
  • 网络history of scientific thought;intellectual history of Science
  1. 为什么要重视科学思想史的研究?

    Why Do We Have to Attach Importance to the Study of the History of Scientific Thought ?

  2. 在科学思想史上,反作用力原理的发现是一座伟大的丰碑。

    The discovery of the reaction principle represents one of the great milestones in the history of scientific thought .

  3. 西方科学思想史哲学建构的成功范例&柯瓦雷的哲学化科学思想史研究

    An Example of Philosophical Construction of Western History of Scientific Thought

  4. 试论科学思想史与哲学的关系

    On Relation of Scientific Through History and Philosophy

  5. 我所理解的科学思想史

    My View of the History of Scientific Thinking

  6. 科学思想史教育与创造性思维

    Education of Scientific Ideology History & Creative Thinking

  7. 科学思想史与抽象具体律

    The history of scientific ideas and the law of raising the abstract up to the concrete

  8. 跨文化比较研究方法在科技史上的应用&从李约瑟《中国古代科学思想史》谈起

    The Application of Cross-cultural Comparison Method in the History of Science and Technology & from The History of Chinese Ancient Science

  9. 中国科学思想史研究要考虑到传统认知模式的特点,揭示历史上思想活动的本来面目。

    The research on The History of Science Thought in China should consider the characteristics of the traditional cognitive pattern , and reveals the original features of the historical thought activities .

  10. 科学思想史研究是科学思想发展的历史结构与逻辑结构的统一、历史再现与理论建构的统一。

    The study of the history of scientific thinking is the unity of the historical and logical structures of the development of scientific thinking , and the unity of historical restatement and theoretical construction .

  11. 中国科学思想史的研究对象,应该是对历史上和现代科学研究有启发和指导意义的所有思想成果。

    The object of The Research on History of Science Thought in China should be all of the historical thought fruits , which has the enlightening and the guiding significance to the historical and the modern scientific research .

  12. 经济学怎样成了一门数学科学&经济思想史的一种简要考察

    How Economics Becomes a Science of Mathematics & A Brief Examination to The History of Economic Thought

  13. 环境科学的思想发展史

    Ideological History of Environmental Sciences

  14. 狭义相对论在科学史和思想史上的意义是非常重大的。

    Significance of the Special Theory of Relativity is very striking in the history of science and throughway .

  15. 同时他又是一位富有哲学探索精神和有强烈社会责任感的思想家,在人类科学史和思想史上产生了极其深远的影响。

    At the same time as a great thinker esteemed for his enthusiasm for philosophical exploration and sense of social responsibility , he exerted far reaching influence on the history of science and ideology .

  16. 维柯《新科学》在西方思想史上占据着特殊地位,它为多个学科开辟了道路。

    Vico 's New Science holds a special status in the western history of thinking , which find approaches to several disciplines .

  17. 科学史与哲学的关系实质上主要体现在科学思想史与哲学的关系上。

    The relation of scientific history and philosophy mainly embody the one of scientific thought history and philosophy .

  18. 柯瓦雷以现象学、历史语境方法和科学、哲学与宗教相结合的整体主义认识论为基础,对西方科学思想史进行了成功的哲学建构,形成了科学思想史研究的柯瓦雷范式。

    On the bases of phenomenological theory , methodology of historical context and the holism that science must contact with philosophy and religion , and no one could be left beside , Koyr é established history of scientific thought , which provides a successful case our history of scientific thought .

  19. 从中古科学史看道家自然观的发展轨迹&读李约瑟《中国科学技术史》第二卷《科学思想史》札记

    From the scientific history of middle ancient times look for the developmental locus of Taoist School 's views of nature & notes on Reading History of scientific thought ( Vol ⅱ) of Science and civilization in China by Joseph Needham

  20. 论人文科学与建筑学教育要切实转变传统的教育思想和教育观念,营造崇尚科学精神的社会舆论氛围,加强科学思想史的教育,加大人文科学的教育力度。

    So the traditional thoughts and concepts of education must be changed in a practical way so as to construct a social atmosphere with scientific spirit , and strengthen the education of the history of scientific thoughts and humane studies .