
  • 网络organizational capital;organization capital
  1. 与之相对应,本文提出从两个阶段对组织资本进行管理。

    Accordingly , this paper manages organizational capital from two periods .

  2. 企业组织资本增长机制研究

    Research on the Mechanism of the Enterprise Organizational Capital Growth

  3. 目前,对组织资本的研究多数集中在组织资本的解释、评估及其与人力资源开发的关系上,对于企业组织资本信息披露的相关研究非常少。

    There is little research on the organizational capital information disclosure .

  4. 公司财务管理的新视野:组织资本与人力资本

    New Vision of Financial Management : Human Capital and Organizational Capital

  5. 核心能力是企业组织资本和社会资本的集合。

    Core competence is the combination of organization capital and social capital .

  6. 隐性知识、组织资本与技术创新:一个文献综述

    Tacit Knowledge , Organizational Capital and Technological Innovation : A Literature Review

  7. 组织资本的转移:资产重组动因新解

    Transfer of Organizational Capital : New Interpretation for the Motivation of Assets Restructuring

  8. 组织资本与企业绩效关系的实证研究

    Study on measurement of organization capital and business performance

  9. 论财务视角下的企业人力资本、组织资本

    On Enterprise ' Human Capital and Organizational Capital from the Perspective of Finance

  10. 企业家人力资本与组织资本的互动机制研究

    Research of the Interactive Mechanism on the Entrepreneurs ' Human Capital and Organizational Capital

  11. 发展中国家要实现比较优势的动态转化,也要注重组织资本的积累。

    To establish comparative advantage , developing countries should also accumulate their organizational capital .

  12. 组织资本能促进企业财务绩效,能够提升企业运作绩效,组织资本的提高也能够增强企业的人员效能。

    Organization capital can enhance the financial performance , operational performance and effectiveness performance .

  13. 职业体育组织资本创新

    The Innovation of Organizational Capital of Professional Sport

  14. 个体所拥有的数据、信息和显性的知识可以采取文档形式转化为文档类组织资本。

    Data , information and explicit knowledge are always converted into organizational capital through document .

  15. 组织资本会计的产权经济学

    Organization Capital Accounting 's Property Right Economics

  16. 因此,企业组织资本的信息披露对于企业的各利益相关者来说是非常重要的。

    Therefore , organizational capital information disclosure is very significant to all the stakeholders of the enterprises .

  17. 信息需求与IT投资的商业价值:组织资本视角的审视

    A Study on Business Value of Information Demand and IT Investment : a Review of Organization Capital

  18. 论知识经济时代企业组织资本的增长机制

    A Study on the Increase Mechanisms of Organization Capital of Enterprises in the Intellectual and Economically Demanding Era

  19. 组织资本与个人型人力资本相关,社会资本则与团队型人力资本相联系。

    Organization capital is related to personal manpower capital and social capital is connected with team manpower capital .

  20. 知识共享机制是个体人力资本向企业组织资本转化过程中的核心机制。

    Knowledge sharing mechanism is one of the core mechanisms to transform individual human capital into corporate organizational capital .

  21. 作为基于知识共享的战略性资产,组织资本已经成为企业竞争优势的重要来源。

    Being strategic asset based on knowledge sharing , Organization Capital is the important source of corporate competitive advantage .

  22. 企业经营者人力资本与组织资本的互动有利于构建企业核心能力;

    The interaction of the executive human capital and organizational capital helps to build the core competence of enterprises .

  23. 尽管如此向外改变或改造,土耳其仍是一个盗贼,供应组织资本的利益。

    Despite this outward change or transformation , Turkey is still a kleptocracy that serves the interests of organized capital .

  24. 企业是具有生命的有机体,因此蕴涵在其中的企业组织资本是企业并购所必须考虑的内容。

    Enterprise is a lively organism , so M & A must considerate organizational capital that is contained in enterprise .

  25. 人力资本是智力资本的核心,组织资本是智力资本的基础,社会资本是人力资本获得外在支持、外在认可和外在联络的社会基础。

    Social capital is the social basis for the enterprise to obtain external support , external recognition and external connect .

  26. 个体的职业精神和企业家精神则需要通过创业事迹、模范榜样等载体作为企业文化类组织资本。

    Individual job spirit and entrepreneurship are always converted into organizational capital through start-up story and excellent individual exemplary model .

  27. 第一种是全面恐慌,这种情况下,需求暴跌,银行和企业破产,组织资本被摧毁。

    The first is in a full-fledged panic where demand collapses , banks and companies fail and organisational capital is destroyed .

  28. 可以看出,组织资本对企业生存和发展的重要性日益提高,同时仅仅研究个体人力资本已经不够了。

    So organization capital takes more important role to business and it is not enough to just research individual human capital .

  29. 组织资本由组织系统和文化、交流合作、知识管理、研究开发能力等四个维度构成。

    Organization capital involves four dimensions : organization routine and culture , communication and cooperation , knowledge management and innovation investment .

  30. 组织资本的财务意义及其筹集问题研究高职院校多渠道筹资及其必须注意的问题

    Financial Implication of Organization Capital and How to Collect it ; Multichannel Fundraising of Vocational Colleges and Problems Must Be Paid Attention to