
  • 网络Engineer;SQA
  1. 如果你问我母亲,我怎么偏偏会成为一名工业管理工程师的。

    If you ask my mother how I happened to become an industrial engineer .

  2. 那为工业管理工程师来的信表明,他对改项计划是否可行有怀疑。

    The industrial engineer 's letter indicates that he doubts the feasibility of the plan .

  3. 另外是如何管理工程师团队。

    Another thing is how do you manage your engineering team .

  4. 当今国内大部分企业都需要自己的一套负责自己员工的IT管理工程师。

    Most enterprises today need their own set of IT management engineer responsible for their own employees .

  5. 新世纪的中小学校长应该是能够适应新的教育范式的多元化领导:(1)管理工程师;

    New century elementary and middle school principals should be can adapt the new education paradigm multiplex leadership : ( 1 ) manages engineer ;

  6. 系统功能完善、操作方便灵活,界面简单清晰,为技术管理工程师和中间站长(车站主管工程师)的技术管理工作提供了一个高效的信息平台。

    With complete functions , flexible operations , and simple and clear interfaces , this system provides an efficient information platform for the engineers and middle management for technology owners ( the station chief engineer ) . This specific study completed in the following areas : 1 .

  7. 按吉林车务段各技术管理工程师的要求,对系统需求进行详细分析,并对数据库的结构进行了重点设计,对系统实现的功能、关键技术和系统调试作了详细的说明解释。

    According to Jilin Train Operation Depot requirements of the technical management of engineers , a detailed analysis of system requirements is done , the database structure was designed , a detailed description of the functionality of the system , key technologies and system commissioning are explained . 4 .

  8. 论监理工程师对工程变更的操作与管理监理工程师如何做好施工现场安全管理工作

    On the Operation and Management of Engineering Change Performed by the Supervision Engineer On supervision engineer how to do well construction field safety production management work

  9. 驻上海汽车咨询顾问张君毅表示,中国尤其缺乏具备管理其他工程师经验的工程师。

    " Sure there are many engineers in China ," says Bill Russo , of Synergistics auto consultancy in Beijing , former head of Chrysler in China .

  10. 以浙江省电力试验研究院为例,其知识的复杂性和庞大的数量已无法用人工来管理,工程师要完成设计常常难以及时找到所需的知识。

    Take Zhejiang Electric Power Test and Research Institute as an example : their complexity and large quantities of knowledge can not be managed by labor and it is even more difficult for their engineers to find the necessary knowledge in time .

  11. 锅炉燃烧管理系统ECS-1200工程师站、操作员站的硬件升级改造

    Hardware upgrading of engineer and operator stations for boiler combustion management system ECS-1200

  12. 能够管理市场部工程师团队并完成季节预算;

    Able to manage a team of marketing engineers and achieve quarterly budget ;

  13. 项目安全管理中安全工程师的职责探讨

    Discussion on Responsibility of Safety Engineer in Project Management

  14. 管理部门要求工程师解决此问题。

    Management asked its engineers to solve the problem .

  15. 路面的养护管理主要依靠工程师对路面状况的定性了解和经验来进行。

    Managements for way maintain lean on the acquaintance of surface and the experiences of engineers .

  16. 指导和管理一个工程师团队,通过持续评估以确保团队的高绩效表现。

    You will direct and supervise a team of engineers ensuring your team 's performance through constant evaluation .

  17. 激励最优化模型的使用,以支援管理者与工程师在不同的决策环境下做最好的决策;

    Motivate the use of optimization models to support managers and engineers in a wide variety of decision making situations ;

  18. 伊朗在现实世界中做出的回应能为我们提供极其重要的线索,让我们知道哪些科学家、管理人员和工程师受到信任,哪些人受到怀疑。

    Real-world Iranian responses offer critical clues as to which scientists , administrators and engineers are trusted and who is suspect .

  19. 无论是设计还是施工,是研究还是规划,是教学还是管理,土木工程师们正在各个领域使我们的这个世界变成更适宜居住的地方。

    Be it design and construction , research and planning , or teaching and management , civil engineers make our world a better place to live .

  20. 一位经验丰富、有管理背景的工程师,可以进入我们的技术部门,但要进入投资银行部门,则是一个挑战。

    A seasoned engineer with management experience could transition into our technology area , but it would be challenging to move into our investment banking division .

  21. 比较目标值与实际值之间的差距,量化能量损失,形成报表或以报警的方式提醒管理人员、工程师和操作员进行处理。

    Comparison between target and actual values of the gap , to quantify the energy loss , the formation of the report or alarm reminder of managers , engineers and operators for processing .

  22. 这些具有丰富的工程合同管理经验的工程师,作为独立的第三方,比业主更能有效、科学地进行工程合同管理,有利于工程合同全面、正确地履行。

    These who have rich experience in project management contract engineers , as an independent third party , are more effective and scientific than the owners , more conducive to a comprehensive , correct discharge for project contract .

  23. 万宝盛华称,专业人才的短缺正开始对经济增长机会形成威胁。专业人才一般指中层管理会计师、工程师、信息技术人员、销售与市场营销人员,以及其它通常需要学位资格的岗位。

    The shortage of professionals – typically middle management accountants , engineers , information technology workers , sales and marketing staff and other posts that normally require degree-level qualifications – is now starting to threaten growth opportunities , Manpower said .

  24. 建设单位工程造价管理的重要性造价工程师在承包商企业中的作用

    Cost Engineer 's Function in Construction Organization

  25. 在索赔管理时,监理工程师要公正、合理、及时地处理索赔问题,则必须坚持科学性原则。

    Consulting engineers must adhere to scientific principles in dealing with compensation claims fairly and timely .

  26. 加拿大资深管理人员、关键工程师以及操作人员纷纷离职。

    A succession of senior Canadian Managers as well as key engineers and operating staff walked out the door .

  27. 公司拥有经验丰富的经营管理人员、高级工程师和食品工艺师及训练有素的技术工人。

    The company has the experienced management and operation personnel , senior engineer and food technologist and the well-trained technical worker .

  28. 招聘管理计算机分析员、工程师、程序员、技术员及其它人员,监督其职业发展及培训。

    Recruit and supervise computer analysts , engineers , programmers , technicians and other personnel and oversee their professional development and training .

  29. 因此,本文接下来从汽车行业特点和质量管理工作中质量工程师岗位的特点出发,进行深层分析和特征剖析,从而对汽车质量工程师及汽车质量工程师胜任力做出界定。

    With the deep analysis of characteristics for the automotive industry and quality engineers ' employment , this article has made definitions of quality engineers and competence of them .

  30. 我国在制定工程监理制度之初,其参照的对象是国际工程管理领域通行的工程师管理制度,力图使工程监理对项目进行全过程管理。

    At the beginning of setting up the construction supervision institution , it was referred to the international construction project management and general used construction engineer institution , and the government strived to make it to carry out all-process project management .