
  • 网络strategy;Competitive Strategy;generic strategies
  1. 贵在营销理念&加入WTO企业国际化市场竞争策略创新

    The Important Thing Is the " Market Principle " & Innovation in Competitive Strategy on International Market by Entering into WTO

  2. 国内运营商3G竞争策略

    The 3G Competitive Strategy of Domestic Carriers

  3. H公司免疫诊断产品在中国的市场竞争策略

    The Market Competition Strategy for H Company 's Immunoassay Product in China

  4. (θ,n)对手策略下的双方向外汇兑换问题及其竞争策略分析

    Competitive Analysis on Two-way Trading Problem in Foreign Exchange Transactions with (θ, n ) Adversary

  5. 3G时代吉林移动公司的市场竞争策略研究

    Study of Market Competition Strategy of Jilin Mobile Company in 3G Age

  6. 名牌服装的市场竞争策略和目标&关于ABC的市场调查报告

    Competitive strategies and market goal for famous brand clothing & a Market Research Report about ABC

  7. 从盈利模式、价格策略、分销策略、市场策略和竞争策略等多方面阐述了PLC网络的运营模式。

    The management mode of PLC network is expatiated in detail from many aspects such as payoff pattern , price policy , distribution strategy , market resource and competition tactic .

  8. 中国电信天翼和中国移动G3的市场竞争策略研究

    Study on Market Strategy for China Telecom E Surfing and China Mobile G3

  9. 第四,利用N个单目标规划模型,先估算博弈双方的收益函数。在此基础上,进行不同博弈模型下,参与方应采取的合作竞争策略。

    Fourth , the use of multi-objective planning and single objective programming method to estimate the income of the game functions , On this basis , the cooperation and competition policy should be taken by the participants .

  10. 基于扩展Hotelling模型的企业竞争策略研究

    Extended Hotelling Model-Based Firms ' Competitive Strategies

  11. 运用战略管理的SWOT理论,对重组后的华宇公司的现状进行了分析。从而得出华宇公司下一步应该选择的竞争策略和战略态势。

    With the SWOT theory , it analyzes the present situation of Huayu Corporation and gets the competition tactic and strategic state to be adopted by Huayu Corporation at next step .

  12. 讨论并证明了对于固定购买数量的竞争策略,我们给出的FNA策略具有最优的竞争比。

    Furthermore , we prove that FNA has the optimal competitive ratio compared to decisions of fixed purchases .

  13. 随后进行了市场细分,并确定了目标市场,提出了竞争策略,提出了S公司的4P组合策略以及CI策略、服务策略。

    Then the thesis puts forward competitive strategy focusing on target market and marketing combination strategy in4Ps of Company S as well as service strategy , CI strategy .

  14. 第四章论述了联想MP3播放器的定位,发展战略,竞争策略以及发展战略、竞争策略在宏观、中观、微观层面的展开论述,最后就营运当中可能存在的风险给出了具体的应对策略。

    The fourth chapter studied the orientation 、 development strategy and competition strategy as well as the development and competition strategy expanded on the macroscopical , middle and microscopical tiers .

  15. 信仰空间接收群体空间中的精英粒子,并采用了交叉操作和小生境Pareto竞争策略保证所产生的最优解集能够均匀地分布在Pareto前沿。

    The belief space accepts the elitist particles from the population space . A crossover operation and niche Pareto competition strategy are further executed to ensure that the optimal set can be distributed uniformly on the Pareto frontier .

  16. TAGAL公司中国钢材市场竞争策略研究

    The Strategy Research of TAGAL in Chinese Automotive Steel Market

  17. 内容包括市场定位、竞争策略、营销组合。

    Contents include market positioning , competitive strategy , marketing mix .

  18. 关于东北亚国际航运中心竞争策略

    Discussion on Competition strategies of International shipping center in Northeast Asia

  19. 药品连锁店竞争策略的思考

    The Thinking of the Competitive Strategy of Chain Store of Medicines

  20. 中国农业技术的国际扩散模式及竞争策略

    China 's International Diffusion Mode in Agriculture Technique and Competitive Strategies

  21. 企业竞争策略选择的建模、算法与仿真

    Strategic choice of an enterprise : modeling , algorithm and simulation

  22. 基于任务跟踪的在线租赁问题与竞争策略研究

    Competitive Strategy Research for Online Leasing Problem with the Task Track

  23. 移动商务环境下服务产品的差异化竞争策略研究

    Study on Competitive Strategies of Service Products Differentiation under Mobile Commerce

  24. 用价值链指导竞争策略的调整

    Use value chain to instruct the adjustment of competition strategy

  25. 广告是企业营销管理中非价格竞争策略的重要组成部分。

    Advertising is one of important non-price policies for enterprises .

  26. 占线试销产品的配送问题与竞争策略

    On-line Problem for Distribution System of Production Test-market and Its Competitive Algorithms

  27. 商业银行信用卡市场竞争策略研究

    Research on competition strategy of banks in credit card markets

  28. 基于体验层次的品牌竞争策略

    The Strategy Base on the Practice Stage of Brands Competition

  29. 流域水电公司在电力期货交易下的竞争策略

    Competition strategies of river-based hydropower companies in electricity futures trading

  30. 不同交通方式市场份额划分问题及竞争策略

    Market Share of Different Traffic Means and their Competing Strategy