚没全年奖金。

    He lost a whole year 's bonuses for moonlighting during office hours .

  3. 还有你接过的私活

    And jobs you 've done on the side .

  4. 自97年俄国经济高度发展后就为果戈理干私活了

    went private with Gogol in ' 97 after the Russian economy boomed .

  5. 我之前在提华纳干私活。

    I was working freelance in Tijuana .

  6. 许多公司的工作效果都在下降的一个主要原因就是因为总有员工在工作时间干私活。

    One of the main reasons many offices experience decreasing productivity is because of reverse telecommuting-staff doing personal tasks on work time .

  7. 你知道他不爽珀西私接黑活

    You know how he feels about percy 's mission-for-hire jobs .