
  • 网络Economic Capital;commercial capital
  1. 以色列的经济首都及特拉维夫证交所的所在地,特拉维夫已成为该国主要的经济文化和旅游中心。

    Israel 's financial capital and home to the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange , Tel Aviv has become a major center for business , culture , and tourism .

  2. 总部经济:首都经济发展新战略

    ABP economy : The New strategy of Capital Economic Development

  3. 总部经济与首都区域经济发展

    Development of headquarter economics and capital regional economics

  4. 首都节能四举措以总部经济提升首都经济综合竞争力

    Four measures for energy conservation in Beijing Study on the Promoting the Competitiveness of Beijing Economy by the Development of Headquarters Economy

  5. 在这情况,因为他们是有经济的首都的一些,所以习惯是中产阶级的再现有通路。

    In this case , habitus is the reproduction of the middle-class having access because they are the ones that have the economical capital .

  6. 欧洲的柏林和伦敦分别是世界第三和第四大经济强国的首都,其垃圾生产量也都达到了约人均每年一公吨的水平。

    Two European capital cities , Berlin and london , running the third and fourth richest economies in the world , both produce about a tome of rubbish for each household per year .

  7. 它是符合我国经济建设和首都经济发展方向的经济,是北京率先基本实现现代化和建立现代化国际大都市基本框架的助推器和加速器。

    It accords with the economic construction of our country and the developmental direction of the capital 's economy , and impulses and accelerates Beijing to basically achieve modernization and build the fundamental framework of the modern cosmopolitan city .

  8. 叙利亚持续18个月的冲突已严重损害了该国经济,但是在首都大马士革却仍然呈现出了一定程度的安定状态。

    Eighteen months of conflict in Syria have hurt the country 's economy . But in the capital , Damascus , a certain level of normalcy exists .

  9. 首都经济的第一个特征是服务经济,首都财政是首都经济的重要组成部分。

    Service Economy is the first characteristic of Capital Economy . Capital public finance is a most important component of Capital Economy .

  10. 首都经济有广义和狭义之分,狭义首都经济是指和首都功能相联系的经济,广义首都经济还包括北京经济。

    Capital Economy possess dual definations , in a narrow sense , Capital Economy means an economy which link the specified functions of capital of China , while in a broad sense , it contains the regional economy in Beijing other than the above .

  11. 对北京市经济发展与城市建设中的若干问题进行了思考。认为北京经济比首都经济的提法更适合;

    Having pondered over some problems in the economic development of Beijing City and its city construction , The present authors argue that the term of " Beijing economy " is more appropriate than the term " the capital 's economy ";