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bǐ xīn
  • refill;pencil lead
笔心 [bǐ xīn]
  • (1) [pencil lead]∶铅笔的芯子

  • (2) [refill]∶圆珠笔的芯子

笔心[bǐ xīn]
  1. 想想看,你通常怎麽做才能将铅笔削尖一点?你可以使用削刀或是削铅笔机,一步步将铅笔笔心外围的木头削去,让笔尖自然成形。

    How do you make a point on a pencil ? Using a sharp blade or sharpener , you carve away the wood surrounding the lead and then some of the lead itself until the pencil 's functional core is laid bare .