
hóng zhǒng
  • Redness and swelling;red and swollen;welt;flare
红肿 [hóng zhǒng]
  • [flare] 由于局部血管扩张及血液过多而引起的一部分皮肤的发红肿胀

  • 皮肤红肿

红肿[hóng zhǒng]
  1. 皮肤刺激试验无红肿反应;

    No red and swollen were observed in the experiment of irritation to skin .

  2. 他的脖子红肿。

    His neck becomes red and swollen .

  3. 注射后会出现红肿。

    You may notice redness and swelling after the injection .

  4. 他的双腿有多处红肿流脓的伤口。

    His legs were covered with weeping sores .

  5. 如果不进行治疗,牙龈会开始萎缩、红肿和出血。

    If untreated , the gums recede , become swollen and bleed

  6. 皮肤很容易受到刺激、发生皴裂、擦得红肿和出现过敏。

    Skin is easily irritated , chapped , chafed , and sensitized .

  7. 这是眼睑边缘红肿发炎的症状。

    This is an irritation and inflammation of the edge of the eyelid .

  8. 他太阳穴处有块红肿,鼻子也在流血。

    He had a reddening welt on his temple and his nose was bleeding .

  9. 约翰双眼红肿。

    John 's eyes were bloodshot and puffy .

  10. 她的眼睛红肿疼痛。

    Her eyes were sore and inflamed .

  11. 他遭受了严重的脑震荡,脑门上留下的两道被玻璃划破的口子已经红肿。

    He was badly concussed , the glass leaving two angry cuts across his forehead .

  12. 红肿已消。

    The swelling has gone down .

  13. 家庭主妇手,是一种手部皮肤病,主要表现为皮肤粗糙、红肿、痛痒,有的甚至会出现脱皮和开裂。

    Housewife 's Hand Dermatitis is a hand skin disease with the symptom of rough , red , swollen while doing housework .

  14. 妇女抬起头来,擦着红肿的眼睛,抽泣着断断续续地回答:“从前,我的公公被老虎吃掉了。后来,我的丈夫又被老虎吃掉了。如今,我的儿子也被老虎咬死了。”

    The woman raised her head , wiped her red and swollen5 eyes , sobbed6 and answered intermittently7 : " In the past , my father-in-law was devoured8 by a tiger . Later , my husband was devoured by a tiger too . Now my son has also been bitten to death by a tiger . "

  15. 据说它有助于减少色素沉着和红肿,维生素C有助于保护皮肤。

    It is said to help reduce hyper-pigmentation and redness , with the vitamin C helping to protect the skin .

  16. 维生素C也可以防止红肿发炎,而且它的抗氧化剂成分能中和破坏细胞,过早使你的皮肤衰老的自由基(高度活性氧分子)。

    Vitamin C also may fight inflammation , and its antioxidant properties can neutralize the free radicals ( highly reactive oxygen molecules ) that damage cells and can prematurely age your face .

  17. 具体观察指标变化对比:两组治疗前后在减轻关节疼痛,消除红肿症状,改善关节活动度及功能方面均有显著性差异(P0.05),治疗组效果明显优于对照组。

    After treatment , the significantly difference of the points was found between treatment group and comparison group in joint pain , swelling degree and joint range of movement ( P0.05 ) . 3 .

  18. 在小鼠皮肤上少次数涂抹PMA,可使小鼠皮肤产生急性炎症,表现为红肿和水肿,并出现表皮增生。

    Smeared PMA on the skin of mice several times , mouse skin can cause acute inflammation , showed epidermal hyperplasia , redness and edema .

  19. 注射时疼痛强度、局部红肿、皮下硬结,B组、C组与A组比较,差异有显著性意义(均P<0.01);B组与C组比较,差异无显著性意义(P>0.05)。

    Results There was significant difference in pain , red and swelling and subcutaneous noduli on injection sites between groups B , C and group A ( all P < 0.01 ), but there was no difference between groups B and C ( P > 0.05 ) .

