
  • 网络Scientific Progress;science advances;science advancement
  1. 部分原因在于,他的作品里表现了社会、政治和科学进步。

    It 's partly that his writings rode a wave of social , political and scientific progress .

  2. 科学进步与QC课题

    Relation of Scientific Progress and QC Task

  3. 这是20世纪伟大的科学进步之一。

    This is one of the great scientific advances of the 20th century .

  4. 已经有很多文章涉及科学家和媒体之间的关系对于向公众有效传播科学进步所产生的影响。

    Much has been written about how the relationship between scientists and the media can shape the efficient transmission of scientific advances to the public .

  5. 科学进步中价值标准的有效性

    The Availability of Values Criterion of the Progress of Science

  6. 许多科学进步来自于其他领域。

    Many scientific advances come from outside the field .

  7. 菲什曼教授认为虚拟现实具有加速科学进步的潜力。

    Professor Fishman says that virtual reality has the potential to accelerate scientific advancement .

  8. 科学进步观的历史演变

    The historical evolution on idea of science progress

  9. 理性、真理与科学进步

    Rationality , Truth and Progress in Science

  10. 同样,科学进步的模式与科学发展的模式也不完全相同。

    The pattern of science progress is also different from the pattern of science development .

  11. 科学进步及其中间范式

    On Scientific Progress and Intermediary Paradigm

  12. 爱因斯坦的科学进步观

    Einstein 's idea on scientific progress

  13. 社会历史学派的科学进步观疏远了理性,同时拒绝了真理。

    The concept of progress of historicism of science stands off rationality , meanwhile reject truth .

  14. 科学进步的合理性以及科学进步模式

    Rationality and Modes of Scientific Progress

  15. 它在社会发展与科学进步的长河中占有什么样的地位?

    Which position does geophysics take ini the long river of social development and scientific advancement ?

  16. 它的直接成果是科学进步,推动国家和民族的文明向前发展。

    Its dire achievement is science improves , pushes the country and national civilization to develop forward .

  17. 现在,一个科学家的社交网站希望利用这种技术推动科学进步。

    Now , a social network for scientists hopes to use the technology to speed up scientific progress .

  18. 动物福利问题形式多样,涉及科学进步和社会发展的多个层次。

    The animal welfare has all kinds of forms , involving many aspects of science progress and society development .

  19. 而有些拥有较为悲观态度的评论者预测核战争将战胜人类科学进步。

    Some commentators of a more pessimistic outlook , meanwhile , expect to see scientific progress overcome by nuclear conflagration .

  20. 重建的科学进步模式是一个动态过程,其核心内容是研究纲领的转化。

    The reconstructed pattern of scientific development with the wrong theory being dynamic , its kernel is the transformation of research programme .

  21. 罗伊在芝加哥召开的“美国科学进步协会”的年会上说,动作可以解释这一差别。

    Gestures could help explain the difference , Rowe told the American Association for the Advancement of Science annual meeting in Chicago .

  22. 然后需要重新强调基础设施和科技投资,加大对有望提高生产率的科学进步的支持。

    Then new emphasis on infrastructure and technology investment is needed , with greater support for scientific advances that promise increased productivity .

  23. 一项重要的科学进步所产生的结论,应该与其他理论所派生的结论有所不同,并且能够证明,这种不同的结论有观察作为依据。

    An important scientific advance yields conclusions which differ from those derived from alternative theories , and establishes that these divergent conclusions are supported by observation .

  24. 最近发表在《科学进步》的一项研究创造了人为夜空亮度的地图集,测量并比较世界各地天空的亮度。

    A recent study , published in Science Advances , created an atlas of artificial night-sky brightness that measures and compares sky luminance around the world .

  25. 生产力的发展在客观上要求不断加快技术革新、科学进步和教育发展,知识经济的来临是必然的。

    Since technological renovation , scientific progress and education development are ever going which the productive force demands , it is predetermined that knowledge economy will be coming .

  26. 这种说法反过来也是成立的,即不同的人对于科学进步目的所保有的不同价值标准,也深刻影响到了他对科学发展模式的描述。

    Vice versa , different people have different values for the purpose of scientific progress , which also impact on his description of the mode of scientific development .

  27. 在计算机革命、生物技术革命及其他重大科学进步中,联邦政府资助的研究人员的最大作用是构想宏伟的计划。

    In the computing and biotech revolutions , as in other significant scientific advances , the most useful role that federally funded researchers could play was to think big .

  28. 关于第一个条件主要探讨了科学进步的不同时期对实现司法正义的影响以及指导司法应对科学危机的两个原则;

    On the first condition it mainly discusses effect of the different terms of science 's progress on realization of judicial justice and the two principles of how judging do on scientific crisis ;

  29. 找到制约中国科幻小说发展的根源,指出科幻小说与科学进步之间的必然联系。

    In the thesis , the author finds the source that restricts the development of science fiction in China and points out the necessary contact between science fiction and the advancement in science and technology .

  30. 可持续发展观强调自然的可持续性,经济与社会应当共同发展,人与环境相和谐,保障社会的科学进步。

    The concept of sustainable development stressed that " the sustainability of the natural " . Economic and society should work together , to ensure harmonics between man and the environment and to protect the society of scientific progress .