
  • 网络Third Way
  1. 其后工党托尼布莱尔于1997年当选为首相后,提倡又被称为“第三种道路”的社会自由主义,令英国经济一直繁荣。

    Subsequent Labour Party Tony Blair was elected prime minister in 1997 , advocates also known as the " third way " social liberalism , the British economy has been prosperous .

  2. 作为工业化道路中第三种道路的代表之一,庇隆主义对阿根廷工业化道路的影响是深远的,同时在庇隆主义的影响下,阿根廷农业也经历了一个阵痛的过程。

    As one of the representatives that have made the third choice in the course of industrialization , Peronism has exerted a prolong influence on Argentine industrialization , and at the same period , Argentine agriculture has undergone a painful procedure because of the influence .