
  • 网络spiritual support
  1. 重视精神赡养是我国社会发展的必然要求。

    It is inevitable to emphasize the spiritual support in the developing process of the society .

  2. 论家庭精神赡养

    On Family Spiritual Support

  3. 论精神赡养法律制度的完善

    Ways to Improving the Legal System of the Spiritual Support

  4. 社区养老将是解决我国精神赡养问题的一把钥匙。

    Community nursing will become a key to solve spiritual problems of elder people .

  5. 家庭精神赡养是指赡养人对被赡养人在感情、心理等精神上给予关心和帮助的行为。

    The latter means the supporter should show spiritual concern for the supportee in feelings and psychology .

  6. 相对家庭物质赡养,精神赡养具有恒久性、先导性、宽泛性、不确定性等特征。

    Contrasted with the material support , the spiritual support is characteristic of eternity , guidance , extensiveness and uncertainty .

  7. 精神赡养同时满足了年轻人的道德需求和老年人的养老需求。

    Mental support for the elderly meets both the moral need from the young and the support demand of the elderly .

  8. 对精神赡养范畴的把握应从人格尊重、成就安心和情感慰藉三个维度来展开,换言之,全方位的精神赡养必须同时满足老年人的自尊需求、期待需求和亲情需求。

    Mental support for the elderly consists of three dimensions , namely , personality respect , success comfort and mental satisfaction .

  9. 笔者认为精神赡养问题虽然属于道德问题,但是可以纳入法律的调整范围,因为法律调整的是最低层次的道德问题。

    The author believe that the spiritual support problems belong to the moral issue , but it can be adjusted by law .

  10. 中国传统孝道的基本内容包括物质赡养、精神赡养与祭祖思亲,光大宗门三个方面。

    The basic connotation of traditional filial piety includes three aspects : supporting kinfolk in material , supporting kinfolk in spirit , offering sacrifices to ancestors and honoring the Imperial Clan .

  11. 人的需要理论与我国人口、家庭职能、家庭观念的变化是重视家庭精神赡养的理论与现实依据。

    The theory that man needs each other , together with changes in our population , family functions and notions , is a theoretical and realistic basis for the family spiritual support .

  12. 精神赡养问题目前随着社会的发展,人类文明的进步,应当属于最低层次的道德。

    Because the law is to adjust the minimum level of morality , the spiritual support should belong to the lowest level of morality with the current social development and progress of human civilization .

  13. 本文明确了精神赡养的内涵,界定了精神赡养的外延,提出精神赡养的具体内容、履行方式以及权利救济方式。

    This paper puts forward clearly the connotation of the spiritual support , defines the extension of spiritual support , and brings forward the specific details of spiritual support , as well as the rights of relief methods .

  14. 我国社会转型、人口老龄化速度加快、人口流动性增强和社会观念变化等,使老年人的精神赡养问题越来越受到社会各界的关注。

    Under the influence of the social transformation , the rapid progress of population aging , the enhancement of population mobility and the change of social concepts , the problem of the elderly spiritual support are getting more and more attention .

  15. 从传统孝道到精神赡养的演变路径是:从老人本位到代际平等,从单一满足情感需求到兼顾激发生命潜能。

    The development route from traditional filial piety to mental support for the elderly is from " the elderly-centered " to " intergenerational equality ", and from " meeting the mental demand singly " to " digging the latent energy simultaneously " .

  16. 养老支持力中的“精神赡养”问题试以“空巢家庭”为例关于未成年人思想道德教育问题的思考以农村空巢家庭的未成年人为研究对象

    On the Indispensability of " Spiritual Consolation " in the Means of Supporting the Aged & Taking " the Solitary Old Men s Family " for Example ; Reflection on Minors ' Ideological and Moral Education : Research on Rural Minors in Empty Nestle Families

  17. 要求子女从物质需要和精神享受上赡养老人。

    On the other side , it also demands offspring to support older generation both in material need and spiritual enjoyment .

  18. 浅谈当代老年人的精神需求与精神赡养

    On the Spirit Requirement and Mental-world Support of the Present Aged

  19. 为了提高老年人的精神生活质量,本文试图从探访老年人的角度提供一些对老年人精神赡养的方法和技巧。

    In order to improve the quality of the mental living of the aged , this paper offers some approaches to visiting the aged and supporting them mentally .