
  1. 第四章是科教文卫支出与经济增长的动态关系的实证分析。

    Chapter 4 gives an empirical analysis of the dynamic relationship between the expenditures and economic growth .

  2. 适度增加科教文卫支出,调整支出方向。

    Modestly increase in fiscal expenditure in science , education , culture , public health and adjust the direction of expenditure .

  3. 财政分权增加了行政管理费的比重,同时降低了科教文卫支出比重,而官员晋升对两者的影响皆不显著。

    Fiscal decentralization increased the proportion of the administrative expenses , and reduces the science-education-culture-health expenditure , while officials in proportion of the influence of both promotion is not significant .

  4. 在数量上,财政支援农村支出总量不足,农村固定资产投资总额比重太小,社会保障支出和科教文卫支出比重明显偏低。

    In quantity , the total lack of financial support for rural spending in rural areas too small a proportion of total investment in fixed assets , social security expenditure and the proportion of science , education spending is significantly lower .