
jīnɡ jì shānɡ
  • broker;dealer;agent
  1. 4月,该监管机构禁止台湾证券经纪商兆丰资本(MegaCapitalAsia)为在港上市提供咨询。

    In April , the regulator banned Mega Capital Asia , a Taiwanese broker , from advising on listings in Hong Kong .

  2. 经纪商伦敦航运投资者服务公司(freightinvestorservices)的数据显示,2010年度铁矿石掉期合约昨日的交易价格为每吨125.5美元。

    The 2010 calendar year ore swap traded yesterday at $ 125.5 a tonne , according to freight investor services , a London-based broker .

  3. 曲线B可用以描述房屋经纪商出售住宅所需天数的频率分布。

    Curve B could represent the frequency of the number of days required to sell a real-estate brokerage business .

  4. 美国全国地产经纪商协会(NationalAssociationofRealtors)说,这是“温和收缩”。

    A ' mild retreat ' said the National Association of Realtors .

  5. 伦敦铁矿石和煤炭经纪商LondonDryBulk提醒称,价格反弹可能不会持久。

    London Dry Bulk , the iron and coal brokerage , warned that the rally could be short-lived .

  6. 布拉德•欣茨是自由市场的忠实信徒,他曾担任摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)首席财务官,目前在伯恩斯坦研究(BernsteinResearch)做证券分析师,主要关注经纪商、交易所和信托银行。

    Brad Hintz believes in free markets .

  7. 野村和11家其他主要日本经纪商将在下周向日本金融厅(FinancialServicesAgency)提交有关其内控详情的报告。

    Nomura and 11 other major Japan-based brokers are due to give Japan 's Financial Services Agency detailed reports on their internal controls next week .

  8. 一项关于股票经纪商收费的全面调查,将于9月21日发表在《投资者年鉴》(InvestorsChronicle)上。

    A full survey of stockbrokers ' charges will be published in Investors Chronicle on September 21 .

  9. 主要经纪商(primebrokers)和分析人士称,这个问题是对冲基金自身引起的。

    The problem , according to prime brokers and analysts , is caused by the hedge funds themselves .

  10. 全国地产经纪商协会(NationalAssociationofRealtors)7月份成屋签约销售指数从6月份的94.6升至97.6。

    The National Association of Realtors ' pending home sales index rose to 97.6 in July from 94.6 in June .

  11. OptionsGroup对所有大宗经纪商的调查显示,受访者目前认为,过去一年,瑞银的发展速度比其它任何一家投行都快。

    According to the Options Group survey of all prime brokers , the current perception of respondents was that UBS has grown faster over the last year than any other firm .

  12. 总部位于美国的全球衍生品经纪商mfglobal的首席策略师迈克尔罗奇(michaelroche)没那么担心。

    Michael Roche , chief strategist at MF global , the US-based global derivatives broker , is less nervous .

  13. 对于股票经纪商而言,五一劳动节的意义莫过于废除了使他们在繁荣时期更容易赚钱、在市场长期萧条时多数都能安然渡过难关的制度。当年《时代》杂志(Time)如此评论道。

    To stockbrokers , May Day means nothing less than the abolition of the system that has enriched them in good times and pulled many of them through during long periods of market slack , Time magazine noted that year .

  14. 华尔街的交易一开始,伦敦的一些经纪商就宣布将在本周内大量抛售BP公司的股票,这样的抛售往往使股市停板。

    Brokers in London reported heavy turnover in BP shares this week , usually towards the closing of trading , when dealings on Wall Street are beginning .

  15. 在美国,明年将逐步采用一套名为监管全国市场体系(RegulationNationalMarketSystem)的新规则体系,要求经纪商表明:自己已走访过多家交易所、找到了最佳价格。

    In the US , a new system of rules known as Regulation National Market System , to be phased in next year , requires brokers to show they have shopped across exchanges and found the best price .

  16. 高频交易面临的一个重大变化就是,它们必须通过注册成为SEC麾下的经纪商。

    The one major change for HFT firms is that they have to register as brokers with the SEC .

