
  • 网络scientific american;man of science;The Scientist
  1. 核废料能够安全地存放于犹卡山吗?>《科学人杂志》(1996年6月),页72。

    Whipple , Chris . " Can Nuclear Waste Be Stored Safely at Yucca Mountain ?" Scientific American ( June 1996 ): 72 et seq .

  2. 关于作者:katewong是《美国科学人》的编辑、作家,主要报道古生物学、考古学和生命科学。

    About the author : Kate Wong is an editor and writer at Scientific American covering paleontology , archaeology and life sciences .

  3. 菲比:呃,一个制造慌乱的科学人。

    Phoebe : uh-oh . it 's scary scientist man .

  4. 科学人文化质疑&关于科学的价值实现途径问题

    Querying " Scientific Humanization " & On the Way of Scientific Value Realization

  5. 科学人本主义纲要

    Outline of Scientific Humanism

  6. 今天电子纸的研究已日益加速,也许不久以后,《科学人》的读者就能够选择不同的发行版,看是要电子文件夹、子大书,还是要电子纸卷了。

    Given today 's accelerated quest for electronic paper , it may not be too long before Scientific American readers are offered a choice of e-folio , e-hardcover ore-papyrus editions .

  7. 人是最高的价值,人的自由而全面的发展是最高的理想、人类的进步是至高无上的绝对命令是科学人本主义的三个基本原则。

    Man 's free and whole development is the highest ideal . Man 's progress is the highest and absolute order . These are the three principles of scientific humanism .

  8. 科学人本主义是马克思主义哲学的基本形式之一,是从人的角度对世界本质及其发展规律的概括和反映。

    Scientific humanism is one of the fundamental forms of Marxist philosophy . It is the summarization and reflection of the world essence and its development from the angle of man .

  9. 分析人本主义思想在我国体育教学中存在的问题,在了解科学人本主义教育思想及其内涵的基础上,对现代我国学校体育教育的改革和教育内容方面提出建议。

    Analyzed the problem of humanism view of physical education in China , the author understand the production of scientific humanism view and the connotative meaning in the end , the article puts forward some proposals to reformation and teaching content of physical education in China in the future .

  10. 邱园的物种保护科学负责人科林·克拉布博士说,植物有解决基本问题的潜力,比如粮食安全问题。

    Kew 's head of conservation science , Dr Colin Clubbe , says plants have the potential to address fundamental issues , such as food security .

  11. L自防科学技术人学研究生院学位论文设计了一个数字水印原型系统,实现了可见水印的嵌入以及不可见水印的嵌入和八检测。

    Besides theoretical research , we design a digital watermarking software .

  12. 人文主义地理学的一个主要目标是协调社会科学与人之间的关系,容纳知性(understanding)与智慧(wisdom),客观(objectivity)与主观(subjectivity)以及唯物主义和唯心主义。

    It is the first collection work on this field . One of the main aims of humanistic geography is corresponding the following relations : social sciences and human , understanding and wisdom , objectivity and subjectivity , materialism and mentalism .

  13. 科学与人的此在&从库恩和海德格尔的科学观变革来看

    Science and Dasein : Views on Science of Kuhn and Heidegger

  14. 建立科学用人选人机制;

    Establishment of a scientific mechanism for personnel employment and selection ;

  15. 一般注重科学的人,都对它们产生了极大兴趣。

    People just interested in science are greatly attracted to them .

  16. 研究科学的人说,他会恢复常态的;

    He would recover from it , the scientific men said ;

  17. 他是少有的忠诚于科学的人。

    He is that rarity : a true man of science .

  18. 科学与人对现代教育的影响

    Effect of Science and Humans on the Modern Education

  19. 马克思认为,科学是人学,经济学更是人学。

    Marx believed that science is humanism study , economics is humanism study .

  20. 两本书都重点谈到科学中人的因素。

    Both books highlight the human element of science .

  21. 科学、人本、和谐&泰勒制现代管理理念探析

    Science , Humanism , Harmony & On the Modern Management Ideas in Taylor ' System

  22. 科学是人的一种生存方式,是人的一种生存实践。

    Science is a form of people 's living , is a practice of existence .

  23. “人本学的自然”是对自然科学与人的科学分离的克服;

    His anthropology nature viewpoint discussed dialectical unity relations between science and science of human .

  24. 系统科学与人的发展之断想

    Study of Human Development from System Science

  25. 你是一个相信科学的人,而我是一个崇尚信仰的人。

    You are a man of science , but I am a man of faith .

  26. 3,科学与人的关系。

    The relation between man and science .

  27. 科学和人的价值

    The Value of Science and Persons

  28. 从传统经济人到科学经济人的术语革命

    From the Traditional " Economic Man " to " Scientific Economic Man " in the Terms of Revolution

  29. 科学与人本的城市规划观&兼论城市规划的制约因素及城市经营管理理念

    Scientific and Human-oriented Viewpoint on City Planning & Restricting Elements of City Planning and the Ideas of City Management

  30. 如果世界上有一位脑子里充满科学的人,那么这个人就是老所尔吉尔斯。

    If there is a man chock full of science in the world , it 's old Sol Gills .