
ɡǎo chóu
  • royalties;payment to an author
稿酬 [gǎo chóu]
  • 同稿费

  1. 介绍了microsoftexcel在计算稿酬和报道时差方面的应用,Foxmail在管理E-mail稿件中的应用,方正文档转word文档的方法,网络资源的共享措施等。

    The article introduces the application of Microsoft Excel in calculating author 's remuneration and report time delaying , the application of Foxmail in managing E-mail contribution , the method of covering FZ documents into word documentation , and measures of sharing on-line information .

  2. 当初自由职业者诺亚•戴维斯在《锥子》杂志(TheAwl)上透露了出版商支付给他的稿酬之后,他的文章被分享了3000多次,其中包括来自大约100名记者的分享转发。

    When freelancer Noah Davis revealed in the awl what publications paid him for his work his article was shared over 3,000 times , which included shares from about a hundred journalists .

  3. 应按照稿酬所得缴纳个人所得税。

    He should pay ITT on the total income from author 's remuneration .

  4. 凡入选者无稿酬,赠送样书一卷。

    Those who selected no remuneration , gifts like a roll of the book .

  5. 这家杂志有相当雄厚的财政实力,能够支付一流记者的稿酬。

    This magazine has considerable financial muscle and can afford to pay top journalists .

  6. 本刊的稿酬和重大奖励请向编辑部询查。

    As for the remuneration and significant encouragement , please check with the editorial board .

  7. 新中国稿酬制度演变与作者地位的变化

    Evolution of Author 's Remuneration System and the Changes of the Author 's Position in China

  8. 一般情况下,美术作品出版者必须向美术作品著作权人支付稿酬。

    Generally the publisher of an art works should pay to the copyright owner of the works .

  9. 很快,我收到一封来自编辑、用打字机打出的信,给了我30英镑的稿酬。

    Soon afterwards I got a typewritten letter from the editor , offering me 30 for the piece .

  10. 克林顿的回忆录将在晚些时候出版,而他从另一家有竞争力的出版社那里获得了整整1000万美元的稿酬。

    Bill Clinton 's version will come out later , earning him a tidy million from a rival press .

  11. 出于对作者的信任和尊重,出版商给了他一笔数目可观的预付稿酬

    Out of trust and respect , the publisher paid the author a handsome advance for the Book he is writing

  12. 他所读到的关于别的作家的高稿酬的事看来也准是假话。

    And the other high rewards of writers , that he had read about , must be lies , too .

  13. 这只不过是说如果刊物的老板把我的稿酬加倍,我的文章会写得可读一点。

    This is no more than saying that if a publisher doubles my writing fees , my articles would read better .

  14. 首次出版的书稿,可按略高于国内稿酬标准支付报酬;

    For manuscripts that are published for the first time , the remuneration may be slightly higher than the domestic rates .

  15. 如果他今天还为某些报纸写稿,稿酬仍将是100英镑,甚至可能一个子儿都拿不到。

    If he wrote those articles for certain newspapers today , he would still get £ 100 , or maybe nothing .

  16. 每篇内容都由某相关领域的热心人士撰写,没有稿酬,编辑者也同样是志愿人士。

    Each article is by an enthusiast in the relevant field , for no pay , and edited by fellow volunteers .

  17. 马丁·伊登卖给芝加哥新闻的《探宝者》的稿酬也没有到手。

    The ten dollars for which Martin had sold " Treasure Hunters " to the Chicago newspaper did not come to hand .

  18. 拜读来翰,先生似有所误会,以为我处对未约写之稿亦付稿酬。

    On rereading your letter it seems to us that you are laboring under the misapprehension that we pay for unsolicited manuscripts .

  19. 在独占性方面,网络作品需要制定新的许可证制度与著作权的稿酬计算标准;

    In monopolizing nature , the network works need to make the new license system and make the new remuneration standard of copyright ;

  20. 而此时他也不缺钱用,因为他晚期的几篇小说又已被采用,得到了稿酬。

    In the meantime he was not in need of money , for several of his later stories had been accepted and paid for .

  21. 只要出版商在预付巨额稿酬的同时不再就版税做出更大让步,对他们来说这不一定是件坏事。

    That need not be a bad thing for book publishers , provided they do not simultaneously pay big advances and concede higher royalties .

  22. 使用外国人的作品,可按略高于国内作者稿酬支付。

    If works of foreign authors are used , the remuneration may be slightly higher than that which would be paid to domestic authors .

  23. 如果书写得好,稿酬、支票都会来,你就有了一棵摇钱树。

    If the book does well , you could have a cash cow on your hands in the form of royalties and advance checks .

  24. 唉,他上了别人的钩了。报纸上关于作家和稿酬的瞎话使他浪费了两年时光。

    Well , he had taken the bait , the newspaper lies about writers and their pay , and he had wasted two years over it .

  25. 只是无从查考,那篇报道的作者稿酬几何,不禁让人倍感遗憾!

    One thing we cannot now is , how much did the writer earned from the composing of that report . Isn 't it a pity !

  26. 稿酬所得,适用比例税率,税率为百分之二十,并按应纳税额减征百分之三十。

    Income from author 's remuneration shall be taxed at a flat rate of20 % , the amount of tax payable however shall be reduced by30 % .

  27. 从期刊编辑方面来说,主要有修改不当、不按稿约要求处理来稿和少发或不发作者稿酬等。

    As for editors are concerned , there are improper revision of the article , failure to deal with manuscripts according to the requirements and pay for contributors .

  28. 支付稿酬&报刊社的一项基本义务奖金:指支付给职工的超额劳动报酬和增收节支的劳动报酬。

    PAY THE COMPOSING FEE-A BASIC OBLIGATION OF THE NEWSPAPER OFFICE ; Bonus : refers to remuneration payment to workers for extra work and for increasing earnings and practicing economy .

  29. 目前该稿如仍在先生手中,且愿赏光惠寄,我刊将乐于按先生条件全部发表,并以最优厚稿酬将该稿作诗集出版。

    If you still have them , and if you will be kind enough to forward them , we shall be glad to publish the entire collection on your own terms .

  30. 他相信真正的第一流杂志是会给予一个无名作家同样的稿酬的,即使不能更多。

    He anchored his faith to that , and was confident that the really first-class magazines would pay an unknown writer at least an equal rate , if not a better one .