  17. 有一天,或许很快,经纪商就可能开始(begin)敦促我们根据今年或明年的经济增长状况花高价买股票了。

    At some point , maybe even soon , brokers may start urging us to pay too much for stocks on the basis of this year 's economic growth or next .

  18. 会计处理方法差别很大——汇丰(HSBC)按成本价计算投资,而经纪商兼交易商高盛(GoldmanSachs)必须按市价来记入其持有的股票头寸。

    Accounting treatments vary - HSBC carries its investments at cost , while broker-dealer Goldman Sachs must mark its position to market .

  19. 经纪商Needham&Co的分析师估计,今后两年仅仅从《口袋妖怪Go》一项产品中,苹果就可能获得逾30亿美元的营收——苹果对应用内购买项目收入收取30%的分成。

    Analysts at brokerage Needham & Co estimate Apple could make more than $ 3bn in revenues over the next two years from Pok é mon Go alone .

  20. 代表约500家经纪商和中介机构的日本证券业协会(JapanSecuritiesDealersAssociation)从今年开始利用警方数据库核查潜在客户,该数据库包括数以万计与黑帮有染的人员。

    The Japan Securities Dealers Association , representing about 500 brokers and intermediaries , this year began screening prospective clients with a police database of tens of thousands of yakuza-affiliated individuals .

  21. 全美房屋建筑商协会(NationalAssociationofHomebuilders)和美国全国地产经纪商协会(NationalAssociationofRealtors)已经开始争取延长针对买房者的8000美元减税计划。

    The National Association of Homebuilders and the National Association of Realtors have already started their predictable campaigns for the extension of the $ 8000 homebuyer credit .

  22. FreightInvestorsServices驻伦敦铁矿石经纪商迈克尔盖拉德(MichaelGaylard)表示:印度征收出口关税,令市场吃紧。

    The Indian export tax has contributed to tighten the market , said Michael Gaylard , an iron ore broker at Freight Investors Services in London .

  23. 纽约大宗商品经纪商MFGlobal的爱德华•梅尔(EdwardMeir)表示:除了安全的美国国债,没人买其它东西。

    Edward Meir , of commodities broker MF Global in New York , said : Nobody is buying anything else than safe US Treasuries .

  24. 但大多数外部请求(尤其是关于日元libor)要经过交易商间经纪商。

    But the vast majority of external requests , particularly for yen LIBOR , went through the interdealer brokers .

  25. 最近,摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)和巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)等银行也加入其中。经纪商表示,今年迄今为止的交易量已增至约1250万吨。

    Recently , banks such as Morgan Stanley and Barclays Capital have joined , and volumes have increased to about 12.5m tonnes so far this year , brokers say .

  26. 包括高盛(GoldmanSachs)和VirtuFinancial在内的十多家经纪商、自营交易公司及实物大宗商品交易商已签约加入该交易所。

    More than a dozen brokers , proprietary trading firms and physical commodity traders including Goldman Sachs and Virtu Financial have signed on to the exchange .

  27. 作为一名高端经纪商就意味着,我们必须保护客户的隐私,BrownHarrisStevens公司的总裁哈尔·F·威尔基(HallF.Willkie)说。

    One thing of being a high-end broker is we have to protect the privacy of our clients , said Hall F. Willkie , president of Brown Harris Stevens .

  28. 正如债券经纪商mfglobal去年破产所显示的,市场也对资产负债表高度杠杆化、资金状况脆弱的机构施加了更严厉的惩戒。

    The market has also imposed tougher discipline on institutions with highly leveraged balance sheets and fragile funding as the collapse of MF global , the bond broker , showed late last year .

  29. 9月11日,高盛(GoldmanSachs)调高了对百度盈利的预测,并将目标股价定为475美元比华尔街所有23家经纪商都高。

    On 11 September , Goldman Sachs upgraded earnings estimates , with a higher target price $ 475 than any of the 23 brokers on the street .

  30. TDWaterhouse和AllianceTrust等经纪商也在推出限期免交易费等类似优惠,试图以此吸引客户。

    Other brokers such as TD Waterhouse and Alliance Trust are also trying to lure customers with similar offers of free dealing for a limited period .