
bǐ tán
  • conversation by writing;sketches and notes
笔谈 [bǐ tán]
  • (1) [conversation by writing]∶用文字交换意见或发表见解

  • (2) [sketches and notes]∶ 随笔记录的著作(多用于书名)

  • 《梦溪笔谈》

笔谈[bǐ tán]
  1. “伊拉克战争中的战争法问题”笔谈

    Conversation by writing on " problem of war law in Iraq war "

  2. 促进和实现人的全面发展(笔谈)

    Promotion and Realization of Man 's All-round Development ( Conversation by Writing )

  3. 世纪转折与中国人类学的前景&五位在京青年学者的笔谈

    The Turn of the Century and the Prospects of Chinese Anthropology

  4. 后奥运中国体育走向的新思考(笔谈)

    New Thinking on Chinese Sports Orientation in the Post-Olympic Period ;

  5. 民族文化融合与中国古代戏曲繁荣(笔谈)

    Ethnic cultural infusion and the Chinese ancient traditional operatic prosperity ;

  6. 江南文化与江南诗学笔谈

    On the Culture to the South of The Yangtze and its Poetics

  7. 9·11事件与西亚非洲专家笔谈

    Pen Conversations on the September 11 Attacks And West Asia and Africa

  8. 历史街区保护与整治规划研究西安市南大街改建规划笔谈会综述

    Preservation of Historical Street Blocks and Its Reconstruction Planning Study

  9. 科学哲学笔谈&第三次全国科学哲学讨论会部分发言和论文摘要

    About the Third National Symposium on the Philosophy of Science

  10. 谈《申报》的广告传播跨国跨文化传播笔谈

    On Advertisement Propagating of Shen Daily Transnational Intercultural Communication : Pen Talk

  11. 中国话语与中国学术(系列笔谈之文学篇)

    Chinese Discourse and Chinese Academic Learning ( serial writings : literature )

  12. 这是世纪之交对中国现代文学研究回顾和展望的笔谈。

    Commentary on the Research of the Beginning of Modern Chinese Literature ;

  13. 文化研究与文论的现代性笔谈

    Forum : Cultural Study and Modernity of Literary Theories

  14. 创新时代的哲学社会科学笔谈

    Philosophy and the Social Sciences in an Innovatory Epoch

  15. 东方美学的研究前景笔谈&全球化时代东方美学的角色

    Pen Conversations about the Prospect of Oriental Aesthetics Studies

  16. 文学理论建设与批评实践笔谈

    Construction of Literary Theory and Practice of Criticism : A Contribution to Discussion

  17. 台湾文学研究前沿问题(笔谈)

    Taiwanese Literature Studies : the State of the Art ( Conversationin Writing )

  18. 英诗格律笔谈

    A Study on Meters and Rhymes of English Poetry

  19. 启蒙神话、命运悖论与现代知识分子的遭遇&关于《伤逝》与《寒夜》的笔谈

    Myths of Enlightenment , Paradoxes of Life and the Encounters of Modern Intellectuals

  20. 文明对话:伊拉克战争的哲学解读(学术笔谈)谁之正义?何种合法性?

    Dialogue with Civilization : Philosophical Understanding of Iraqi War ( Academic Writing )

  21. 当代中国的文化立场&全球经济危机下中国文化发展战略笔谈

    China 's Cultural Standpoint under the Global Economic Crisis

  22. 还可用“笔谈”的方式&开启学生心理的钥匙。

    Also " writing " approach-the key to open the student 's psychological .

  23. 新形势下高校思想政治理论课建设笔谈

    Construction of Ideological and Political Theory Courses at Colleges under the New Situations

  24. 中国新诗成就与前景(笔谈)

    The achievements and prospects of new poetry in China ( Talk on paper )

  25. 科学、技术与社会发展笔谈

    Notes on Science , Technology and Social Development

  26. 金融风暴对扬州主导产业的影响与对策笔谈

    The Effect of Financial Crisis on the Leading Industries of Yangzhou and the Countermeasures

  27. 有两种基本的表现形式:一是笔谈栏目,二是专题栏目。

    One is the written forum , and the other , the special subject columns .

  28. 上海城市社会生活史笔谈稀世富矿:上海城市社会生活史研究的价值

    Writing-Conversation on History of Shanghai Urban Life

  29. 中国旅游发展笔谈

    Written Discussion on China 's Tourism Development

  30. 赛珍珠研究笔谈

    Pearl Buck Studies : a Panel Discussion