
dì sān shì jiè
  • the third world
第三世界 [dì sān shì jiè]
  • [the Third World] 毛泽东关于三个世界划分的理论中指亚洲、非洲、拉丁美洲及世界其它地区的发展中国家

第三世界[dì sān shì jiè]
  1. 很多第三世界国家仍和过去一样穷困。

    Many countries in the Third World are as poor as they have ever been .

  2. 第三世界国家之间没有根本的利害冲突。

    There is no conflict of fundamental interests among the third world countries .

  3. 这个国家不愿意再被称为第三世界国家。

    The country no longer wanted to be tagged as a Third World nation .

  4. “第三世界”是个抽象概念,是一种简称。

    ' Third World ' is an abstraction , a form of shorthand

  5. 西方资本主义的扩张将第三世界并入了剥削性的世界体系中。

    The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system .

  6. 坎特伯雷大主教就第三世界的债务问题向欧洲的领导人发出了警告。

    The Archbishop of Canterbury has sounded a warning to Europe 's leaders on third world debt

  7. 会议上提出的还是那些惯常讨论的老套话题——宏观经济政策、第三世界债务和环境问题。

    The meeting produced the usual bromides about macroeconomic policy , third-world debt and the environment .

  8. 在向国际货币基金组织所作的一次言辞激烈的演讲中,他敦促第三世界国家实行彻底改革。

    In a hard-hitting speech to the IMF , he urged third world countries to undertake sweeping reforms .

  9. 我们两国同属第三世界。

    Both our countries belong to the Third World .

  10. 中国认为第三世界国家的分歧是有是有非,有曲有直的。

    China believes that there are rights and wrongs involved in the disputes between third world countries .

  11. 这是第三世界的共同利益。

    This is in the common interest of the third world .

  12. 那么,第三世界国家的教育体制在事实上就保持甚至加剧了不平等。

    Then the educational system can actually perpetuate and even increase inequality in third world nations .

  13. 一对职业失败主义者为他们撰写的一本新书取了这样一个可笑的名字:《加入南方国家:为什么英国会在2014年成为第三世界经济体》(GoingSouth:WhyBritainWillHaveaThirdWorldEconomyBy2014)。

    One new volume by a pair of professional defeatists is laughably titled Going South : Why Britain Will Have a Third World Economy By 2014 .

  14. 人均GDP在绝大多数第三世界国家之上,从海外投资上获得的充足收益补充了国内生产的收益。

    Per capita GDP is far above most other Third World countries , and substantial income from overseas investment supplements income from domestic production .

  15. 《财富》杂志(Fortune)独家获得的一份报告披露,研究人员正在利用这些设备收集的数据来解决第三世界的问题。

    Now , researchers are using data collected by the devices to address third-world problems , according to a report provided exclusively to Fortune .

  16. 第三世界科学院院长JacobPalis探讨了有关领导能力、共同承担南南科研合作的责任并一起分享美好未来。

    Jacob Palis , president of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences , talks about shared responsibility and a rosy future for South – South research collaboration .

  17. Pandor说,没有这类项目,“就不太可能出现显著的变化”。她是在第三世界女科学家组织(TWOWS)的女科学家在“变化的世界”大会上说出这番话的。

    The Women Scientists in a Changing World conference organised by the Third World Organisation of Women Scientists ( TWOWS ) .

  18. 第三世界与21世纪国际新秩序

    The Third World with the New International Order in 21 Century

  19. 西方国家向第三世界输出资本和产品。

    The West exported capital and manufactures to the third world .

  20. 加强与第三世界国家的团结

    Strengthen our solidarity ( ties ) with the Third World countries

  21. 新中国电影:第三世界批评的笔记

    The New Chinese Film : Notes on the Third World Criticism

  22. 高死亡率仍然给第三世界的孩子?带来苦难。

    High mortality rates still afflict children of the third world .

  23. 第三世界科学院通过一些项目来支持南部的科研。

    TWAS supports scientific research in the South through several programmes .

  24. 我们同第三世界国家的合作继续增强。

    Our co-operation with the third-world countries has continued to grow .

  25. 中国是发展中国家,属于第三世界。

    China is a developing country belonging to the third world .

  26. 饥荒使很多第三世界国家的儿童挨饿。

    Famine causes many children in third world countries to starve .

  27. 第三世界城市的城市交通有四个共同特点。

    Urban transportation in Third World cities shares four common characteristics .

  28. 净化:美国的废物管理技术与第三世界发展

    Cleaning Up : U.S.Waste Management Technology and Third World Development

  29. 马克思恩格斯论第三世界发展问题

    Marx Engles on the Developing Problems in the Third World

  30. 第三世界批评:民族·种族·性别

    Third World Criticism : Nation , Race and Sexual Difference