
gāng mù
  • detailed outline;outline;detailed outline(of a subject)
纲目 [gāng mù]
  • [detailed outline(of a subject)] 概要或细则。如《本草纲目》

  • 必须给予时间,必须有调查纲目,还必须口问手写,并同到会人展开讨论。--《 农村调查序言》

纲目[gāng mù]
  1. 眼下的弊端主要是以西代中(以逻辑推演代替纲目网络),因此难以走上规范的研究道路。

    That the Western logic deduction takes place of detailed outline in China is the malpractice of our study .

  2. 简单总结以上四章的观点,让读者对该论文有一个总体纲目的脉络把握。

    It briefly concludes the points of the previous chapters , helping the reader to understand the outline of the thesis .

  3. “本草纲目”问世之后,深受人们的推重。

    The Compendium of Materia Medica has been held in high esteem since it was first published .

  4. 李时珍以《本草纲目》一书而闻名。

    Li Shizhen was famous for his book , Compendium of Materia Medica .

  5. 本草纲目”问世之后,深受人们的推重。

    The Compendium of Materia Medica has been held in high esteem since it was first published . “

  6. 研制了一台CTDC给出原子核衰变的时间参数,进行核半衰期研究,用γ-γ和γ-β符合来进行原子核衰变纲目研究。

    The CTDC can give nuclear decay time parameters for determining half-life of nuclear decay , showing that this detector system can be used to study nuclear decay scheme .

  7. 《本草纲目》与诗词艺术

    《 Compendium of Materia Medica 》 VS Art of Poetry

  8. 明代李时珍《本草纲目》一书记载药用两栖类9种。

    Compendium of Materia Medica recorded 9 kinds of medical amphibians can be used as medicine .

  9. 《本草纲目》消渴药物研究

    The traditional Chinese medicine research in " Compendium of Materia Medica " for " Xiaoke "

  10. 竹笋的食用,药用价值可见于《神农本草》、本草纲目》。

    Whose edible and medicinal effects have been seen in Compendium of material Medica and Shennong Materia Medica .

  11. 分析研究中医学和《本草纲目》中对盐的医疗作用的研究;

    Analyze and research the functions of salt therapy in traditional Chinese medicine and Compendium of Materia Medica ;

  12. 他的著作《本草纲目》更是被誉为16世纪的中国百科全书。

    Moreover , his famous book-Compendium of Materia Medica is called as Chinese Encyclopedia for the 16th century .

  13. 具杀菌作用。根据《本草纲目》,大蒜含杀菌及增强抵抗力的作用。

    According to Compendium of Materia Medica , garlic has antibacterial function that strengthens the body 's immune system .

  14. 《本草纲目》在日本江户时期的传承及影响研究

    The Research on Inheritance and Influence of the " Compendium of Materia Medica " in the Edo Period of Japanese

  15. 『本草纲目』记载:人参、薄荷有提神醒脑、舒缓压力、舒筋活络作用。

    It is recorded by Compendium of Materia Medica that Ginseng and Peppermint can refresh oneself , relieve tension and activate collaterals .

  16. 为了实践卫勤新纲目,提高基于新纲目的卫勤训练理论考核的信息化程度。

    In order to practice new criterion of health service and improve informationization degree of training theory examination based on new criterion .

  17. 浊音清化的次序问题《本草纲目》音注所反映的明代湖北蕲春浊音清化

    Order of Initial Devoicing Reflected in the Chinese Dialects The Devoicing of Hubei Qichun in Ming Dynasty Embodied in Compendium of Material Medicine

  18. 而对疾病的治疗,主要依据世人所熟知的李时珍所总结而著的《本草纲目》开具处方。

    to diagnose illness and to cure it according to the well-known Bencaogangmu ( Compendium of Materia Medica ) written by Li Shizhen .

  19. 通过查阅中国古籍资料,终于在李时珍的《本草纲目》中查到线索。

    Through consulting the Chinese ancient book materials , found the clue in Li Shizhen 's " Compendium of Materia Medica " at last .

  20. 这部日本汉文学史从宗旨、纲目、分期、撰述的方法与具体材料的处理都应该提出新的独立的见解。

    This new volume should put up new and independent viewpoints in its aim , scheme , periods , the ways of writing and concrete materials .

  21. 高校文科图书引进的合理配置与信息资源服务从文科专款图书引进看纲目购书方式的利与弊

    Rational Allocation of Imported Liberal Arts Books and Information Resources Service in Colleges and Universities The Advantage and Disadvantage of Blackwell 's Approval Profile from Arts Special Fund Book

  22. 对《本草纲目》中治疗小儿夜啼的药物进行分类分析,并从中医学和现代医学的角度进行讨论。

    The drugs for morbid night crying of babies in Compendium of Materia Medica were classified and analyzed , and discussed from the aspects of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine .

  23. 其功效在《本草纲目》中记载,枸杞有滋肝补肾、强筋壮骨、抗衰益寿、润肺明目之功效。

    Its effect is recorded in " Ben Cao Gang Mu " that Chinese Wolfberry improves liver and kidney function , promotes body immunity , anti-aging , profits lung and eyesight effects .

  24. 早在16世纪,中国医药学家李时珍在其药典《本草纲目》中便有相关记载,但他也明确说明这只是传闻并无实证。

    It was recorded in a 16th-century Chinese pharmacopeia , Li Shizhen 's " Compendium of Materia Medica , " but even the person who recorded it admitted it was hearsay at best .

  25. 粟还有药用功能,《本草纲目》就记载了很多药方,这些药方简洁明了、易于操作。

    Also features medicinal and forage , such as " Compendium of Materia Medica " records a lot of prescriptions , these prescriptions concise , easy to operate , guiding significance for clinical medicine .

  26. 《本草纲目》的传日及其影响,正是这一传承受容过程最为典型的代表,且在江户时期(1603~1868年)表现得尤为突出。

    " Compendium of Materia Medica " transmitting to Japan and its impacts were the most representative of this process of reception , and were particularly phenomenons in the Edo period ( 1603-1868 ) .

  27. 一些通鉴学者已经越过《纲目》的樊篱,从各种角度对通鉴学进行了阐释。纲鉴史书的产生与兴盛反映了明后期通鉴学的普及化趋势。

    Some scholars have already crossed the " Compendium " , explaining it from a variety of perspectives on modern science , " Gangjian " with the history books have reflected trends in modern science popularization .

  28. 北青龙衣是野生山核桃未成熟的外果皮,是我国传统的民间用药,在《开宝本草》及《本草纲目》中均有记载。

    Bei Qinglongyi , the immature wild pecan epicarp , is a traditional kind of Chinese folk medicine , adopted in the record of " Kai Bao Ben Cao " and " Ben Cao Gang Mu " .

  29. 中耳骨是由锤骨、砧骨和镫骨这三块独立的骨骼组成,这种结构与其他任何纲目的动物都有所不同:爬行动物与两栖动物都只有单个耳骨,而鱼类则没有。

    Comprising three separate bones , the malleus , the incus and the stapes , this structure is unlike that of any other class of animal : reptiles and amphibians have one bone while fish have none .

  30. 日本江户、明治两代的《文选》版本简介与目录《本草纲目》在日本江户时期的传承及影响研究

    INTRODUCTION TO THE EDITIONS OF WENXUAN AND ITS CONTENT PUBLISHED DURING THE EDO AND MEIJI TIMES IN JAPAN The Research on Inheritance and Influence of the " Compendium of Materia Medica " in the Edo Period of Japanese