
  • 网络scientific concept;scientific conception
  1. 以前艺术家是如何理解联觉的科学概念的?

    How have artists used scientific concepts of synaesthesia in the past ?

  2. 学生掌握科学概念过程的心理分析

    A psychological analysis of the process of mastering scientific concepts in school children

  3. 应该熟悉下列与XML有关的计算机科学概念:树遍历、递归和数据重用。

    You should be familiar with the following XML-related , computer-science concepts : tree traversal , recursion , and reuse of data .

  4. ERP是现代企业管理的科学概念,在西方发达国家已引入制造企业的综合管理之中。

    ERP is a scientific concept of modern enterprise management , which has been introduced to the comprehensive management of manufacturing enterprises in developed countries .

  5. 比如说,今年我很喜欢理查德·道金斯(RichardDawkins)的《真相的魔力》(TheMagicofReality),它解释了各种科学概念,目标读者是青少年。

    For example , this year I enjoyed Richard Dawkins 's " The Magic of Reality , " which explains various scientific ideas and is aimed at teenagers .

  6. 学生JadaLockwood说,她喜欢Weiss先生来到课堂,喜欢Weiss用于解释科学概念的图画。

    Student Jada Lockwood says she enjoys Mr. Weiss ' visits to her classroom . She likes the drawings he uses to explain scientific ideas .

  7. 对体育科学概念的商榷

    A Discussion on the Concepts of PE science : My Opinion

  8. 高中化学教学中前科学概念的研究

    Research on the Fore-scientific Concept in Senior Middle School Chemistry Teaching

  9. 概念转变是科学概念学习的关键。

    Concept change is the key to the learning of science concept .

  10. 生态旅游的科学概念与应用

    The Scientific Concept and its Application of Eco - tourism

  11. 日常概念与科学概念数字通信中的几个常用概念及其关系

    Some Common Concepts and Their Relations in Digital Communication

  12. 变译是一种全新的科学概念。

    And adaptation is a completely new and scientific concept in translation field .

  13. 第一章的主要内容是分析科学概念的教育意义和科学概念的学习机制。

    Chapter One analyzes the instruction meaning and learning mechanism of science conception .

  14. 论举证责任及其科学概念的表述

    On Burden of Producing Evidence and Its Scientific Concept

  15. 但是对于催眠的科学概念直到十七世纪晚期才诞生。

    But the scientific conception of hypnotism wasn 't born until the late1700s .

  16. 科技名词是科学概念的语言符号。

    Scientific and technical term is the language symbol of the scientific concept .

  17. 探究性学习环境的设计及其在科学概念学习中的应用

    Design of Inquiry Learning Environment and It 's Application in Science Conception Learning

  18. 体育科学概念应具有前瞻性

    The Must of the Forward-look Concerning PE Science Concepts

  19. 第三产业是一个科学概念

    The Third Industry Is a Scientific Concept SCIENCE

  20. 隐喻:科学概念变革的助产士

    Metaphor : the Midwife of Changing Scientific Concepts

  21. 在广义的科学概念下,可以说中医是科学。

    We may say TCM is a science in the wider concept of science .

  22. 她30年的学习生涯重新阐明了关于大猩猩智力的科学概念。

    The 30-year study of Koko has redefined science 's concept of gorilla intelligence .

  23. 这些前概念对后续科学概念的学习将会产生举足轻重的影响。

    These preconceptions may have the pivotal function to the following scientific concept study .

  24. 前科学概念是造成学生错误概念的重要原因;

    Preconception is an important factor to misconception ;

  25. 研究结果为:(1)明确了植保社会化服务的科学概念。

    Firstly , it clarifies the scientific concept of socialized service for plant protection .

  26. 其实,科学概念的建构在体育运动中也是一样。

    In fact , the conception of science is also applicable to the sports games .

  27. 这些相异构想会对他们学习科学概念起着消极的阻碍作用。

    These alternative frameworks tend to become a negative obstacle in learning the scientific concepts .

  28. 社会科学概念形成过程中外显与内隐学习的比较研究

    A Comparison Between Implicit and Explicit Learning in the Forming Process of Social Science Concept

  29. 在他的作品中,他能将科学概念带给读者。

    In his writing he was able to bring scientific ideas to a general audience .

  30. 语言表达方式对科学概念语义提取时间的影响

    The effect of the ways of linguistic expression on the semantic recovery time of scientific concepts