
  1. 俄罗斯人姓名的全称是由名字、父称和姓三部分构成的。

    Russian names include three parts : given name , paternal name and surname .

  2. 如果对方有头衔例如大使或院长,学生应该称他的姓和头衔。

    If the other person being addressed has a title such as " Ambassador " or " Dean ," the student should use that title and the last name .

  3. 这位只称自己姓宁(音)的居民表示,去年买生狗肉的价格是每公斤人民币26元,今年已经涨到40元。

    ' I bought raw dog meat at 26 yuan ( per kilogram ) last year and this year it went up to 40 yuan , ' said the resident , who would only give his surname , Ning .

  4. 前任市长称自己姓“保斯”,后裔却改称“巴力”支持者说,就因为前任市长的名字可能被讥笑就不承认人家简直就是没天理!

    The former mayor pronounced his last name " balls . " His descendants have since changed it to " bales . " Supporters said it 's unfair that the former mayor couldn 't be recognized simply because his name makes some people snicker ,

  5. 据《新京报》报道,一些网友发帖称,李姓老师是被一名学生的家人给打了,原因是他性骚扰学生,而其他人则表示,这起事件是以前一个被他开除了的学生的报复。

    While some netizens have posted that Li was beaten by a student 's family who accused him of sexually assaulting students , other information suggests that it was students who he had gotten kicked out of school getting revenge , according to the Beijing News .