
  • 网络management philosophy;the philosophy of management;managerial philosophy
  1. 而杜威的经验哲学和“探究”理论则是其社会管理哲学的一般前提。

    Meanwhile , dewey 's empiricism and inquiry theory are the precondition of his social management philosophy .

  2. 准时化(JIT)采购发展至今,已从最初的减少库存水平的方法,发展成为一种内涵丰富,包括特定知识、原则、技术和方法的管理哲学。

    So far JIT procurement so far , already has been become a management philosophy of rich connote including specific knowledge , principle , technology and method from the original method of reducing stock level .

  3. 但真正把这一高度有效的质量战略变成管理哲学和实践,从而形成一种企业文化的是在杰克·韦尔奇领导下的通用电气公司(GeneralElectricCompany)。

    But the General Electric company turned it into manage philosophy and practice by the lead of Jack . welch . Moreover , it becomes a kind of enterprise culture .

  4. 与戴维•帕卡德(DavidPackard)所著讲述惠普公司立世哲学的《惠普之道》(TheHPWay)一样,这本书也蕴含着硅谷管理哲学的精髓。

    Along with David Packard 's The HP Way , about the formation and philosophy of Hewlett-Packard , it has the ingredients of Silicon Valley 's management formula .

  5. 运用TQM这一管理哲学思想创建校园文化,重在活动设计,实施品质管理。

    The establishment of campus culture with the philosophy of TQM lies in designing activities and carrying out quality management .

  6. 以管理哲学的视角,从四个方面介绍GE的文化管理,来阐述杰克·韦尔奇的管理艺术,其特点对我国企业文化建设将有所裨益。

    This article , from the perspective of managerial philosophy , introduces the culture of GE in four aspects , expounds Jack Welch 's managerial art , hoping that its characteristics will be of great value to the construction of our country 's enterprise culture .

  7. 儒家管理哲学的内容十分丰富,文章对其探讨包括以下三个方面:一是指出了“以人为本”是儒家管理哲学的根本精神;

    It has 3 aspects : the basic spirit of Humanism ;

  8. 混沌理论对企业管理哲学的启示

    The Enlightenment of Chaos Theory on the Philosophy of Business Administration

  9. 从管理哲学视角看先秦兵家的治道模式

    Governance model of Pre-Qin military strategist as viewed from management philosophy

  10. 但相对而言,国内对董仲舒管理哲学的系统研究并不是那么多。

    But the dissertations about his management philosophy were not so many .

  11. 管理哲学对和谐社会的形而上学建构

    The Metaphysical Construction to Harmonious Society Brought by Administrative Philosophy

  12. 人的问题,是管理哲学研究中永恒的主题。

    Human issue is the eternal theme of management philosophy .

  13. 这比拥有一个管理哲学更为重要。

    This is more important than having a management philosophy .

  14. 内部营销:将员工视为顾客的管理哲学

    Inner Marketing : A Kind of Philosophy of Regarding Employees as Customers

  15. 无为而治是道家管理哲学的最高原则。

    Governing by Noninterference is the highest principle of Taoist philosophy of government .

  16. 第四部分:管理哲学及经营风格;

    Part 4 is the philosophy of management and the style of operation .

  17. 从管理哲学视角看先秦道家的管理思想

    Observing management thought of Taoist school in pre-Qin days from management philosophy angle

  18. 第二,正确认识有序和无序在管理哲学中的含义。

    Second , correct knowledge of the order and disorder in management philosophy .

  19. 管理哲学视域中的企业形象分析

    Make a Thorough Analysis into Corporation Image in the View of Management Philosophy

  20. 生活视野中的管理哲学

    Management Philosophy in the Field of Vision of Life

  21. 从这个意义上来说,朱熹的管理哲学思想是对儒家管理哲学的继承和发展。

    In this sense , Zhu Xi inherited and developed Confucian administrative philosophy .

  22. 管理哲学的研究对象和方法

    Object and Method of the Study of Management Philosophy

  23. 变革的时代呼唤着新的哲学精神,而管理哲学的使命就是要关注现代管理价值的实现问题。

    Changing times calls for new philosophical spirit .

  24. 企业管理哲学(一)

    Philosophy of enterprise management ( first part )

  25. 日本企业文化中的儒家管理哲学

    The Confucian Managerial Philosophy in Japanese Enterprise Culture

  26. 中国管理哲学论纲

    A Theoretical Frame of the Chinese Management Philosophy

  27. 三是说明了儒家管理哲学中,人性假设的基础是“人之可塑”。

    The hypotheses of Human being 's improvement .

  28. 最后我们对管理哲学中的若干问题进行了探讨和研究。

    At last , we look forward to the future of the philosophy of management .

  29. 道儒法管理哲学及其在现代立体管理中的应用

    Management Philosophy of Taoism , Confucianism and Legalism and Their Application in the Modern Management

  30. 多诺弗里奥先生指出,有一系列危机塑造了他的管理哲学。

    Mr Donofrio points to a succession of crises that have shaped his management philosophy .