
jié ɡòu ɡuān xì
  • Structural Relationships;syntagmatic relation
  1. 中性水介质中碳钢CO2腐蚀与其表面膜结构关系

    CO_2 Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Aqueous Solution

  2. SN型活性染料的性能与结构关系的研究&二染料的染色性有与其结构关系的研究

    Study on the relationship between the character and structure of Sn type reactive dye

  3. 变系数结构关系EV模型的参数估计

    Parameter estimation of varying coefficients structural EV model

  4. CT检查能客观地显示突出物和突出物形态、大小、密度、陈旧程度和与周围结构关系。

    Coclusion : CT examination can directly show the shapes , size , density , time of disc herniation and the relationship of peripheral structure that affected .

  5. C2S相、f&CaO相以单体状态存在,未构成相结构关系。

    The phase of C2S and the phase of f-CaO are all in the monomeric state without phase structural relation .

  6. 结论:MSCT观察VA与骨等结构关系准确、方便,在一定程度上可取代DSA有创技术。

    Conclusion : MSCT is a convenient and noninvasive technique in observing VAs and bone structure of the craniocervical region malformation .

  7. 分析V1段入孔异常与解剖结构关系、血管形变及其危害。

    We analysis the abnormality of V1 portion of vertebral artery entering transverse foramen , dissection struction and morphology and its harm .

  8. Reber(1967)首先提出内隐学习这个概念,内隐学习是一种产生抽象知识、平行于外显学习方式的无意识过程,或者说是对客体或者事物之间结构关系的无意识获得。

    Reber ( 1967 ) firstly advanced the conception of implicit learning . Implicit learning is an unconscious process in which abstract knowledge produces going with the explicit learning .

  9. 第2章介绍了信息流和行政组织结构关系。

    Chapter 2 introduces the relationship between information flow and administrative structure .

  10. 尼龙-6单丝透明性与结构关系

    The Relationship Between the Transparency and Structure of Nylon-6 Filament

  11. 非晶硅短程序与电子结构关系的量子化学研究

    The Influence of Short Range Parameters for a-Si on Its Electronic Structures

  12. 蛋白质折叠速度与其拓扑结构关系的研究

    Study on the Relation Between Protein Folding Rate and Its Topological Structure

  13. 经济发展与高等教育学科结构关系的模型研究

    A model of relation between economic development and subject structure of higher education

  14. 利用神经网络模型建立有机物厌氧生物降解性定量结构关系

    Neural Network Applied for Quantitative Structure of Anaerobic Bio-degradability Relationship Model of Organic Substances

  15. 芳香环状低聚物组分分布与单体结构关系的研究

    Studies on Relationship Between Component Distribution of Aryl Cyclic Oligomers and Its Monomer 's Structure

  16. 内循环式水解酸化反应器的动态实验研究内循环式A/O/IAT-IAT工艺处理效果与微生物群落结构关系

    Correlation between Treatment Performance and Microorganism Community Structure in Inside-Circle A / O / IAT-IAT Process

  17. 根据卫星系统的功能结构关系,建立了卫星系统的评估指标体系;

    A criterion system of effectiveness for the satellite system was built according to its function hierarchy .

  18. 为探讨热变性米蛋白的性质与结构关系,分析了大米蛋白加热前后的溶解性能和氨基酸组成变化。

    Solubility and amino acid composition of rice proteins from rice flour and rice dreg were analyzed .

  19. 科学知识图谱是显示科学知识的发展进程与结构关系的一种图形。

    Mapping knowledge domain is a kind of graph showing the relationship between evolution and structure for science knowledge .

  20. 基于这种结构关系的艺术创作,不单单又是一种新的媒介艺术的出现,它超越于媒介之外。

    Based on this structure in the arts , not only is a new media art there , it goes beyond the media .

  21. 心脑之间有生理和文化的双层功能-结构关系,二者并不一一对应。

    Between psychology and brain , there is a relationship of double function-structure which is not corresponding to each other in biology and culture .

  22. 随后对对象模型进行细化和精化设计,给出细化类模型和精化类模型,对整个系统中对象的结构关系进行描述。

    Subsequently , the model was refined and remodeled through delicate design . The whole structure of relations between objects in the system is described .

  23. 首先论文从中频变频电源入手,着重分析了装置的组成形式及控制方法,主要阐明了作为中频变频电源的两大部分&整流电路与逆变电路之间的结构关系及控制要点。

    Firstly , this paper analyses the structure and control methods of medium frequency inverter , point out the relationship between rectifying circuit and inverter circuit .

  24. 现代语言学包括三个组成部分:句法学或语法学、语义学、语用学,其中句法学是研究语言符号之间的结构关系。

    There are three parts in modern linguistics : syntax , semantics , and the syntax is the study of the relationship between the sign structure .

  25. 蓝色所示的类是框架外部的类,将它们放在这里是为了展示与框架的结构关系。

    The classes shown in " blue " color are external to the framework but are represented here to show how they structurally relate to the framework .

  26. 在这样的大背景下,本文主要对知识经济条件下技术创新与垄断结构关系进行了探讨。

    Under such a big background , this article mainly does research on the relation between technical innovation and the monopoly structure under the knowledge economy condition .

  27. 支持产品智能再设计的有效仿真模型应包含产品几何、结构关系、性能参数及环境条件等方面的完整信息;

    To support product intelligent redesign , the efficient simulation model should contain full product information , which is geometry , structure connection , performance parameter and environment condition etc.

  28. B超主要用于对病变形状、位置、病变与周围结构关系的显示,而A超优点在于对病变内部结构和组织学结构、声衰减的判断及定量测量。

    B-mode ultrasonography mainly shows the shape , location and the relation to normal orbital structure , but A-mode ultrasonography is more accurate in internal reflectivity of lesions , and sound attenuation and quantitative .

  29. 语义的泛化和分化导致词缀与前后成分结构关系发生变化,反之,结构改变引起语义虚化,从而词缀产生。

    Semantic generalization and differentiation leads to Affix and relationships before and after changes in composition and structure , on the contrary , structural changes in semantic false cause , and then to affix generated .

  30. 电网主接线图是用电网一次设备来描述电能的发、输、变、配电关系以及拓扑结构关系的图形化表示。

    The graph of electric main wiring is a kind of graphic express , and in this graphic express , it describes relation of electric energy 's generation , transmission , distribution and topology with equipments .