
  • 网络Allozyme;Allozymes
  1. 形态标记、细胞学标记、等位酶分析、DNA多态性分析等方法,为我们研究遗传多样性提供了有效的工具。

    The methods such as morphological marking , cytological marking , allozyme analysis , DNA polymorphism analysis , provided researchers with efficient tools to study genetic diversity on several levels .

  2. 选取我国水稻矮仔占衍生品种24份,应用形态学、等位酶和微卫星(SSR)标记,分析矮仔占衍生品种的遗传差异。

    A sample set of24 Chinese modern rice varieties derived from Aizizhan was selected to detect the genetic variation by using morphological traits , allozyme and SSR markers .

  3. 玉米EST、GOT、CAT等位酶基因的表达特异性研究

    Specific expression of EST cat got allozyme gene in Maize

  4. 综述了植物种群分子生态研究中各种标记法及其应用,包括等位酶、AFLP、RAPD、SSR及RFLP等方法。

    This review surveys kinds of markers such as allozyme , AFLP , RAPD , SSR , RFLP and their application in molecular ecology of plant populations .

  5. 本文着重讨论了家畜遗传多样性的四个表达水平:形态学水平、染色体水平、等位酶水平和DNA水平,并详细论述了各个水平上的检测技术及其应用范围、应用局限和应用趋势

    The paper discussed emphatically the four expressive levels of animal genetic diversity : morphology , chromosome , Isozyme and DNA level , in addition , went into details a few detecting methods , application scope , limitation and future development of every level

  6. 分别对存活个体和死亡个体的Ldh、Gpi、Pgm、Me基因座位进行等位酶分析以确定每个个体的基因型。

    The allozyme analysis was then employed to determine the genotypes of Ldh , Gpi , Pgm and Me for both dead and surviving individuals .

  7. 其中有32个等位酶位点是多态的(有2个以上的等位基因),只有一个单态位点Dia-4。

    Fourteen enzyme systems , presumably coded by 33 allozyme loci and their alleles were scored , and 32 were polymorphic with only one monomorphic locus ( Dia-4 ) .

  8. 欧洲中部刺槐种源群体等位酶变异研究

    Allozyme Variability of Provenance Populations of Robinia pseudoacacia from Middle Europe

  9. 黑木耳交配型因子与等位酶位点的遗传分析

    Genetic analysis of mating type factor and allozyme loci in Auricularia auricula

  10. 6种毛茛属植物的等位酶变异和亲缘关系分析

    Allozyme Variations and Genetic Relationships of Six Species of Ranunculus

  11. 云南松居群遗传学研究的等位酶分析方法

    Allozyme Method in Study on Population Genetics of Pinus yunnanensis

  12. 几个百合品种遗传亲缘关系的等位酶分析

    Genetic relationship of some lily cultivars by allozyme data

  13. 濒危植物翅果油树花药等位酶及其活性的研究

    Study on Enzyme Activities and Allozyme about Elaeagnus mollis Anthers an Endangered Plant

  14. 兴安落叶松等位酶水平的遗传多样性大型水平轴风力机叶片气动性能优化

    Optimization on aerodynamic performance of blade of large horizontal axis wind energy conversion system

  15. 胡枝子属野生居群遗传多样性的等位酶分析

    Allozyme analysis of genetic diversity of wild Lespedeza

  16. 矮牵牛花瓣等位酶体系建立及几个品种亲缘关系分析

    Sibship Analysis of Several Species Based on the Petunia Hybrida Petals Isoenzyme Optimum System

  17. 玉米新合成群体8种等位酶17个位点的遗传多样性及与数量性状相关性研究

    Polymorphism of 8 Allozymes at 17 Loci from Maize Synthesized Populations and Correlated with Quantitative Traits

  18. 胀果甘草复合体的等位酶分析

    Allozyme Analysis of Glycyrrhiza inflata Complex

  19. 通过等位酶分析,在40个居群材料中7个位点发现了22个等位基因。

    Allozyme data indicated that , 7 allozyme loci were encoded by 22 alleles across 40 populations .

  20. 基于等位酶分析,边缘亚居群与中心亚居群似乎有类似的遗传变异性。

    Based on allozyme analysis , marginal subpopulations appeared to have similar level of genetic variability to central subpopulations .

  21. 二者聚类顺序不同可以进一步说明,放牧压力作用使种群在等位酶的基因位点与全基因组序列的变异模式不同。

    Affected by the grazing stress , patterns of variation in coding allozyme gene-locus and genome were different . S.

  22. 将存活个体和死亡个体分别进行等位酶分析以确定每个个体的基因型。

    The allozyme analysis was then employed to determine the number of each genotype for both surviving and dead individuals .

  23. 等位酶分析中,在遗传图距12.3处可以将供试的光皮树优株分为5大类。

    In the figure of classification , we can divided the plus trees to 5 groups at 12.3 in genetic linkage map .

  24. 但是,等位酶分析的结果表明同一居群内具有不同生长习性的类型之间没有明显的遗传分化。

    Allozyme diversity was analyzed for all types of growing habits within an introgressed population , and little genetic differentiation was found among them .

  25. 采用常规聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术,对海南吊罗山和霸王岭两个国家级自然保护区野生荔枝等位酶遗传多样性进行了研究。

    Allozyme variation and genetic diversity were evaluated among wild litchis sampling from two nature protection areas of Bawangling and Diaoluoshan in Hainan Island .

  26. 这一发现为我国栽培稻长江中游&淮河上游起源说提供了等位酶依据。

    It is an evidence to support the hypothesis that Chinese cultivated rice was originated from the region of the middle Yangtze River-upper Hui River .

  27. 黑木耳种内杂交子同工酶基因座的遗传分析分析中国、东南亚和南亚的96份普野的12个等位酶位点,及885份地方品种的10个酶位点的遗传多样性。

    Accessions of common wild rice at 12 isozyme gene loci and 885 varieties of cultivated at 10 isozyme loci , which were collected from china , Southeast and South Asia were analyzed .

  28. 7个居群等位酶谱带分布表明,只有1556%的等位酶谱带在所有个体中是恒定的,其余8444%的等位酶谱带在个体间显示出或多或少的变异。

    The analysis of the allozyme band distribution types among 7 populations reveal that only 15.56 % allozyme bands are permanent to all the individuals and the other 84.44 % allozyme bands show more or less variation among individuals .

  29. 运用水平切片淀粉凝胶电泳等位酶分析方法,对国家一级珍稀濒危保护植物望天树(Parashoreachinensis)进行了遗传多样性和居群分化的研究;

    The genetic diversity and population differentiation of Parashorea chinensis , a rare and endangered dipterocarp , and listed in the Plant Red Book under Grade I , were examined using allozyme analysis of horizontal sliceable starch gel electrophoresis .

  30. 本论文建议等位酶分析技术可用来确定植物的种群遗传结构对生长或重金属的耐受性关系,这种关系的确立对遗传育种、生态修复具有潜在的应用价值。

    This thesis demonstrates the usefulness of allozyme analysis in determining the relationships of plant population genetic structure to growth and / or tolerance of heavy metals , which is potentially applicable to genetic breeding and breeding , as well as ecological rehabilitation .