
ɡuǎn lǐ zhě
  • controller;superintendent
  1. GTCR根据节点距sink的跳步数将网络划分成不同的层次,层内没有调度管理者,每个节点独立完成数据接收与转发。

    The GTCR divides the network into different levels by sink jump . The level inside does not include a superintendent and each sensor node independently send and receive data .

  2. 你要居住在那里,作为大楼管理者服务大家。

    You will reside there , serving as the building superintendent .

  3. 任何一个成功的管理者都是千金难求的。

    Any successful manager is worth his weight in gold .

  4. 如何对外资管理者进行补偿还有待磋商。

    How foreign fund-managers will be compensated has yet to be thrashed out .

  5. 管理者运用各种激励措施使雇员勇于冒险。

    Managers use a full arsenal of motivational techniques to get employees to take risks

  6. 多数的经理管理者根本不关心信息技术,他们真的很傻。

    Most managers couldn 't care less about information technology . More fool them .

  7. 管理者可能会使一个行之有效的制度陷于瘫痪。

    Regulators may gum up an efficient system

  8. 学校管理者有权允许家长们在特殊情况下让学生退学。

    School governors have the discretion to allow parents to withdraw pupils in exceptional circumstances .

  9. 星期五,他们去投票站投票选择他们所期望的国家管理者。

    They go to the polls on Friday to choose the people they want to govern their country

  10. 认股权在未来会发挥更大的作用,将激发中层管理者的工作热情,使其有更出色的表现。

    Share options will play a bigger role in future , putting zip into the performance of middle managers

  11. 管理者们终于意识到自己不能再安于低效率的运营了。

    Managers have at last got it into their heads that they can no longer accept inefficient operations .

  12. 学校管理者在社区的要求和孩子们的实际表现之间小心翼翼地平衡局面。

    School administrators walk a tightrope between the demands of the community and the realities of how children really behave

  13. 企业的管理者要谙熟经略之法。

    A supervisor in enterprise need to be familiar with running method .

  14. 虽然管理者不能预见未来,但是他们要做的很多决策需要他们考虑将来可能发生的情况。

    Although managers cannot predict the future , many of their decisions require that they consider possible future events .

  15. 芝加哥学校罢工的核心人物既不是罢工者也不是管理者,而是350000个孩子。

    The central figures in the Chicago schools strike are neither strikers nor managers but 350,000 children .

  16. 学者、培训师和管理者如此普遍地强调在工作中培养亲密人际关系的重要性,这会使你十分意外,如果你仔细想想的话。

    This is surprising when you consider the prevailing emphasis by scholars and trainers and managers on the importance of cultivating close interpersonal relationships at work .

  17. 基于项目的学习越来越受到教师和管理者的欢迎。

    Project-based learning has grown in popularity with teachers and administrators .

  18. 一个好的经验是,一旦将军们和医院管理者开始追随一种管理潮流,就是发问的时候了。

    A good rule of thumb is that as soon as generals and hospital administrators jump on a management bandwagon , it is time to ask questions .

  19. 许多老师提出的作业和规则把快乐当作能力和责任的敌人,这往往是因为他们受到管理者的压力。

    Many of the assignments and rules teachers come up with , often because they are pressured by their administrators , treat pleasure and joy as the enemies of competence and responsibility .

  20. 但是,德勤最新发布的一项名为¨全球人力资本趋势”的研究报告表明,团队合作的热潮已经达到新的高度。这项研究调查了来自130多个国家的7000多名管理者。

    But a new report by Deloitte , " Global Human Capital Trends " , based on a survey of more than 7,000 executives in over 130 countries , suggests that the fashion for teamwork has reached a new high .

  21. 当可接受的社交行为被过于严格地定义和控制时,实际上就鼓励了麻木和激进这两种管理者本来试图减少的行为。

    If acceptable social behavior is too strictly defined and controlled , the insensitive or aggressive behavior that administrators are seeking to minimize may actually be encouraged .

  22. 他们指责考试管理者对学生的考核标准过于严格,导致学生们的压力越来越大。英格兰政府希望到2022年,四分之三的学生能参加GCSE(英国普通初级中学毕业文凭)现代语言科目的考试。

    The Government wants three quarters of students to be taking a modern language GCSE by 2022 .

  23. 垂钓者必须事先得到公园管理者的许可。

    Anglers are required to obtain prior authorization from the park keeper .

  24. 如果我们作为自己星球的管理者不称职我们还有什么理由留在这里

    If we aren 't good custodians for our planet , what right do we have to be here ?

  25. 如果他们是管理者,他们会努力让团队里的人变得更聪明、更受欢迎。

    If they are managers , they will make every effort to get people smarter and more popular than them in their teams .

  26. 我以前没觉得你会是一位好的管理者,但自你上任以来就没有出过差错。

    I didn 't think that you would3 be a good manager4 , but you haven 't put a foot wrong since5 you started .

  27. 当管理者不明白员工的具体工作(比如在编程公司)时,就会发生这种问题,于是也无法与员工有效沟通。

    This problem can occur when the manager does not understand the employees ' work ( in a programming company , for example ) and therefore cannot communicate effectively with the employees .

  28. 调查发现,60%的管理者对亚洲经济表示乐观,强有力的疫情防控措施以及区域一体化有望成为亚洲今年经济复苏的主要动力。

    More than 60 percent of surveyed business owners were optimistic about Asia 's economic recovery , and strong anti-pandemic measures and regional integration are expected to be the primary drivers of Asia 's economic recovery in the coming year .

  29. 一年之后,Enterprise没有任何办法阻止竞争对手挖走自己精心培养的新管理者。

    There 's nothing stopping a rival car rental company from trying to poach Enterprise 's new managers after their first year .

  30. IMF面临的道德风险问题以及作为危机贷款者和危机管理者存在的问题;

    IMF 's moral hazard problem and problems of IMF acting as crisis lender and crisis manager ;