  20. 75岁的P.K.Krishnamurthy来到V.Seetharaman医生的办公室,告诉医生这两周来自己的眼睛总是感到刺痛、红肿。

    When 75-year-old P.K. Krishnamurthy went to Dr. V. Seetharaman 's office , he complained about eye pain , irritation , and redness , from which he had been suffering for two weeks .

  21. 从我们现有的研究结果看,FTC可明显抑制PMA所引起的表皮增生,并从皮肤水肿、耳红肿等方面明显抑制PMA所引起的急性炎症,显示了其具有良好的抗始发突变活性。

    FTC could significantly inhibited acute inflammation caused by PMA in three aspects of epidermal hyperplasia , skin edema and ear swelling , showing good resistance to mutation effects .

  22. 结果:经食管灌注Lugol's碘溶液后2h,7%和9%的碘液灌注组小鼠,食管下段黏膜均有不同程度的红肿;

    RESULTS : Two hours after esophageal perfusion with 7 % and 9 % Lugol 's iodine solution , oedema of different degree was found in the lower part of esophageal mucosa of the mice .

  23. 3%、5%、7%和9%的碘液灌注后2h,小鼠胃黏膜即出现不同程度的红肿、糜烂及出血;

    Two hours after esophageal perfusion with 3 % , 5 % , 7 % and 9 % Lugol 's solution , oedema , ulceration and haemorrhage of different degrees were found in the gastric mucosa .

  24. 维生素B2缺乏可能会引起嘴唇破裂和红肿,嘴角破裂,皮肤干涩以及眼睛充血,发痒,湿润和对光线过敏。

    Vitamin B2 deficiency may cause cracked and red lips and cracks at the corners of the mouth , dry and scaling skin , and the eyes may also become bloodshot , itchy , watery , and sensitive to bright light .

  25. 结果桂枝茯苓胶囊治疗组大鼠的乳头红肿、乳腺增大和显微小叶、腺泡、导管增生均显著轻于模型组;血液流变学指标、血浆雌二醇、乳腺组织中ER和PR含量显著低于模型组;

    RESULTS : Compared with the model group , Guizhi Fuling Capsule can markedly abate papilledema , proliferation of lobule , acinus and duct in mammary glands , reduce obviously changes of blood , estradiol on plasma , the ER and PR content of mammary glands and increase progesterone .

  26. 用表皮金葡菌涂于划痕皮肤表面,并皮内注入0.2ml菌原液可造成动物皮肤感染模型,感染部位有红肿发热现象。

    By cutaneous scarification of Staphylococcus aureus and intradermal injection of 0.2ml bacterial liquid , a skin infection animal model with redness , swelling and hotness of the infected area was established .

  27. 美国皮肤病学会(AmericanAcademyofDermatology)会员、路易斯安那州梅泰里市(Metairie,La.)皮肤病学家帕特丽夏?法里斯(PatriciaFarris)称,刺痛感、灼烧感和红肿“实际上都是皮肤遭到有害剥离的迹象”。

    Stinging , burning and irritation are ' actually a sign of harmful stripping of the skin , ' says Patricia Farris , a Metairie , La . - based dermatologist and a fellow at the American Academy of Dermatology .

  28. 关节组织的病理变化:家兔右足跖注射佐剂后10h,右距小腿关节明显红肿,持续1周仍较明显。

    The pathologic changes of joint constitution : Right feet of rabbits were treated with adjuvant after 10 hours , right talocrural joint was red swelling of the skin significantly , and lasting 1 week it was still significantly .

  29. 彩色多普勒超声检查准确率为87.5%,所有病例均有阴囊皮肤红肿,Prehn征(+)。

    The accuracy rate of color ultrasonic examination was 87.5 % . Conclusion : Patients with acute scrotum pain should have color ultrasonic examination .

  30. 使用一些普通的家用产品,缓解瘙痒和红肿。

    Relieve the itching and swelling with some common household products .