
  • 网络organizational resources;organization resource;Organisational Resources
  1. 动态环境下组织资源对战略变化的影响研究

    Impact of organizational resources on strategic change in dynamic environment

  2. 组织资源分配不均。

    The distribution of organizational resources is uneven .

  3. 企业资源基础论的主要代表人物巴尼(JayBarney,1991)强调那些能动的、整合性的无形资源或组织资源是企业竞争优势的核心价值和关键意义。

    The enterprise resources foundation discusses representative personage Jay Barney , emphasized these could move , merges " the invisible resources " or " the organization resources " was the key factor in enterprise competition superiority .

  4. 在他们多角度的研究中,比较一致的是都强调了信息技术应用以网络形成及扩展为基本特征,是微观组织资源外向整合的结果。

    Network is the result of resource conformity with different firm .

  5. 注释可以帮助您说明组织资源的方式。

    Comments can help to explain how the resources are organized .

  6. 非政府组织资源动力促进社会发展联盟

    Coalition of Non-Governmental Organizations in Resources Dynamics for Social Development

  7. 试析传统组织资源及其在乡村建设中的作用&以贵州安顺屯堡第一村寨九溪村为例

    An Analysis to Traditional Organization Resources and Its Function in Village Construction

  8. 基于传统知识组织资源的本体自动构建

    An Automatic Approach to Ontology Building by Integrating Traditional Knowledge Organization Resources

  9. 面向虚拟组织资源发现的语义模糊匹配

    Semantic Fuzzy Matching towards Resource Discovery in Virtual Organization

  10. 网格的虚拟组织资源管理与工作流调度模型

    A model for grid resource management and workflow scheduling based on Virtual Organization

  11. 新时期巩固农村基层党组织资源的思考

    A Thought on Strengthening the Resources of the Rural Grass-roots Party Organization in New Period

  12. 其次,应围绕经营定位有效地组织资源,搭建产品的营销平台。

    Secondly , they should organize their resources to build a product distribution platform according to their operational positioning .

  13. 事实上,区域经济发展本质上是区域经济能力居民发现市场机会、组织资源的能力与技术能力的有机结合的提升,区域社会经济发展也离不开促进合作与双赢的社会资本的积累。

    In fact , the nature of the development of regional economy is the enhancing of personal ability and social capital .

  14. 并在此基础上引入了资产重组的概念,指出资产重组是企业物质资源、人力资源和组织资源的重新配置和调整。

    Then concept of asset reorganization is introduced which is rearranged and readjusted of material resources , manpower resources and structure resources .

  15. 在大力推进隆安县农业产业化经营的过程中,如何改造传统农业经济组织资源。

    Longan County in efforts to promote industrialization of agriculture in the process of how to transform the traditional resources of agricultural economic organizations .

  16. 加强执政资源建设途径主要有挖掘历史资源、保护政治资源、扩大经济资源、优化意识形态资源、扩大群众资源、扩大人才资源、强化组织资源、利用制度资源、争取国际资源。

    The way of strengthening the ability in government consists of historical resources , political resources , economical resources , ideological resources , personal resources , etc.

  17. 在分析的基础上努力尝试将体制外组织资源纳入对农村治理主体的考察视野,为农村组织研究提供一个新的分析框架和思路。

    This paper tries to bring outer-system organization resource into the view of rural governance and gives a new analyzing framework for study on rural organization .

  18. 理论分析表明,IT与其他组织资源相互融合产生的企业IT能力与持续竞争优势之间存在正相关关系,而竞争行动使这种关系的中介变量。

    Theoretical analysis shows that the positive relationship between sustained competitive advantages and IT capability composed of IT and other organizational resources is mediated by competitive actions .

  19. 其中,结构能力包括制度资源、组织资源、人力资源、财力资源、信息资源、技术资源、环境资源等。

    The " structure " ability includes system resource , organizational resource , human resource , financial resource , information resource , technical resource and environmental resource .

  20. 水土保持项目可开发利用的社会资源包括财力资源、物资资源、人力资源、组织资源;

    The developable and utilizable social resources of soil and water conservation projects include financial resources , resources of material assets , human resources and organization resources .

  21. 文章从分析我国医药制造业科技资源配置现状入手,总结了目前科技人力、物力、财力、信息、组织资源的配置情况。

    We begin with summarizing the actuality of science and technology input , including human resources , financial resources , physical resources , information resources , organization resources .

  22. 有效的项目管理是指在规定的实现具体目标和指标的时间内,组织资源规划,指导和控制工作。

    Effective project management is in the provisions designed to achieve specific objectives and indicators of time , the organization resources to plan , direct and control work .

  23. 企业家社会资本对于获取资源、协调和组织资源以及节约交易费用,提高企业经营绩效有着不可替代的作用。

    The social capital of entrepreneurs plays an irreplaceable part in obtaining , coordinating and organizing resources , saving trade expenses and improving the management effectiveness of enterprises .

  24. 将服务交给云供应商意味着您不知道谁能通过物理方式或虚拟方式访问您的组织资源。

    Turning services over to a cloud provider usually means that you have no knowledge about who has access , both physically and virtually , to your organization 's resources .

  25. 从企业文化,战略管理,组织资源等方面来培育和提升企业核心竞争力是企业的长期策略。

    It is the long-term strategy of enterprises to nurture and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises from the aspects of enterprise culture , strategic management , and organizational resources .

  26. 本文从理论资源、阶级资源、组织资源、群众资源、经济资源和军事资源六个方面概括了党在局部执政时期开发的执政资源。

    This paper includes those rich resources exploited during the early ruling of CPC from six aspects : theory resources , class resources , organization resources , people resources and economy resources .

  27. 党的先进性资源、执政体制资源、合法性资源、组织资源以及历史资源是党执政的优势资源。

    The advantageous resources of the ruling power of CPC consists of its advancement , administrative system , legality , organization and history . However , the administrative resources may not remain unchanged .

  28. 可以说,战略导向和组织资源共同构成了企业国际化市场进入模式选择的基础,管理层对这两者的预期是进行模式选择决策的前提。

    Can be said that the strategic direction and organizational resources constitute the business of international market entry mode selection of the basis for the management of these two expectations is a prerequisite for mode selection decisions .

  29. 同时,需要将组织资源、应急储备、信息系统、应急信息、社会力量等应急资源整合成统一的社会力量,实现资源配置的规模化和效益最大化。

    Meanwhile , the emergent resources like organization resources , emergent store , information system , emergent information and social forces should be integrated into unified social forces in order to maximize the resources distribution scale and benefit .

  30. 合作社在不同发展阶段因为组织资源的变化所引起的各个层次内容和结果的变化,其中涉及利益关联、组织制度和社会资本等相关因素。

    Cooperatives in the different stages of development for all levels caused by the change of organizational resources content and the change of the results , which involves interests associated , organization system and the factors related to social capital .