
  • 网络Kirk;Gabriel Kolko;Ans Kolk;Santi Kolk
  1. 贝塞尔?范德科尔克(BesselvanderKolk)的《身体从未忘记:心理创伤疗愈中的大脑、心智和身体》(TheBodyKeepstheScore:Brain,MindandBodyintheHealingofTrauma)一书描写了这一过程。

    The process is described in The Body Keeps the Score : Brain , Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk .

  2. 虽然美国国立卫生研究院(NationalInstitutesofHealth)和国防部都已经开始研究瑜伽和EMDR的效益,但批评者指出,范德科尔克自己的研究缺乏严谨性,样本也过小;

    And while the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Defense have begun studying the benefits of yoga and E.M.D.R. , van der Kolk 's own studies have been criticized for a lack of rigor and small sample sizes ;

  3. 现在,他终于将向他们演示实际的治疗技术。范德科尔克将目光落在自己的实验对象尤金(Eugene)的身上。这是一名36岁的伊拉克战争退伍军人,此刻他正坐在范德科尔克的对面,面带悲伤,又充满期待。

    Now , finally , he was about to demonstrate an actual therapeutic technique , and his gaze was fixed on the subject of his experiment : a 36-year-old Iraq war veteran named Eugene , who sat directly across from van der Kolk , looking mournful and expectant .

  4. Trulia经济学家杰德•科尔克表示,2013年旧金山地区提交的房屋新建申请数量有望达到之前几年的两倍。

    The area is on track to have almost twice as many building permits filed this year as it has had in previous years , says Jed Kolko , economist with Trulia , an online real estate website .

  5. 接下来,范德科尔克询问尤金希望由谁来扮演那名被自己杀害的人。

    Next , van der Kolk asked who should play the man he killed .

  6. 最后,范德科尔克问道,谁来扮演那男子的母亲?

    Finally , van der Kolk asked , Who should play the man 's mother ?

  7. 此外,也有人指责范德科尔克将神经科学过度简单化,以支持自己的临床工作。

    Van der Kolk has also been charged with oversimplifying neuroscience to support his clinical work .

  8. 一直以来,范德科尔克都在借助评估自己的临床经验来寻找最佳疗法的蛛丝马迹。

    Van der Kolk is always evaluating his own clinical experiences for clues to what works best .

  9. 待这场日后被称为“记忆之战”的争论尘埃落定之后,范德科尔克自己也付出了代价。

    After the dust settled in what was dubbed " the memory wars , " van der Kolk found himself among the casualties .

  10. 在这本书中,范德科尔克找到了一些最初的灵感。这些灵感最终指明了他职业生涯的方向:神经官能症的核心在于躯体性神经官能症。

    In its pages , van der Kolk found the first seeds of an idea that would ultimately shape his career : The nucleus of neurosis is physioneurosis .

  11. 然后又过了一天,范德科尔克让我第二次对他表示原谅,那咒语才最终被打破,他终于能够面对我,将我还原为研讨会的普通参与者而已。

    It wasn 't until the following day , when van der Kolk had me forgive him a second time , that the spell finally broke and he was able to face me as just another workshop participant .